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Everything posted by G27

  1. here we go...
  2. Message calendar up right now, HB0962 is up next...
  3. Nothing yet.
  4. You pick one, I'll do the other...
  5. I'll ht you as soon as I see it, though someone may beat me to the punch...
  6. Just emailed my rep and senator thanking them for their continued service in fighting for our 2A rights - we need to encourage them to vote for these!
  7. Ban wheel weights - it's for the children! Umm, waitaminute...
  8. Ugh. I hope we don't lose this one...
  9. That's the best smiley ever.
  10. If you keep an inventory database, I'll bet some local college kid would love to write a simple script that would automatically update the website in real time.
  11. Dude, seriously?
  12. The Ongoing Ammunition Shortage :: Guns Holsters and Gear
  13. Hahaha, I knew you'd be all over this thread...
  14. And considering they have handed down some of the whackiest rulings ever, the idea that THEY would say this is telling: DC vs Heller will continue to ripple for years...
  15. I know the layman's definition, but the point is price gouging is selling above market value because people have to have it - gasoline, food, water, etc. in case of an emergency, for example. You don't 'price gouge' on non-necessary items - either the market supports your price increases or it doesn't. You don't know what fair market value of something currently is until you have more data - prices may never drop again. Indeed - the point is people kick and scream for a free market then kick and scream when they see it's not utopia...
  16. No, I didn't. I tried to find the best deals I could find, but I didn't complain about it. Same here, I bought when it was (relative to now) far cheaper and stacked deep. That being said, the fact that we're seeing prices continue to climb tells us that folks are buying the stuff at these inflated prices - either the supply will increase, the demand will decrease, or the prices will stay high. Again, it's not price-gouging - there's a limited supply of a commodity and an increased demand - it's only natural that prices would climb to new highs. Also, my perspective is likely different as I own my own business which is service-based - what I charge is largely determined by perceived value. Determining 'fair market value' is always biased - depends on which side of the deal you're on...
  17. No, that's merely supply and demand - business 101. If they are truly 'price gouging' they wouldn't sell very much. Obviously, if they are willing to price ammo that high they have buyers...
  18. I'm pretty sure the 21 year age limit allows you to allow smoking, while the 18 and up does NOT allow smoking.
  19. Most people I know clamor for the free market until they can't afford to keep up, then it becomes 'price gouging' and 'hoarding'.
  20. Whatever happens, it's what's needed...
  21. It's not balls, it's number of votes. Haven't looked at the numbers, so I have no idea if we have the numbers or not...
  22. Passed the Senate. Once they have a passed bill that matches from both the house and senate it will be transmitted to the governor for his signature. We're not out of the woods yet, but you can see it from here...
  23. But the key point is that if this is signed by the gov, then it's only a matter of changing that at the state level. IOW, if enough folks want FA, they can probably make it happen in MT. This is how it's supposed to work, of course, and I applaud the citizens and elected officials of MT for this move.
  24. Well, it's up to Montana's discretion. Anything made, sold, and possessed in Montana will fall under their rules, which may be identical to the ATF(doubtful) or more lax...


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