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Everything posted by G27

  1. G27

    body armor

    You're obviously forgetting that less than 1% of the US population is in the military - this means the need for body armor by civilians would have to be 100x greater than the military to be equal.
  2. G27

    body armor

    Well, if you're only talking deployed combat troops, then military forces are probably 100X (or more) more likely to need armor...
  3. G27

    body armor

    Now compare deaths/capita - I'd be stunned if civilian casualties were higher. For example, there are approx 3 million service men and women in the US military. Approx 1200 service men and women are killed in action every year (on average), which yields a death rate of 0.04%. There are approx 302 million US citizens (subtracted the 3 million service men from the estimated 305 million total US citizens) with approx 12,000 death by firearm (non-accident or suicide)m whih yields a rate of 0.004%. IOW, based on these figures, US Military forces are 10X as likely to need body armor than civilians.
  4. Last warning, use Uker's ammo at your own peril! hehe
  5. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU SHOOT ANY OF UKER'S AMMO!!! ... because that means there's less for me to shoot...
  6. Worth noting the trailer shows scenes that aren't in the movie, like the weather scenes and such (according to an interview I read)...
  7. Passed the House today. And I agree 100% with truthsayer.
  8. IIRC, the dude in the second video died.
  9. Awesome, thanks for that, waynesan!
  10. If I'm not mistaken, MA law limits both hi-cap mags and the number of rounds of ammo one can have. Ironic considering this is the state that gave us the battle of Lexington and Concord...
  11. Seriously? You're smarter than that.
  12. Fayette-nam! Just don't become a razorback and all will be well... hehe
  13. C'mon man, hang around. You're part of a boarder state so you're still 'allowed'... What part of Arky?
  14. Where's the 'jealous' smiley?
  15. Thank you! PM me and we'll set up a time to 'show it off'... I honestly have no idea but I'm guessing I about $3.5k total.
  16. I want UD's stockpile...
  17. Please make this a sticky!
  18. Easy, kill the competition with geekness... Those who know me know that I'm kind of the type that gets, umm, caught up in things. If I decide to do something, I generally go overboard... That being said, in January of '08, I decided that having the ability to hook up my iPhone and listen to the tunes digitally through my stock head unit (stereo) in my auto wasn't quite kewl enough for me, so I figured I'd do something a bit more, ehh, over the top. I decided to install a Mac Mini. With a touchscreen. So now I'm done with my new Mac Mini carputer install. It's finally and here are a few pics I just got back from the guy I hired to do the custom dash fabrication for the touchscreen: Front view: Side view - shows the off axis view under bad lighting conditions: Great color matching: The Mini went in the center console with the Apple wireless keyboard and the tiny mouse I nabbed for it. Also got a GPS USB receiver and RouteBuddy software for navigation purposes but I'm most excited about having my entire CD collection (just over 10,000 songs) at my fingertips (literally) all the time! The Millenicom wireless internet modem works GREAT - I have mobile internet at all times. Thinking about getting a Slingbox just for kicks. Dash shot: Close up: Passenger view: It's a MAC! Touchscreen IR remote receiver and micro switches (for future use): Griffin Powermate for volume and track switching: All three input devices (besides touchscreen): GPS: Internet! These pics are crummy, I know, iPhone doesn't have a great camera anyway, but trying to capture an illuminated object at night with said camera is even worse... Anyway, two shots of my Garmin software in action: This is a blast!
  19. Why not just set the Search Index Minimum Word Length to something like '2'? Sure, the database will be larger, but for a forum like this it would make sense...
  20. If he doesn't sign it, it doesn't go back to the legislature - it simply becomes law on 6/1. The only way I can see where he can hold this up would be to veto it, causing the legislature to vote on it again. I'm not sure, but in that case I imagine they could simply change the effective date of the law.
  21. No worries - I just get used to glancing at the avatar to see who's saying what rather than reading the usernames. And thanks. Enjoy the show.


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