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Everything posted by G27

  1. G27

    AIG Bonuses

    We need to keep our eyes on the ball - the AIG bonuses and the resulting 'outrage' by the President and Congress are happening in order to keep our focus off the fact that Obama and Congress have spent (or committed to spending) almost $2.5 trillion (that's 15,000x the AIG bonuses) in deficit spending alone...
  2. Haha, that's a stupidly worded question as yah, your answer can have the same meaning regardless as to whether you say 'yes' or 'no'.
  3. I didn't see any Obama folks at the gun show...
  4. Found what I was looking for, so it was worth the trip. My new (to me) Mossberg 500: I'm going to cut it down to 18.5", but other than that, it's good to go!
  5. I think there's some reason Natchez can't directly to the buyer in TN, but I don't recall what it is.
  6. Nope, ammo can be shipped directly to your house, no FFL required.
  7. The bulk reloads from RangeUSA are what I shoot in my Glocks.
  8. Yah, when I saw this, I emailed RKShows and they are indeed having another one this weekend. I guess with the turnout the way it was last time, they're thinking 'why not?'...
  9. You've obviously not spent much time watching the news lately - that 'joke' is about as funny as mentioning your bomb on an airplane. Good luck!
  10. Just to clarify my earlier post - none of the thousands and thousands of reloads I've shot were my own hand loads - they were bought in bulk at the range. Never a problem aside from a rare bad primer (misfire).
  11. http://www.ammunitiontogo.com http://www.ammoman.com Both have some .45ACP in stock, not exactly sure what you're looking for. I've bought tons from both with zero issues.
  12. http://www.nraila.org/News/Read/NewsReleases.aspx?ID=12245 They know it's political suicide.
  13. Let's roll - we need a list of advertisers we can see here and copy/email to everyone we know.
  14. QFT.
  15. The very fact that you would post this on a public forum makes me wonder how much time you have left as a free man...
  16. For the record, I've probably shot more than 10k reloads through my Glock 22 and 27 in the last year, zero problems.
  17. Wait, if it's internet sales only, how do you get your firearm?
  18. At the rate Obama and congress have been spending money since taking office, that 4:08 equals $68,000,000 spent by our federal gov...
  19. That's terrifying...
  20. hrmm, chicken or egg?
  21. Yah, I saw that the other day - $0.60/rnd for UMC? Wow.
  22. The reason I figured it would fall under CD is because it sounds like some of the laws that have been so talked about in Texas (among other places). I guess we'll just have to wait and see - I'm not one who would shoot someone over property unless the world was very different than it is now...
  23. Ahh, thanks. So nice to have a real lawyer around... hehe


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