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Everything posted by G27

  1. Bingo - mention the NRA to almost anyone and they know who you are talking about - try that with the GOA. The NRA has clout that the GOA doesn't have. If you feel strongly about your rights, join both. Further, I can likely find quite a few bits of legislation that has been made or shot down due to the MRA lobby - can you find anything similar from the GOA?
  2. Agreed. What's with all these accidental shootings by cops lately?
  3. Even worse, not paying income tax is unconstitutional! We may hate it, but unless we amend the constitution otherwise, it's as much a part of it as the Bill of Rights.
  4. Ditto, great minds...
  5. Just keep in mind that most tables are VERY proud of their selection and quite a few are using 4473's w/ TICS. Not much reason to buy there unless you find a good surplus rifle, imo.
  6. I dunno, I'd sure like for Jackdog to point it out to me (and answer the question regarding hearing from the IRS). Also, the 16thA gives congress the right to levy income taxes, so all you can do is hope to put off the inevitable.
  7. Again, have you ever heard from the IRS? Threatening letters?
  8. It was pretty crowded at the show and most of the desirable rifles were priced for those with more desire to own one than sense regarding the price. Truthsayer found a couple of good deals though I was unable to find anything that really turned my head. I was also pretty bummed to see that most of the gun dealers were using 4473's w/ TICS. What gunshow loophole? Anyway, here's a pic of the line that I took around 11AM today: And some genuine HCP badges with truthsayer: After I snapped that pic of the badges the guy came out and told me "no pictures" - I guess even he's embarrassed by them...
  9. Ahh, that's where we differ - I care not how I appear to the public when legally demonstrating for my rights - I only care how the government sees it. And they will see it as I stated above - we're armed and organized. Agree to disagree. There are potential negatives that go hand-in-hand with every action, only the timid allow the 'what-ifs' to keep them from protecting their rights. No offense intended here, but I'm certainly glad our founding fathers didn't share your attitude.
  10. Amen. And the underlying message sent is this - we're armed and we're organized. Think about that one...
  11. Well, what's worse is the EPA is unconstitutional, just like the DOE (energy), the DOE (education), the FDA, the BATFE, etc, etc. If the Constitution doesn't specifically grant the right to the Fed Gov, then it belongs to the state or the people. We're so far away from the original constitution that our governors have less power than the president!
  12. I've heard of people doing this before but have never met someone who actually claims to have done it. Have you never heard anything from the IRS? No threatening letters?
  13. That analogy fails, imo. The CCHP badge is silly and serves no purpose - I dare say marching on Washington to show solidarity and demonstrate that we will not back down is a very useful thing. The more we do NOW to protect our right means the less we'll have to do later. This has nothing to do with mallninjaism (woohoo, I coined a word!) and everything to do with protecting the freedoms enumerated in the US Constitution.
  14. Yah, I think that's where the IRS returns your 1040 saying "you owe a LOT more than you paid last year". *sigh* Anyone up for a tea party?
  15. Haha, nicely played, Reservoir Dog.
  16. G27

    My AR Build

    Rawk. You'll love the quality.
  17. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17050
  18. Wow, that's VERY nice to see. Wonder if we can get this stated in Tennessee...
  19. No problemo - reading 'Point of Impact' again right now, to be followed with a re-reading of 'Master Sniper'...
  20. Haha, same with my wife. She wonders why I sit around reading Stephen Hunter books all the time...
  21. This is exactly why I prefer shopping at HeroGear. Joe is very upfront about his desire, "I don't want to sell you one gun, I want to sell you 10 guns!" He know that with great service he'll earn his customer's trust and guys like me will drive five hours to get what they need (and bring their parents in to buy stuff, too). I know HeroGear isn't the only place around with great service (RangeUSA is near here and is similar, with the somewhat dubious distinction of having very, very little in stock), but when I find someone willing to patiently spend time explaining rudimentary issues about something I have little experience with, I stick with them. I haven't spent a ton of money at HeroGear yet, but I will.
  22. I have no idea what this is referring to, but anytime we move back towards the 10th, it's good. Sadly, I believe it's going to take pitchforks and torches to make the Feds stop wasting our tax money on all the unconstitutional programs they have (which accounts for probably 75% of the federal government)...
  23. Dude, sorry to hear about that! What sort of a camera setup do you have there?
  24. Regardless, if this happens, I'm there. I'll have room for three more to go with (one seat is already spoken for)...
  25. Before, TEOTWAWKI is 2012, duh...


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