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Everything posted by G27

  1. G27

    Radar Detectors

    Some of us have received tickets that were either incorrectly attributed to us or have inadvertently drifted above the speed limit. I know I have on both accounts. If it were as back-and-white as 'doing the speed limit', many of us wouldn't want or need radar detectors...
  2. waynesan, thanks for taking the time to post this - it makes it very easy for me to contact my rep and senator regarding the issues. Making it easier for us to speak to our elected representatives is a nobel cause, thank you.
  3. G27

    Radar Detectors

    My Escort Passport 8500 x50 has saved my bacon too many times to count at this point. Unless you're the only car on a long stretch of road you'll read the popo when they shoot the guy in front of you, even from a mile or two ahead with modern detectors. Oh, and the good ones almost never give false positives like the older ones did...
  4. Just ordered The Road (found the hardcover on Amazon!) along with a few more books yesterday. Will re-read hunter's Master Sniper to hold me over until the new shipment arrives...
  5. RangeUSA sells reloads for about .20/round if you buy in bulk (500 rounds is about $100). Like any ammo, you have to keep an eye out for bad rounds, but despite a few weird finds I've still had better experience with the reloads at RUSA than the new UMC stuff you can get at Bass Pro...
  6. Reloads or new ammo?
  7. That SV650 looks sweet. I'd def look at a crossover bike, though. Is there something between the SV650 and the DRZ400SM?
  8. I figured it wouldn't make it to chamber as well. Nope! I don't overly scrutinize, but I check every round before it hits the mag. Some things (like dented brass) aren't so obvious, but stuff like this certainly is...
  9. Yah, my Glocks eat that stuff like candy. In the box of 500 I bought yesterday I did have three with bad primers, which is pretty unusual, but the ammo also looked dirtier and well, less 'quality' than it normally does. One of my kids jokingly told me I was lucky I saw that as I would have been shot in the shoulder had I fired it. hehe
  10. Was at the range today (shooting some reloads I bought there) and found this gem: As you can see in this shot, it even comes with dented brass as a bonus:
  11. Nah, he was the chosen guy for the Libertarian party but decided not to run - I think he just didn't want to do it.
  12. G27

    Best transfer price

    Did you call all the numbers from the GunBroker database? I haven't called around but there were a handful of people who had FFL's and can do transfers cheaply that don't show up as gun dealers in normal searches...
  13. Excellent idea. If only Ron Paul had actually run this last election...
  14. http://www.ammoengine.com/
  15. Not using your boys as a speedbag here, but I do agree with JeepMonkey here - I'd not have said a word. Escalation is your enemy when carrying, imo. I',m betting if you hadn't told the guy to get effed it would have died down. That being said, glad it all worked out ok.
  16. G27


  17. G27

    Go LSN Warning

    I'd tell them to pound sand.
  18. Absolutely - the first part of the class is learning the basic operations of both semi-autos and revolvers. Trust me, they start the class under the assumption that you have no clue about handguns.
  19. Big RangeUSA fan here, highly recommended...
  20. X3. In addition, it allows for you to change your mind later...
  21. I didn't say the AR was as reliable as the AK - that would be foolishness. Just making the point that if you aren't willing to grab your AR if the SHTF, then there's probably some things that need attention. Not sure why anyone would want a gun they couldn't depend on if necessary.
  22. Haha, not the ones I know - they HATE the AK. I asked.
  23. Man, I see this all the time - if your AR is that bad off, you need to have it worked on. Funny how all the guys I know serving don't have issues their M16's and M4's...
  24. I know I'm in the minority here, but I can't bring myself to desire to own a gun that I so completely associate with those towel-heads in the ME. Gimme an M14 if I need something bigger than a 5.56, no thanks on the AK.


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