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Everything posted by G27

  1. Question: Where do you bury dead hookers? Answer:
  2. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?maven_referralObject=3479955&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl=http://www.foxnews.com/glennbeck/index.html
  3. Oh, no offense taken - prohibition alone is proof the government can attempt really stupid, impossible things. I just think that in today's world, with instant communication available, they're going to be more sly.
  4. That's fine, but you have to be realistic. If I may point back to my own post: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showpost.php?p=218386&postcount=58 And that's assuming the FFL holders don't have 'mysterious fires' wiping out their paper copies if a gun-grab is ordered. I think we should be prepared for the worst, but I also think we have to have realistic expectations of what the worst can physically even be...
  5. Done! Blackburn has been great and will continue to receive my support for a long time.
  6. Who could have guessed this date would be the beginning of the end of the 10th Amendment?
  7. http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=collierville+army+surplus+map
  8. The Army/Navy surplus in Collierville has some, but the best ones I've found were from a dude on ebay - he's cheaper than they are and they are in GREAT shape. Here's his ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com/Cothrans-Military
  9. Ooooh, BURN!
  10. Only if you are going to follow these unconstitutional rules.
  11. Just one little box each...
  12. G27

    New toy.

    Oooh, me likey!
  13. http://www.agricenter.org/eventcalendar.html
  14. A legitimate concern, IMO. If it were me, I'd shut off the mains power and put the renters in a motel for a night or two if necessary.
  15. I'm assuming he intended it like "free beer tomorrow"..
  16. Kinda depends on the deal offered, doesn't it?
  17. Just remember - it's probably never going to be cheaper than it is right now...
  18. I tell you, I'm finishing up 'Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse' right now and it certainly has me fired up (especially after being reminded of the recent Olofson case)...
  19. I'm with you, but so was confiscating people's firearms.
  20. I would hope so, but it didn't in New Orleans. NOLA's a peculiar case based on two issues: 1] the number of folks who left, and 2] the makeup of people who stayed behind. In NOLA, the population basically left the city, so there were only wide-spread pockets of people left behind - this wouldn't be the case in a nationwide gun grab. By a fairly large margin, the folks who stayed behind did so because they couldn't leave, not because they didn't want to (there were exceptions, I know, but I'm saying the majority) - these folks desperately wanted and needed help and at that point were willing to do whatever it took to get that help. My point is that while NOLA points to the dangers of our government when they see a weakness, NOLA was a unique experience that allowed that to happen easily. If a large scale earthquake suddenly nailed the mid-south (New Madrid fault-line, anyone?), there would be no way to tell it was coming and we'd all be stuck here, for the most part (ever thought about how many bridges you cross to go *anywhere*?). At that point, you have a fairly dense, well-armed population that remembers NOLA - I'd tell the government 'have fun' with an attempted gun grab then... As far as a nationwide grab goes, it simply goes back to physical reality - localized, maybe, but nation-wide, there just isn't the man power.
  21. I dunno, gorillas are scary.
  22. The reality is an gun-grab is virtually impossible - even if you ignore the man-power requirements for a second. For them to grab every gun on file, they'd have to pull the 4473's from every FFL in the country (or even area) - how long do you think it would take for word to get out about that? Once they started, there's simply no where near the man power to hit every gun owner's residence at once, they'd start going door-to-door. How long do you think it would take word to get around about that? As soon as word gets out, people will start organizing/hiding, etc. How long would it take for each group of searchers to find every gun in a residence? Let's say they only spend one hour/house - with an estimated 40 million households with guns (assuming 30 million households simply turn them in), that's at least 10 million hours of searching per team, assuming 5 members/team would yield some 50 million man/hours of enforcement, just to grab the guns! Forget the other laws of the land, the defense of the country, etc... They may work toward using the law to restrict our rights, but I don't think it's physically possible for there to be a gun grab in the US.
  23. Haha, nice!
  24. Bring it! I'm gonna score more 5.56 from Joe @ Hero when that shipment arrives. Not sure if I'm going to get much more .40S&W (just over 2k of those rounds are Speer Gold Dots). If I can find a remotely decent deal on a clean FAL I'll start stockpiling the 7.62x51...
  25. Glocktalk gets a little touchy when the subject of defending your rights with deadly force arises. A little PC for me, but it's not my forum.


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