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Everything posted by G27

  1. That's a great video...
  2. It's been voted / passed / signed by the House and Senate and is transmitted to the governor for his signature... http://laws.leg.mt.gov/laws09/LAW0203W$BSRV.ActionQuery?P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=&P_BILL_NO=&P_BILL_DFT_NO=LC0671&Z_ACTION=Find&P_SBJ_DESCR=&P_SBJT_SBJ_CD=&P_LST_NM1=&P_ENTY_ID_SEQ= Awesome.
  3. Nice, thanks. Looks like my wife has FINALLY decided she needs to take the THCP class, hopefully will be doing so early next week (a friend is going then, she hopes to go through with her). RangeUSA rocks.
  4. How much is the basic PepperBlaster?
  5. Yah, she seems to favor the free market. I'm fine with that. Thanks for explaining your view, it's appreciated.
  6. Just got back from the Tax Day Tea Party here in Memphis - the turn out was better than I expected. It was nice to see so many folks gathered to voice their disgust and it was NOT about party affiliation. Approaching, you can see the news coverage was there: The outskirts of the crowd (yellow registration tent on left): The crowd around the registration tent (most were off to the side at the stage): And a few crowd shots from where we stood, just off stage right: I was really proud so many folks showed up to show the folks we elected that we find their spending immoral. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of we, the people, taking back our country.
  7. What's the problem with Blackburn? I think she does a great job representing us.
  8. Mine increased substantially, but is still a good bit below real market value of the house, so be careful - it's a double-edged sword.
  9. Sure you can - sign up! Besides, they need it more than we do. I'll never complain about us outfitting our military with good equipment.
  10. Yah, that bill is the most meaningful to me out of all of these. *fingers crossed*
  11. The would-be pirates. if they knew that they would be killed without hesitation, they'd look elsewhere for 'employment'. Kinda goes back to 'no negotiating with terrorists'...
  12. Indeed. Sadly, the modern world (including many Americans) don't have the stomach for doing what's needed. If we responded to each and every attack on a ship with total annihilation of the pirates, no matter what, they would find another way to get by...
  13. Yah, attack the grammar instead of the message...
  14. Yowch - that one seems to say that if you get an order of protection taken out against you, you must surrender all your firearms to the sheriff. Not a fan of that one at all.
  15. Looks like it takes it a step further by actually applying it to 'martial law' not just states of emergency.
  16. I'm an engineer in the Memphis area, probably unable to shoot with you guys any time soon, but carry daily...
  17. I'd love to see us send in the SEALs at night and wipe those pirates out, literally taking no prisoners, and dumping their bodies overboard. Make a statement with action. I fear we have the wrong person in the WH to make this happen.
  18. 44M, you keep bringing up 'money from China' - you do realize that only 7% of our debt is owned b y China, don't you? And that a majority our national debt is held by US citizens and business who invest in the relative safety of US T-bills, don't you? Nah, I didn't think so... Likewise, in your rush to paint conservative gun-owners with the broad brush of ignorance, you miss over and over again what gun-rights mean - that individuals who are law abiding citizens have the RIGHT to protect themselves (or own guns just for fun) should they choose. The government exists to serve us, not to 'protect us from ourselves' - this is what socialism is, and it disgusts those of us who believe in the rights of the individual. Re: Croatia - how you can possibly draw on that as a comparative data point is beyond me - a country whose entire population is less than many cities here. A country whose move to Democracy started less than two decades ago. This isn't comparing apples and oranges, but rather more like comparing apples and orangutans. In short, feel free to continue spewing your hatred and ignorance for what we affectionately know as 'American values', that's protected b y one of those principles we hold near and dear. Just don't expect us to welcome you with open arms...
  19. C'mon, Sun, don't you know we hate the children? Yeesh...
  20. What you don't seem to understand is that we, as Americans, value our individual freedoms over all else - this is unique to the US. It doesn't matter to us, generally speaking, if a method that requires us relinquishing our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (note there's no guarantee of happiness) might be considered by some as 'better'. Perhaps this truly is a unique attitude here - if so, it's one of the things that makes us special. Regardless, if you wish to convince us that some other method may be better, you're going to have to show us a country where your desired method works better than ours - regardless of our problems (and yes, I openly concede we have many), we're still the most free place on earth that allows you the most amazing opportunities to succeed wildly (or fail miserably). I wouldn't change that aspect for anything in the world...
  21. Well, I'm definitely enlightened, but not about communism or socialism...
  22. Good post, thanks.


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