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Everything posted by G27

  1. G27


    Hahaha @ "yes we can", very nice.
  2. Yah, I love that story. It's a part of our history that you won't find being taught in the classroom, that's for sure... Wikipedia has some about it, too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946)
  3. Nice. I just wish you had the circulation the CA does (not that that's saying much nowadays). If we could pool some cash, we could get a billboard or something...
  4. Protectionism along with an effort to re-establish a national pride that's so widely derided by the national media and far left. The first part (protectionism) is easy, it's merely passing laws. The rest of the world might not like it, but frankly, since we account for over 20% of the world's GDP, it doesn't matter what they think/like. The second part - a renewed national pride - would be much harder, but would start with the little things (like officials wearing flag pins, hehe) and would require admonishment of the press from our elected leaders to avoid the 'trashing of America' that's so prevalent in modern media. Yes sir, I work in the music industry.
  5. Once again, this was not the case before our great leaders removed/greatly reduced (depending on the country and commodity in question) protectionism. VERY few people will spend more for the same product just because of where it's manufactured. American products are, in probably better than 99% of the cases, superior to their Chinese counterparts, but because the Chinese have none of the basic rights and protections allowed the manufacturing workers and consumers, they can sell the stuff for pennies on the dollar. You can't, however, use that to argue that it's simply the American people's fault - up until about 20 years ago import tariffs made the Chinese products at least comparable in price to the superior American products, so 'buying American' meant spending little more money but virtually always getting a superior product. Our fearless leaders, with their desire to help the rest of the world develop on the back of our success, decided protectionism wasn't fair and look where it got us. Hence my point - BOTH the American buyer and the Fed Gov are responsible for this mess. For the record, I refuse to shop at Walmart (and a few other stores) due to their stocking almost all foreign made products. My wife and I strive to only buy American where possible (buying US-made shoes for children is nearly impossible and you know how I feel about US-made autos), and if we have to buy from an overseas manufacturer, we avoid anything from China or Taiwan. While Mexico isn't America, they are lot closer to us wrt worker's rights and such, in large part due to US influence. We live this way because we think it's what's good for the USA and we love our country, but if we weren't blessed financially I don't think we could do it - it often costs a LOT more to buy American, and in some cases the difference in quality is nil.
  6. Yer toast. Kidding. My wife and I basically exchange cards for Valentines Day - it's simply a 'holiday' created to sell product, nothing more. My opinion is that if you have to rely on a cheesy manufactured holiday to show your significant other that you care you've already lost...
  7. Hahaha, that's exactly what I was thinking as I read this.
  8. My Hondas were built right here in the US with US made parts- it's doubt you can say that for your 'domestics' (Mexican, more than likely). Auto's are one of the few things that the foreign companies are flat-out doing better (and my Honda's both cost a good bit more than their poorly-made American counterparts). Amazing that you're willing to insinuate that what's good for the country is to prop up poorly made products simply because they're American-made - that, in fact, is part of what got us where we are. Lazy and dogmatic don't carry you far as an individual or a country.
  9. G27


    The sad part is he only changed his carry piece about once/year...
  10. I'd like to see where they got all those figures. Not that it's unbelievable, as the US accounts for more than 20% of the world GDP already, but I've seen plenty of 'panic' articles lately that when you looked behind the curtain it was plain that things weren't as they had been presented.
  11. You do realize we've historically had protectionism via import tariffs, right? Those were essentially removed about 20 years ago and guess what - Americans bought what was cheap, not what was made in the US. There's no way Americans can compete with Mexico or China wrt cheap manufacturing. So yah, the fed gov't is complicit - if they hadn't 'opened the doors' to cheap foreign goods we'd pay more for stuff but we'd keep jobs and money here. Americans have proved over and over that quantity supersedes quality in daily life. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but since the government allows people the choice between buying cheap (foreign) goods vs buying better quality (domestic) goods, we've overwhelmingly chosen cheap (foreign). That's just ONE example of how the government, in it's desire to placate the whole world (even at OUR expense), has screwed us. I don't think the people in DC are evil or have some master plan to subjugate us, I think they have lost their way and make decisions based on feelings rather than the constitution. So yah, the government has had it's role in getting us here. Surely Americans could have been more responsible, but a vast majority of Americans are less leveraged than the US government.
  12. I suggest our 2A rights are just part of a growing list of grievances many have with our elected officials. While I generally agree with you on this, it's not that simple. The government's elimination of protectionism is the reason off-shore manufacturing has boomed, sending our jobs and dollars overseas, for example. To suggest the federal government (in particular) isn't complicit in getting us into this situation is wrong, imo. One only needs to look at the stimulus bill waiting to be signed by the president to see how badly we are being screwed by our own government.
  13. Tell me what you want it to say (besides the address information) and I'll throw one together after dinner.
  14. It would take about five minutes. I could probably stick it on the crimsonaudio.net server...
  15. Haha, apparently they just delete ANY public records that expose their privacy. I guess that's typical of the Comical Appeal.
  16. I like how they can dish it out but can't take it - luckily I took these screenshots before it was removed: Is 'yzzud' someone from here?
  17. Oooh, someone posted the 'private' data of the news people in the comments... {edit - hahaha, they removed it all!}
  18. 180 gn Speer Gold Dots in .40S&W here.
  19. There are plenty of threads on TGO that don't interest me. I just don't click on them. Try it, it works. I'm happy folks are getting riled up about what's (been) happening in DC (for years). It's about time we made ourselves heard.
  20. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
  21. Patent pending is a legal term that means the patent has been applied for and he's awaiting approval or denial from the USPTO. If he claims to have a patent application pending but does not he can be fined. I doubt he's claiming that without actually having a patent submitted...
  22. I glanced at it a few minutes ago - I like the premise but don't care for the fact that it seems to be partisan - both dems and repubs are at fault for this country being so far from its Constitutional roots. For something like this to be effective, they need to dump the partisanship and focus on the stuff BOTH parties are doing wrong and it's effect on our great country.
  23. Do you really want even more nanny laws?
  24. http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/21018/


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