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Everything posted by G27

  1. After five months of daily carry there's zero discernible wear on mine. Pics of mine:
  2. I have an Aholster for my G27 and love it - use it every day.
  3. AWB ≠ gun registration. I know what you're saying here, but many, may folks know what gun registration leads to. It's far beyond banning a few weapons...
  4. G27

    Why? Cinco De Mayo

    Or, as in my case, continue to refuse to start...
  5. I've heard back from Doug Jackson, Paul Stanley, and Mae Beavers as well - all three basically said they are in support and will vote it through.
  6. Haha, I did that, too (once). You can get the hammer re-cocked with a wooden dowel or screwdriver. If you can't get it back, PM me and we'll meet somewhere so I can show you how it's done. It's one of those quirky things you'll learn to do with a firearm like this. Fun to shoot, though!
  7. IME, steadiness comes primarily with development through practice, though I have noted correlation between blood sugar levels and shakiness. I try to eat something before range trips to help avoid this...
  8. Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com Contact your senators NOW and let them know this will not stand!
  9. I don't think an FFL is required to sell ammo, couldn't someone with a legitimate business just start carrying ammo?
  10. Quite literally - toss the chipmunk in the trebuchet...
  11. Thanks, Fallguy - emails sent. Let's remain vigilant, folks - they need to receive a veritable avalanche of email telling them to finish this in support of our rights!
  12. Thanks, you made it easy! Emails sent...
  13. Indeed. That being said, we have an outside chance of ending up with our own version of Souter (Bush I) or Kennedy (Reagan) - someone who morphed into the opposite of what they were appointed.
  14. I suppose it depends on the build of the person in question as well as the style of clothing they most often wear. For me (large-build type who wears cargo pants or shorts all the time) pocket-carrying a G27 is perfect. For most people, however, I can see where it would be problematic...
  15. Right away, sir! (trying to avoid polysyllabic words...)
  16. That's pretty well done...
  17. No, but apparently someone did...
  18. Neither England nor Australia had anything in their 'constitutions' protecting said freedom. Nor are their cultures as historically independent as we are. Apples and oranges. Will a gun-grab happen here in the future? I believe it might, but that's not the point of this thread. This thread wasn't about reminding us to remain vigilant (despite your admonishing post) but rather a hair-brained rumor you heard and decided to post here despite the fact it's physically impossible for it to happen in the time frame provided by that rumor. Some of us speak to our elected representatives almost daily, share meals with them when they are in town, etc. To act or believe that our only involvement is a discussion board is disingenuous at best.
  19. Why on earth would you offer a logical reason when you could knee-jerk react emotionally and call people names instead?
  20. 1.5 billion rounds sold in December alone...
  21. You do realize that a DOS attack requires zero hacking, right?
  22. Well, if you stop and think about it for a minute... There are an estimated 45 millions households with guns in the US today. If 90% of the people turn them in voluntarily (I dare say more folks than that would stand up against a confiscation, but let's go with it) that still leaves 4.5 million homes that have to be searched. Assuming a team of four could get to and completely search each home in an hour (which they couldn't if the guns were hidden, but again, let's go with it), that would require 18 million man-hours of searching. If you had 4,000 men searching (1000 teams) working 12 hour days, it would take 375 days to search those homes. If they announced today that all guns had to be turned in within 30 days, then searches would start, they'd have 30 days to search every FFL's bound books/4473's and create a database of who owns guns to compare with those who turn them in. Assuming that could be compiled virtually instantly at the end of the 30 days, they would have 90 days to go door to door in order to meet the Sept deadline. This would require over 16,000 men working 12 hour days to only accomplish the searches of the KNOWN 10% that refused to turn them in. If 20% of gun owners refused to comply, double the numbers, etc. The numbers just don't add up, there's simply no way it could happen.
  23. I'm no Bush fan, but if you're honest, this would be a massive media strike if Bush had screwed up like this twice. It's sad how biased our own media is...
  24. Thanks, guys. It looks like there may be a few 'growing pains' as we figure out the intricacies of how they are planning on enforcing some of these gray areas. I had forgotten about the age restriction amendment, so yah, if that makes the final law, that will be obvious. But heck, when I go to the Flying Saucer (and get there before 8PM) they're not carding people even though it supposedly 21 or older all the time...


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