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Everything posted by G27

  1. Fat Tire and Skinny Dip.
  2. Err, the US never declared war on North Korea...
  3. G27

    Jon and Kate

    Like those kids aren't going to grow up to be screwed up adults - a domineering mother with a limp-wristed father broadcast for the world to see... Great choice, mom and dad - way to think about what's best for the kids!
  4. Which simply emphasizes the lack of logic they display - if someone is willing to kill you over utilities or cable, do you think a sign will make any difference? Of course not.
  5. G27


  6. Indeed, I service both reporting and non-reporting stations all over the country. Not the issue here. Wait, this makes zero sense: 1- BDS is an automated system (where it's used), not relying on playlists supplied by the station. Makes no difference what the station has on it's playlist, unless it's broadcast, BDS doesn't note it. Are you suggesting stations are over-reporting by using play-logs instead of the broadcast monitor logs? Why would they do that? 2- If BDS is prone to errors, either way, it needs to be replaced by a fully automated, passive system like is used overseas (very effectively). 3- If it's only an issue of over-reporting, why is the radio stations are generally against this legislation while the artists generally for it? Aside from the cost of the logging system, there's no downside to a more accurate system. If radio stations are already being over charged (for rotations they don't actually spin) why would they not want to pay less? Hey, I could be wrong - this could be terrible legislation - but all the artists I've spoken with about it badly want it as they know they're being underreported (and therefor not rightfully paid) on a daily basis. The real issue is that radio stations are slowly dying and are looking for any avenue they have to hold on to more cash. Even the station managers I talk to will tell you this.
  7. If you look at my post, you'll see I was talking to cowboy20th.
  8. I honestly think you've never met a single Libertarian in your life.
  9. Wow, just wow. For a conservative (I'm no republican, either) you certainly can parrot the Brady bunch pretty well. Are we to believe that NOW, HCP holders will be come irresponsible and start shooting all over the place? This law suddenly makes all of us hot-heads looking to get into gun fights? Are your loved ones currently terrified of all the big bad HCP holders walking around LOADED HANDGUNS?!?!?! I can't believe a conservative minded person wouldn't be able to stop and read what you just wrote and not see it for what it is - nanny-state, knee-jerk, emotional liberalism.
  10. I can't imagine a situation where that would be necessary unless you were trying to carry the shotgun illegally. I guess I'm just too slow to keep up with you. Thank you for gracing us with your time!
  11. There are a myriad of hypothetical situations where you'd not be able to jump in your vehicle and drive - I'm sure you can think of a few. Wow, talk about a textbook straw-man argument! No one is suggesting anything of the sort - you sound like a knee-jerk reacting liberal. I'm simply saying that if I need to defend myself or my family and I have the ability to lay my hands on a long gun, I'd prefer that over a hand gun. Is it really that hard to understand? Do you really think we're going to see HCP holders getting into shootouts with rifles due to this law with 'allows' us to do what we should be able to legally do anyway?
  12. BDS doesn't monitor every station. Look up your local stations and you'll likely find several - even some larger stations - that aren't monitored.
  13. I guess we agree to disagree, then. I've long felt that terrestrial radio in the US was unfair as they don't fairly pay proper performance fees consistently. Most countries outside of the US utilize the ISRC subcode data embedded in the recording to track spins - it's an automated system and somehow terrestrial radio has survived there...
  14. Why not just leave the chamber clear with the magazine loaded?
  15. I'd suggest people research this bill before knee-jerking based on the article published by the radio station above. The Performance Rights Act (H.R. 848, S.379) would correct a loophole in the copyright law by removing the broadcaster exemption to assure that all platforms are treated equally and pay a performance royalty to artists. Artists get paid a small amount every time the radio station plays their music, and up until now, radio stations in this country under-report (or often not reporting) - they are essentially using the artist's work to promote their business for free. I'm FOR this bill, so I urge anyone interested in this to actually read the bill before deciding...
  16. Working fine here...
  17. I've never understood this argument - would you rather be potentially dead or serve jail time because some jury thought you used excessive force defending your life? If I ever feel the need to defend myself or my family, there's hardly any firearm that's overkill wrt stopping the threat! And that's not some sort of bravado or threat - it's simply fact. I'd rather have a semi-automatic rifle / shotgun than a handgun, regardless of my training level.
  18. Touché. You know, for a musician you occasionally display actual logic. So the obvious question is: shotgun or rifle?
  19. My goodness, Bredesen's (lack of) understanding constitutional law is astonishing for someone who should, constitutionally, be one of the 50 most powerful government officials in the US. Instead of affirming this right, he'd rather spoon with the Fed Gov giving them more power than they rightfully should have. Utterly disgraceful. And to think there was a time when I thought he was actually a good governor.
  20. Blahahaha You're on a roll, Mike...
  21. I was so bummed to see them detonating C4 right beside those SKS's... I want one so badly.
  22. Hahaha, hilarious!
  23. I'm torn - you really have to weigh the consequences of leaving an unattended firearm in your vehicle. I'll probably rarely carry one unless I can find a great-but-easily-accessible hiding place. Maybe buy a super cheap maverick88 or similar...
  24. G27

    Truck Guns

    Tell me where you're parking so I can snag it, I've been wanting an SKS...


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