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Everything posted by G27

  1. This came in today's mail - I love it!
  2. Currently: 40S&W: 3500 .223/5.56: 2700
  3. Maybe we should ask Patrick to step in here, but I thought the law stated that you could act in defense of your or another's life you felt was endangered...
  4. (note to self: do not piss off Schwarzgebrannt)
  5. Makes perfect sense, and I consider it an early candidate for POTY. I'd like to spout off how they can pry them from my cold, dead hands, but I honestly don't know what I'd do. I've talked to my wife about it, and while she's not a passionate gun-owner like I am, she's a strong believer that our right aren't granted by the government, but are God-given rights enumerated in our amazing Constitution and that we should be willing to do whatever we have to to stand up for those rights. Tough discussion if we let the machismo fall to the wayside for a few moments, but I think/hope I'd do whatever I knew was necessary to protect our GOD-GIVEN rights.
  6. G27

    Mak-90 value?

    You have any in stock for $350?
  7. This is one of the few situations where I'd be 'the hero', so to speak. Dude starts going after kids and it's on - I'll die in order to take him out if necessary. Otherwise, I'm low and away...
  8. If we were to let it get that far, we'd deserve whatever happens.
  9. Ahh, my mistake - I thought the .40 barrel wouldn't fit the slide...
  10. You can't convert the .357 to .40, only to 9mm. To shoot 9mm all you need is a conversion barrel (I use Lone Wolf) and some G17 mags. The 40 can do both .357 and 9mm.
  11. That started 11.05.08 from what I can tell. It's amazing to me how few people seem to be upset at the number of our Bill or Rights that have been trampled, from Lincoln through today.
  12. Yah, why the thumb down?
  13. Hey Charles, welcome to TGO!
  14. Schwarzgebrannt, if I may... You're obviously new around here, and so I'm assuming you don't understand the vibe of this forum - it's not a flame-forum like most around. If you're willing to discuss the subject at hand maturely, you'll likely find there are more than a handful that agree with you and even those that don't will be respectful - as it stands you are coming across like a teenager and/or a troll.
  15. G27


    This is the correct question!
  16. Man, someone needs to talk to you guys about the birds and the bees...
  17. Welcome!
  18. 10 or 20 round FAL.
  19. Drools... [ame] [/ame]
  20. Indeed, but it is a .308...
  21. G27

    Kel Tec Rifle?

    Never shot the 9mm, but I've had zero issues with the .40 and it was dead accurate out of the box. So as far as "good as", dunno.
  22. Ooh, me likey! That's also about $400 cheaper than I had heard they thought they would sell.
  23. "... and after going through him, his bedroom and outer walls, also derailed that train and brought down that office building..."
  24. Err, from the east, take I40 to the Whitten Road exit, head North (turn right), and go north about three miles or so. Wait. http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en-us&q=2770+whitten+road+38133&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&split=0&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&resnum=1&ct=image There. www.rangeusa.com
  25. Sure.


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