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Everything posted by G27

  1. Ask and ye shall receive - you can download the video here as an MP4 or here as a WMV. (Just right+click on the appropriate link and 'save target/linked file as' to download...)
  2. I can't wait to read it, it's been added to my Amazon wish list so I don't forget to buy it. Is he a really good writer, though? So many books I read nowadays are really boringly written - the author tries to write compellingly but it's obvious they're really just average writers overall. For example, Steven Hunter writes interesting stories but his writing is rather 'eh'...
  3. I still suggest that renting a billboard right beside the CA with several names/addresses of CA editors will make the point. Make take raising some cash, but I'm in for a bit to make it happen. How do you think this Peck(er) guy would feel seeing his personal information (all public record, of course) on a nice, big billboard on the way to 'work' (I use that term loosely) every AM?
  4. Wow! http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2009/HCR0006.html
  5. G27

    'Taking Chance'

    Awesome, thanks!
  6. G27

    'Taking Chance'

    Is this the Kevin Bacon movie? I want to see it, but don't subscribe to HBO here, hopefully it will hit DVD.
  7. I think that's better advice. I tend to shoot 2-3 mags of my SD ammo every trip, then use FMJ after that.
  8. I personally fid this advice silly unless one rarely shoots. Assuming you've properly tested your handgun with your carry ammo, it doesn't matter. If it helps you sleep better wasting money on more expensive ammo for punching holes in paper after you're comfortable with the fact that your carry ammo runs well through your handgun, then by all means do so, but calling it necessary is silly to those of us who have fired thousands and thousands of rounds through our handguns with no issue.
  9. I really like the wording of that intro from TN. Of course, unless the states are willing to do without federal funding it won't amount to much. If, however, the states are willing to financially take care of themselves sans federal funding this movement will have some teeth. As it should.
  10. Do it. Just do it.
  11. Doesn't matter in Shelby Co - even a sole prop like myself (business is closed with zero income) has to serve when called. I thankfully got myself excused from TWO sequestered juries...
  12. Weird, I served back in November (county) and when done was told i would not be called again for 10 years (policy here).
  13. Looks like more and more states are making these laws to protect the citizens in case of emergency - I like this very much!
  14. http://www.al.com/news/press-register/metro.ssf?/base/news/12351249955120.xml&coll=3 Wow, never thought I'd see that in Alabama! Just a reminder to keep ever vigilant...
  15. Wow, I'm surprised to find out Chuck Norris is gay. But hey, we have visual proof. Def gay.
  16. Thanks for posting this.
  17. Hahaha, yeah, I know...
  18. After reading up on this more, I might have been incorrect earlier - it appears the Canadians are suggesting OUR state dept will implement this ammo import ban. We'll see...
  19. If it's good enough for Bob The Nailer it's good enough for me!
  20. All the reports I've seen on this state this is a Canadian ban on importing ammo from the US... {edit: yah, look at the paragraph above what you posted - this is written from the Canadian perspective...)
  21. I'm starting to believe you really don't understand the functioning issues at hand - this isn't something we can just 'take action' on and work our way out of. The economy runs on debt - always has, always will - so when consumers can't borrow (the credit still isn't there, for a variety of reasons) the economy grinds to a halt. I don't agree with TARP but if it hadn't happened the economy would have completely crashed late last year - we were literally hours away from a complete crash in late Sept 08. This is nowhere near as simple as you continue to paint it out to be. And frankly, your attitude of 'buy American and it will save us' is about as helpful as us typing on this forum - the trade deficit is a function of this but only a small part at this point.
  22. Were it as simple as mere protectionism! The reality is that we have better than 65% of our population with a negative net worth and the federal government is acting as if it wants to emulate that. Protectionism is definitely a part of the fix, but the market will have to hard reset before it can grow in a healthy manner - this isn't as simple as a few decisions we make - until we have a manufacturing base in this country that can balance the trade deficit (we don't manufacture enough goods to replace imports and most Americans (as outlined above) are too leveraged to pay the necessary higher costs of goods that are American made products) we'll continue to sink further in debt. So step one is protectionism, no doubt. But this problem is massively complex and won't be easily solved at this point.
  23. It'll be interesting to see what happens if this economic downturn continues (and there's little reason to believe it won't at this point) - DJI was down almost 300 points today (3.8%) and there's little consumer confidence to bolster the market. How long do you think it's going to be before more states are in California's position (facing insolvency)? If that happens, we'll see things get bad in a hurry...
  24. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/17/obama-defends-bush-rule-permitting-guns-national-parks/
  25. RangeUSA fan here...


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