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Everything posted by G27

  1. "I said I've heard enough from you, Henry...."
  2. Shelby county dropped the speed limit on the interstates to 65 a few years ago to "save lives". Of course there are typically (almost daily) 5-7 undercover sheriff SUV's hanging about a mile from the change to 65 on I40, so it couldn't be about generating revenue...
  3. I swear, it seems like everyone wants to get paid for everything nowadays.
  4. Yep - this is why it's basically unenforceable.
  5. Punisher - if you can't get more folks to help, we'd love to have more volunteers at TroopCare.org, a non-profit group I set up to send treats to the troops. I'll be heading out to Costco and Target in the next week or so to blow a ton of cash for goodies if you want to tag along...
  6. iPhone is quad-band GSM.
  7. *deleted* No need for me to be a jerk, sorry. Everything I stated above comes from the companies involved and Lord knows those folks will tell you whatever sounds best... Cheers,
  8. Steve Jobs was interviewed regarding AT&T's exclusivity and said outright that no other company wanted to do the infrastructure upgrades Apple required (as no other phone required those upgrades). I guess you can assume what you want, but based on what was required for visual voice mail and such, only AT&T was willing to make it happen - and that after much debate from what I've heard.
  9. It was Verizon's choice to not carry it. I imagine the folks at Verizon (and the other carriers who passed) are rethinking that decision and have been for some time now...
  10. Actually, Apple tried to get a bunch of carriers involved in carrying the iPhone but only AT&T was willing to do the infrastructure upgrades necessary for the phone. An insider told me there was a period where the release of the iPhone was in doubt as no carriers were willing to spend the dough. In Europe, tons of carriers did what was necessary so you have a choice of which carrier to use - when it comes to mobile phones, our carriers here in the States are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAy behind the curve compared to most of the rest of the world...
  11. iPhone 3GS does 30FPS video.
  12. As a small business owner, mating an iPhone with IMAP mail, along with syncing to iCal and Address Book makes it an invaluable tool - I can basically run my business from anywhere at any time. It's really an amazing device.
  13. So can original iPhone users.
  14. ? You can send any picture you want via email. MMS messaging is coming in a few months.
  15. YouTube - Newsweeks Evan Thomas: Obama Is Sort of god
  16. G27

    Holy crap!!!

    Oldie-but-goody! I know he's uber-fast and accurate, but what's always puzzled me the most was how they filmed the two-balloon shots - it appears that someone is actually controlling the camera from behind/between the two balloons he's shooting at...
  17. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and New Belgium Mighty Arrow.
  18. Congrats, UD! That's really awesome!
  19. Interesting concept - I'd like to read more, link? I hope this is true!
  20. G27

    D-Day 2009

    Thanks for the post. A day to remember...
  21. You suck.
  22. Just a warning - as I mentioned above, when you ask for re-appraisal the rate can increase. My neighbor didn't like that her appraisal had increased by so much so she went through the re-appraisal process and it appraised for an additional $20k. Just make sure your appraisal value close to/above market value before complaining. As I stated above, while our appraisal increased by some $70k, it's still far below real market value based on home sales in my neighborhood. So be careful, just sayin'...
  23. My wife and I had to switch from man-to-man to zone a while back. Yah, it's busy, but it's awesome...


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