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Everything posted by G27

  1. Typical politician - she voted for the Patriot Act Reauthorization, but is 'fighting' the TSA as it's publicly expedient to do so. She's no better than any other scumbag in DC.
  2. Sounds to me the repubs are desperately looking for SOMETHING to claim as a victory after the ruling.
  3. http://www.bing.com/shopping/search?q=springfield+XD&go=&p1=&qs=n&form=QBRE&aq=&aid=&ct=&qs=&pq=&sp=&rt=Completions&tk=&spv=&sl=C&sc=&st=&ast=
  4. I don't think anyone's offended, it's just this is a black-and-white issue - either rights are inalienable or they aren't. If you start deciding who has 'God-given rights' and who doesn't, then they aren't bestowed by our creator at all, they're simply privileges or allowances granted us by our government. It's really that simple. I believe certain rights are inalienable - they are bestowed upon us as humans. You feel they are granted by our government.
  5. So you don't believe in inalienable rights, but instead believe our rights are granted by the government. OK.
  6. IMO, unalienable rights, if they truly are unalienable, apply to all. Just because someone breaks the law doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed freedom of speech, freedom from self incrimination, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, or freedom to protect their own life.
  7. Two separate issues - if the right to life is truly unalienable, given by 'their Creator', then as DaddyO and Mike pointed out above, the government shouldn't have the right to regulate it (or the defense thereof) regardless of the the person's legal status or citizenship. I applaud you for doing things legally and in the correct manner and believe we need more people like you, not people sneaking across the border. But that said, no matter how they get here, if the rights are truly (supposed to be) unalienable, then I'm not in favor of any citizenship-based laws curtailing those rights. It shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still does that so many here seem to be will to draw a line in the sand, essentially suggesting 'this person has unalienable rights, but that person does not'. Makes me wonder if they even understand what unalienable means. Or maybe they consider the government their 'creator'.
  8. Yah, it seems that some people think "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable Rights; that among these, are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" only applies to US citizens and legal residents.
  9. Probably because so many TGOers act like they live in utopia, when in fact the crime rates in most Memphis communities are quite average for the state. Many on TGO act like Memphis is Somalia and quite frankly, for those of us who live here and spent our lives living in many other places, it's actually comical seeing all the fear-based posts. So much for the internet tough-guys, I guess.
  10. And those that don't live here come across as scared of their own shadows.
  11. I'll never understand how some people are so irresponsible that they don't know where all their firearms are at all times. smh
  12. How did it go horribly wrong? It was stupid and it certainly could have gone wrong, but aside from the sensationalist headline, what horrible thing happened?
  13. Constitution Of The State Of Tennessee ARTICLE I. Declaration of Rights. Section 3. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience; that no man can of right be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any minister against his consent; that no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience; and that no preference shall ever be given, by law, to any religious establishment or mode of worship.
  14. Chemex.
  15. If retailers are offering you the convenience of paying via credit card, and it costs them more to do so, why should they not pass that expense on to you? Don't like it? Pay cash.
  16. Just saw this, I'm praying for you and your family with a saddened heart...
  17. What do you expect from an agency that advertises on pizza boxes?
  18. This is precisely why we choose to home school our kids until we're ready to send them to private school.
  19. Not going to be Rubio: http://miami.cbslocal.com/2012/04/04/rubio-romney-will-win-white-house-without-me/ Palin and Christie are nightmare choices. Perfect for a nightmare candidate, actually...
  20. Funny, this one comes up EVERY YEAR and people still fall for it...
  21. SGDs here. Run smoothly and I know they're good JHP rounds.
  22. Small penis syndrome.


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