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Everything posted by G27

  1. Well, I mean, if we look at civil liberties, there's no reason states SHOULD be allowed to reduce them. These are inalienable rights, correct? The more I think about it, the less it seems to be a State's rights issue after all. IANAL, but this one seems like a no-brainer.
  2. G27

    Accident....BIG OOPS...

    Just another reminder to pay attention - familiarity breeds contempt... And FWIW, thanks for having the guts to share this - there are certainly more than a few that have done something similar and haven't posted about it.
  3. This is precisely why I said it's a slippery slope - if the SCOTUS decides that the gun bans are illegal in Chicago and the local gov't of Chicago decides to thumb their nose at the SCOTUS' decision, what happens? I doubt we see Federal troops marching in. I guess there could be some high dollar lawsuits based on civil rights violations... Just another reminder of how happy I am to live in the South.
  4. Well, I can't confirm it, but there's this thread: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/general-off-topic/25089-brighton-arms.html
  5. Pretty sure Brighton Arms closed down...
  6. Well, Heller changed a lot, from a paper standpoint. Until there's an FFL in DC, it will be hard to see the impact, but that will happen soon enough.
  7. Leave it in neutral and chock the wheels.
  8. When I used to run Windows I always kept an external HDD chassis lying around so I could pull a root drive that was infected and slave it to another machine to clean it up. If you have more than one machine, it might help...
  9. G27

    Robery Situation....

    I've never tried this myself, but why not carry a snap cap with you when you're out shooing and randomly stick it in the middle of a mag to practice? Assuming you load several mags, then mix them up, and assuming a snap cap will feed properly - this should work well.
  10. Do you really think efficiency is the goal here? The whole purpose behind gun control is control - why on earth would they relinquish some control for efficiency or your convenience?
  11. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/2nd-amendment-issues/28103-scotus-look-local-gun-control-laws.html
  12. It's a double-edged sword, imo. If they say the US Constitution supersedes local government, we get less gun laws, but this also further weakens state's rights...
  13. The Associated Press: High court to look at local gun control laws
  14. Yah, I amaze myself with my own stupidity at times. Sorry about that one...
  15. The Raw Story Reports: Mysterious, unregistered security firm policing Montana town
  16. Two words - dead cat. The fundamentals are broken - consumer confidence doesn't matter at this point.
  17. Interesting, thanks for posting.
  18. Oh, gotcha - no. I just rarely put the truck in park, figuring if someone attempts a car-jacking my best response may well be to floor it...
  19. Ok, you lost me there...
  20. Let off the brake and pull out of the drive-through.
  21. RangeUSA is $50 (total) - he's looking for something cheaper. OP, if you go here and enter your zip, you can see a list of local FFL's who do transfers - there are typically a few you'd never know about that do inexpensive transfers if that's what you're wanting...
  22. Remember - gold and silver are for storing wealth, not for replacing cash. A little research shows that ammunition, toiletries, and salt are the strongest barter items (aside from food and water, of course) in places where disaster strikes.
  23. Indeed, except the difference is this 'correction' will likely make anything we've ever expereinced as a country look mild in comparison. The numbers look very, very bad.


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