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Everything posted by G27

  1. I can tell you right now that unless she changes, she'll have my vote for whatever she runs for.
  2. I like Mrs. Blackburn - she does a great job of representing the views of her constituents, imo.
  3. G27

    Atwood tools

    Thanks. Opened a few beers with it last night...
  4. G27

    Haircuts anyone?

    Those aren't real sniper shots, they're shots taken from the 'Rock chucks' preview of Varmint Safari II.
  5. Tri-fuel conversions seem to be a no-brainer wrt SHTF generators...
  6. For my Glock? Whatever gun oil I have lying around. I've shot countless thousands through it (and it was purchased used) and have had zero issues.
  7. Great point - I do have kids in the house and worry if I'd be fast enough. Even if I didn't I'd worry - it's easy to be lulled into a false sense of security by having firearms 'nearby', but unless it's in your hand when the SHTF, it may as well be 1,000 miles away...
  8. G27

    Atwood tools

    Just got my Ti G3 Prybaby...
  9. G27


    Update - removed the mini-leatherman and added my new Atwood Prybaby Titanium!
  10. Or you can do like some sites do and buy an extra domain that has nothing to do with firearms and have it mirror TGO...
  11. Hahahahahahahaha, nicely...
  12. Politically correct speech is gay.
  13. Pretty much the same as every day - G27 in an Aholster pocket holster.
  14. Friggen scumbag.
  15. The water is simply absorbing the acoustic energy instead of allowing it to reflect back towards the shuttle off the pad - high energy transmission is why we use lots of things to direct energy dispersion. Think about what most cooking pans are made of... There are an absolutely stunning amount of links showing water's more efficient transmission of acoustic energy all over the web. It varies according to the medium's temperature and density, but even warm fresh water is several times more efficient than air wrt acoustic energy transmission.
  16. Actually, water is 7x more efficient at transmitting acoustic energy than air.
  17. I'm SOOOOOOOO glad to be out of that city...
  18. G27

    RIP Les Paul

    Man, this is sad - anyone who enjoys music owes a tip of the hat to Les Paul... Guitar, studio wizard Les Paul dies at 94 - CNN.com For those unfamiliar with is work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Paul
  19. Hahahahahahaha That's terrible. I love it.
  20. Far-right extremism? You think everyone who chooses to exercise their constitutional right is a far-right extremist? I, for one, am not. One of the most liberal people in the world happens to be my best friend, and he carries everywhere as well. Neither of us liked Bush. Regardless, the level of prejudice you display is the perfect example of the emotional, knee-jerk reactions we see from those who wish to curtail our rights simply because something doesn't 'seem right'. The world's an ugly place at times, so I'm going to be prepared for the admittedly slight chance that I need my firearm at some point to defend myself or my family. I pray you never find yourself wishing you had thought less emotionally or idealistically about this as you and/or your family is being attacked.
  21. Well it's obvious this would work. Just look at England where guns are banned and they now enjoy a higher violent crime rate than we do here in the US. Oh, wait...
  22. G27


    I told you not to tell anyone... {smacks strickj in back of head} If I can ever get an Atwood, it will replace the leatherman. And I'd like and aluminum straw for um, nevermind...
  23. I'm going to try to make this, if for no other reason than to have some extra political impact. And yah, the food is a bonus - if we can shoot some as well that would be a deal-sealer!
  24. Hahaha, brilliant.


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