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Everything posted by G27

  1. Hrmm, IANAL, but that sure sounds like a massive increase in the castle doctrine, allowing you to protect your property with deadly force...
  2. What's to start? No one said anything about political parties. Some of us feel that both republicans and democrats have stabbed us in the back. Instead of trying to deflect the discussion off topic, why not weigh in on the fact that Obama is currently set to spend the largest amount of annual budgetary deficit spending in the history of the world? Bush hurt us economically by spending $2.9 trillion more than he had in his eight years, but Obama has promised more than half that in his first 50 days...
  3. Mine is a reassessment, but it's still almost $100k below market value, eve in this depressed market.
  4. Hahaha, I'm really sorry I can't have your help... You're seeing what you want to see. It's sad that you don't realize that. That being said, I'm not going to continue to discuss this with someone so obviously biased - I have no horse in the GB race. I'm betting that most people are logical enough to come to a conclusion other than the one at which you arrived (a safe bet, imo). Have fun!
  5. I suppose you're referring to this video: Assuming you are, please re-watch it - he never called RP supporters (which I'm one of) terrorists. The worst he said was that there were two conclusions one could come to - one of discussion (fine) or one of terrorism (not fine). Only an illogical person would infer that GB accused RP supporters of terrorism from what was actually said. If this is not what you continually refer to, please provide a link. Thanks.
  6. Wow, talk about a straw man example...
  7. Yah, my house miraculously increased in value by some $67k since this time last year...
  8. Typical - ignore the message and attack the messenger. As I said in the other thread - his motivations don't matter. As long as he's waking people up and moving us in the right direction, I couldn't care less if his motivation is money, fame, or real desire for positive change.
  9. I guess, I don't really keep up with that sort of stuff. In reality, he's someone who can help unite we the people in an effort to retake our rights. Whether you like him or not, he accomplished more in one day than you or I have, as far as we know - probably 10,000x more. I care not about his motivations - if the truth is spread and people wake up, I'm happy.
  10. Reminder: for those who are interested, the We Surround Them special will air today at 5PM EST, 4PM CST on FoxNews. http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/21018/
  11. Yep, they add it to tobacco as they know cigs are not PC. I don't use any tobacco, but it still pisses me off.
  12. I've had an AHolster pocket for my G27 for a bit now and I love it - use it every day...
  13. I pocket carry my G27 (same dimensions as the G26) everywhere I go and it's never drawn any attention. I'm a fairly big guy, so that def factors in, but I also feel more comfy having 10 + a reload available than just five...
  14. http://www.theonion.com/content/video/president_to_face_down_monster
  15. True, but symbolism does two things - it sends a message and it also makes it easy for people to get involved and show their disgust. The hard part is getting people to wake the frick up and see how bad things are - once they are awake we can work towards changes at the polls. just my .02 - might not make ANY difference, but i want them to know how disgusted I am at their spending $1 BILLION dollars per hour so far: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0309/19884.html
  16. It just has to make the news. And the president will know about it. I'm doing this.
  17. G27

    FN SCAR?

    After seeing that one go for around $9k on Gunbroker, I lost any interest I had...
  18. Did you have necrosis or not? I've seen some NASTY wounds from the necrosis following a brown recluse bite. I was bitten by one back in the summer of '04 and while I had a strong allergic reaction (eyes itched terribly and were so bloodshot my eyes were completely red, no white to be seen), there was zero necrosis. Turns out I'm (apparently) part of a smallish percentage of folks who are somewhat tolerant to the venom. The doc recommended I not try to get bit again to test that theory and I've done my best to follow his advice.
  19. G27

    Radar Detectors

    I've read in several places that lidar is only admissible to court at distances <1k ft and it can only be run while stationary. That's probably why every municipality I've driven through in the last few years uses such high percentages of radar vs lidar. As stated above, the lidar detector is simply something to tell you to look at your speedo and if you are exceeding the limit, be prepared to stop.
  20. Yep! I rather like having wolf spiders about as they eat tons of pests...
  21. Strength lies in numbers and preps - if you don't have both, it would seem you are simply prolonging the inevitable. Not trying to put a damper on your idea, but if you stop and consider it, there are some issues if things get so bad you need a retreat: 1] how many men/people do you need to patrol the perimeter as well as the primary entrance/exit? If you ONLY have two men at each position, that 4-men/shift, which means if each man works an 8-hour shift you need 12 men minimum with no one ever being sick/injured or taking time off. 2] how are you going to build your house structure? If it's burnable, it will take only a very few determined individuals to get you out. 3] will this be a true self-reliable homestead capable of not only keeping folks out but allowing you to survive long term without leaving? If you ever need to leave, a determined party can simply hang out and wait until you are vulnerable - when you leave the property. I hope this works out for you and you can share you design hurdles and solutions with us, but as I've considered this for a few years, I can't see it working in the real world without SERIOUS training of all those involved. Certainly there's no certain answer to all situations, but all else being equal, strength does seem to come with numbers...
  22. G27

    Radar Detectors

    Umm, ok. Dunno what that means but ok.
  23. G27

    Radar Detectors

    Since you haven't driven around with a detector in 'probably 10 yrs', I'd suggest your data is outdated or faulty. 90%+ of the cops I see are sitting/cruising with the KA blazing...


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