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Everything posted by G27

  1. Both are beauties, congrats on the great deal!
  2. Option C is the best one, imo. That's the one where you buy two tins of x39 and send one to me. hehe
  3. AIM Brown Bear Military Spec. 7.62x39 FMJ Brown Bear Military Spec. 7.62x39 FMJ AIMSurplus has the 700 round Brown Bear tins back in stock...
  4. Ha, I did the same thing last year when I got my permit!
  5. That's why I call it a civil liberty in discussions - it's truly what it is. Heck, skin color and race aren't even mentioned in the BoR...
  6. Well, from his perspective maybe. From my perspective it's "Not allowed to defend myself on 07.13, still not allowed (though it's now his choice) on 07.14." See the difference?
  7. Interestinger and interestinger...
  8. Obama Administration Preparing Incentives Package for North Korea - Political News - FOXNews.com Genius.
  9. Thanks for all the options - I've saved them all for reference to replace the Crickett when they outgrow it. For now, he's young enough I settled on a Daisy Red Ryder. Once he shows the maturity to safely handle that at all times we'll move forward from there.
  10. It's amazing how few people actually understand what the words 'bigotry' and 'racism' mean nowadays...
  11. Don't hold your breath. Memphis is a crap-hole because of the city council. Nice collection of facts, though...
  12. Hahahaha @ "only collected $10"...
  13. More here: Obama Administration Takes Aim At Gun-Rights Revolt - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
  14. In Windows, hit the 'prt sc' (print screen) button, the picture is taken of your desktop and saved to your clipboard. Then you can open it in MS Paint or whatever (by pasting). On a Mac, just hit command+shift+3 and it drops the image file on your desktop.
  15. Just snapped this one for comparison:
  16. Screenshot taken immediately after page load: Screenshot taken immediately after a refresh: Also, if you compare these numbers to the ones you'll see if you click on the original link again, you'll see a difference as well...
  17. Probably your browser relying on it's cache - it's updating even post-refresh here...
  18. Missed those, but watching that thing being run over by the truck is impressive - very unlikely I'd ever be able to stress it like that!
  19. I have zero experience with any of these, but based on my experience (and even as an SOG lover), I'd have a hard time not getting the Cold Steel axe...
  20. Game Time Spots Grill & Wings in Arlington is properly posted. It's one of my fav out-of-the-way places to eat, so next time I'm out there I'm going to chat with the owner about it...
  21. My plan is the same as it was before I had the iPhone, plus $20/month for the iPhone service (unlimited data).
  22. I paid $600 for mine the day they came out and don't regret it one bit, so in my estimation the newer (more capable yet cheaper) ones are beyond worth it. I'm able to run my entire business anytime, anywhere with this phone - something I never dared dream possible before...
  23. I'm bummed - one of my favorite out-of-the-way little restaurants has posted and will no longer get my business. I'll miss the best steak-burger I've ever had... Name: Game Time Sports Grill & Wings Address: 11695 Highway 70 City: Arlington Details of posting: Properly posted (word for word) by front (only) door.
  24. I pocket carry a G27 daily (with an Aholster kydex holster as well). Zero problems, but I have a large frame.
  25. Where's the current best ammo price, Mike? I just ordered a pair of 91/30's and I'm betting they arrive hungry...


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