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Everything posted by G27

  1. So if I read you correctly - if/when this passes we'll be able to carry into any establishment that serves by the drink?
  2. Yup. I have friends literally all over the globe and there's NOTHING like the US. Further, I won't let them just take my country away from me. I'll die before I scurry away in the night.
  3. No, that's good. I really didn't want to see it. Let the guy RIP...
  4. Wow, that much stuff? Crazy. Not going to insert "this post is worthless without pictures" image here...
  5. Seriously, if people get that worked up over not getting their fast-food fried chicken, imagine what it would be like if the grocery store was cleaned out...
  6. Thanks for posting - scary to think what an administration may be able to accomplish behind the scenes like that. We must be vigilant.
  7. Who wrote that? Well done!
  8. Yah, I've been a designated driver a few times - would like to be able to carry to protect myself when I'm not drinking.
  9. I'm guessing the rifle was used for a blow to the head...
  10. Here's Lollar's reply to my email: He's always done the right thing re: 2A rights, so I'm going to assume he knows something I don't (as in, Bredesen would have vetoed the Senate version). Keeping an eye on him, though...
  11. *oops, you posted just before I did* Thanks for the update - did your credentials work ok? What's the OTD price for a field grade Garand now? Thanks,
  12. He wears it is a dangly ear-ring...
  13. As I stated in the other thread, I've already ripped off an email to Lollar - I can't believe he voted to non-concur! Grrrrr...
  14. Just wrote Lollar - I'm PISSED he voted to non-concur!
  15. *fingers crossed*
  16. Not just that, but after I snapped that pic, the dude came out and said "no pictures, no pictures"...
  17. Da Troof!
  18. The commercial appeal has published all THCP permit holder's names on their website.
  19. With two members PNV...
  20. IANAL, but I doubt there's anything you can do. I was able to find out a ton of stuff using specific searches in just a few minutes - all public information. Also, FWIW, if this guy is halfway decent, he's reading this (or will be soon). By simply using your username (with a few bits of data) in some simple google searches - I found your presence here as the fourth result in a simple google search. Just an FYI. You may consider changing your username here...
  21. Actually, they were present, just abstained from voting. I can't wait to see who those were.
  22. And Williams maybe?
  23. Suckage.
  24. GRRR, moving to non-concur with Senate...


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