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Everything posted by G27

  1. "Great Product, Poor Packaging I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty." Hahahaha
  2. Hahahahaha
  3. Wow, awesome link - thanks!
  4. Ugh, chilling indeed.
  5. Great news for residents and visitors to Bartlett!
  6. Well, I've finally found time to sight my AR (pinned standard front sight, MagPul BUIS) and eve with the rear sigth all the way tot he left it's shooting slightly to the right. After doing some reading, it appears the barrel needs a slight shim, but I'm not sure. Any help is appreciated...
  7. Looking for a really good AR gunsmith, preferably in Memphis. Just need a slight tweak, but would prefer someone really known for the craft...
  8. This. We're screwed, economically, but natural disaster is a far more likely SHTF scenario for us here in the US than an economic crash that causes the need for 'beans and bullets'...
  9. This. Otherwise go ahead and kiss the 2nd (along with the rest) goodbye.
  10. Who's talking about drunk driver's rights? I'm talking about my rights, whether it be from a vindictive driver who thinks I was tailgating or from who knows what else. AFAIK, no one here is wanting to keep those who are breaking the law from beating caught and punished, but rather we aren't wanting our own rights eroded for a little safety. Think of the Franklin quote, "He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither."
  11. That was great, thanks for sharing.
  12. Sure it is - they're now being allowed to search based not on a warrant or observed activity, but rather based on some anonymous person's word. I mean, you really can't see the potential for abuse here? I know you aren't naive, so I'm unsure where you're coming from. No, in this case, that anonymous tip is enough to allow search. That's not the case in other anonymous tips - the suspect still retains all rights until the police have reasonable suspicion. Completely unrelated straw-man argument here. So as long as you're not breaking the law, the 4th amendment doesn't matter to you?
  13. So you won't be bothered to be pulled over by some anonymous tip even though you're stone sober? What if it happens daily? What happens when someone claims they saw you smoking a joint so the cops decide they need to search your vehicle? "Don't drink and drive,and you wont have a problem" sounds like left-wing rhetoric regarding the reduction of our rights, honestly. To extrapolate - do you also feel that way about LEOs coming to search your house? I mean, you're a law-abiding citizen and have nothing to hide, right? Slippery slope and all that...
  14. I don't care for this ruling one bit.
  15. Watching...
  16. G27

    Carbon barrels?

    Man, I need a 10/22...
  17. Touché. QFT. I'm feeling repentant.
  18. Oooooh, I'm envious.
  19. From First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You only have to look at the various court cases over the years to see that photographs have been incorporated into 1A wrt Freedom of the Press.
  20. G27

    New job!

    Congrats, Arko - hope you enjoy the new gig!
  21. Well, there's already a ruling in place to protect children, as you stated above (I haven't looked into it at all, but I suspect that ruling stemmed from a child pornography case). That being said, unless someone can point out a concrete example where this law will 'protect the children' more than the previous court decisions, as well as outlining reasoning as to why this reduction in the people's rights is 'beneficial', I'm all ears (err, eyes). Maybe I'm an idealist, but after seeing how the government - at every level - seems to screw even good decisions up, I have a hard time thinking that an impingement upon people's rights is somehow A Good Thing.


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