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Everything posted by G27

  1. DAVID Carradine, stat of Kung Fu and Kill Buill, has been found hanged a Thai hotel room. The actor was discovered with a cord around his neck and his genitals, said police. His personal manager Chuck Binder described the hanging as “accidental“. One last thing - the actor was in town to film a new film. It’s title: Stretch.
  2. Thanks for your efforts and inspiration, Nikki!
  3. HEY! Oh, the other CA. I need different initials...
  4. Haha, I love watching those freedom-hating libtards freaking out in the CA comments section...
  5. Don't forget to write your legislators as well as anyone you feel like who supported this bill - this is a great victory for our civil liberties!
  6. Sen Jackson made me a fan today - he spoke the truth regarding rights vs privileges. It's nice to hear a legislator who understands these basic truths. Thank you, Sen Jackson and all those who supported this veto override!!!
  7. NO I WILL NOT! Wait, what do you mean I don't have a choice? Dangit.
  8. Thanks, guys, keep the updates coming - please!
  9. I appreciate the constant updates - keep 'em coming. In my line of work it's very hard to make time to listen to the live feed, so this is how I'll get the news...
  10. People's 'anonymous' quotes have been used in court before. Do what you will, I'm just sayin'...
  11. This is precisely the type of thread where one needs to remember that what you say here may well be brought up in a trial at a later date. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do in that situation and assume it would be decided based on the information I had at the time.
  12. You must not be married. This is a viable excuse to buy a S&W...
  13. Dude, calm down! These people are working on TONS of legislation - just because this is important to us doesn't mean we get bumped to the front of the line. This has all moved at a normal pace for legislation and will continue to do so.
  14. Actually, it depends on the license, but most licenses allow you to make one (1) copy of the file or media as a backup.
  15. Most every legal site is going to make you download some sort of control software - even Amazon requires you to do so.
  16. TGODavid was kind enough to post this for us...
  17. No co-sponsors. It's not happening.
  18. Holy crap, what else does he have to do - kill your dog?


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