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Everything posted by G27

  1. Good luck with that one - the courts have ruled over and over again that the 16thA does apply to personal income/wages.
  2. Man, I just saw this video of a DEA guy who shoots himself in front of a classroom full of kids!
  3. Haha, if we resorted to that, that would have been the most commonly used word at this show...
  4. I can't believe they would get it wrong but there were easily more than 2000 people there when I was there.
  5. Bingo. And if anyone thinks ANY of those laws would last more than about one second under scrutiny of a lawsuit, they're crazy. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
  6. FWIW, the show I went to this weekend wasn't properly posted so I CCW'd my G27 the whole time.
  7. GREAT news. If I wasn't already a member, I would have done that in an instant!
  8. So be it. I'm OK with that. In my eyes, the constitution supersedes all laws.
  9. Also, here's our favorite former Seal talking about it: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DRmuljq9yw[/ame]
  10. This stuff's actually been around for a while: [ame] [/ame]
  11. I'm no internet tough guy and have NO idea how I might react if the situation arises, but I can tell you this - anyone who is willing to enforce unconstitutional laws/orders is my enemy and an enemy of my country. What I'm willing to do doesn't depend on what they wear for their day job.
  12. Good call, I can't believe I forgot to include that link...
  13. Fenix fan here.
  14. Perfect. PM inbound.
  15. Do you typically have these in stock? I should be over your way in a couple of weeks...
  16. Wow, that's awesome.
  17. Sorry to ask an ignorant question, but if it's not a complete upper, what is it? Link or info, please? Yah, I'm an AR newbie...
  18. Something few people know about me is that while I'm blessed to operate a successful company now, just six years ago I (including my expecting wife and first child) spent time "on welfare", receiving food stamps (EBT card) and WIC. My second child was delivered via TennCare. I went on to start my own business as my former employer didn't pay anything remotely resembling 'fair' but was on government assistance for about a year. We wouldn't have been able to keep our house or start my new business had it not been for that assistance. Now, due to the success of my business, I pay more in taxes each year than I grossed annually at my former employer. I have more than paid the great citizens of my state and country back for their blessing us during those tough times. While I depended on help then, it did not change my views or cause me to vote from that perspective - if anything, it gave me a deeper understanding of how great this country is and how many opportunities abound even for those who can't always make it on their own. I was always embarrassed to pay for my groceries with WIC coupons and our EBT card, always felt people staring at me (whether true or not). It was a tough time for a proud man such as myself, but I kept my head down and we made it through. To act as if anyone who is on welfare is less of a citizen is disgusting to me, offensive. Do I believe many/most people on welfare are like me, using it as a bridge over the rough times instead of making it part of my lifestyle? No, I'm not that naive. Do we need welfare reform? Absolutely. Change the system, yes, it's time for an overhaul. But don't you dare judge people who are using the system in a time of need. And don't dare take away their constitutional right to vote.
  19. I only have 'a few' guns, but every one of them is all black...
  20. Wow, I don't think I agree with a single one of those... #1 There is no national language in the US. #2 Just because someone is on welfare doesn't mean they will only vote their interests. #3 My wife is a stay-at-home mom who has zero income and pays zero taxes. #4 I'm a devout Christian but you have GOT to be kidding me... #5 What if adult children live at home? What if one spouse wishes to vote third-party? #6 Disagree completely. We have amendments regarding equal voting rights - part of our constitution. A dirty cop (being specific here, not all cops are dirty) doesn't deserve any more of a vote than the business owner who's taxes pay the salary of an entire police department.
  21. While I'm not a reloader (yet - I'm just starting to read some recommended books on it), when I buy my equipment, it will be Dillon, based on experiences like this alone. Companies like this deserve our support!
  22. Our forefathers, who were far wiser and forward-thinking than most everyone I've ever known, didn't think service should be a mandatory part of citizenship - nor do I.
  23. Wow, nice to hear you can shoot most rifle calibers there. Could be worth the drive to check out. (This from the guy that hasn't even made it up to Brighton Arms (half the distance) yet...)
  24. Ouch.


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