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Everything posted by G27

  1. Nah, just sipping along. Lots of water along the way, I guess that kinda cleanses the palate a bit...
  2. Yah, just forgot about it. Sorry - all hail mike.357 and give massive props!
  3. Yah, I forgot about that 'exception'. Stupid, stupid laws.
  4. Chimay Grand Reserve, Young's Double Chocolate and Left Hand Brewing Snow Bound Ale.
  5. Yep, nothing over 6% in stores that sell anything other than alcohol, nothing less than 6% in liquor stores. Stupid laws.
  6. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout & New Belgium 1554.
  7. Possibly. Let's just hope if you ever need service from a vendor the Hero Gears of this world are still around. I guess I have a somewhat unique perspective as I own a business that caters to folks who appreciate the best in both product and service and are willing to pay for it. I don't compete with the Walmarts of this world, nor do I wish to. I happen to believe that companies like mine and Joe's are worth the premium price as, ime, at some point you're going to need an expert's help. Of course, there are tons of folks who believe that Walmart (and similar) are actually good for our country... And for the record, there's a difference between vendors who always strive to give you a good deal and those who try to take advantage of situations in order to screw you. All transactions should be based on mutual respect, imo.
  8. Since when does free market mean the consumer should ignore good service? The two are not mutually exclusive. No one is asking for price control or anything else, just reminding folks there were companies who jacked up prices to take advantage of a situation and companies who didn't. I don't think CTD did anything wrong, but I'm certain companies like Hero Gear did something right. Can't see how this is hard to understand.
  9. Or, we can purchase goods from folks like Hero Gear who didn't try to take advantage of folks during the recent boom. You know, rewarding companies with principles instead of simply trying to save a buck...
  10. I've bought nothing from them since and won't.
  11. G27


    Anyone called "the white death" has got to be incredible, no?
  12. Things may get ugly fast if this thing passes - people are starting to see that all the bullcrap rhetoric Obama and his congressional cohorts have been spewing is going to cost them HUGE.
  13. G27

    O crap!

    Hahahahahahahaha Nominated.
  14. That's a totally different situation from a home defense shooting.
  15. Yah, exactly. I think I'd wear BA if I had to work in a place like that...
  16. Anyone have any data regarding 'over penetration' and rounds accidentalluy injuring / killing a neighbor? I know better safe than sorry in most cases, but i honestly don't recall ever hearing of this happening.
  17. G27


    They spent some time @ T1G as well (during the Hathcock bit). I liked the show.
  18. I know letting you hit my thumb with a hammer won't kill me and I won't let you do that either.
  19. You mean you scare the *stuff* outta yourself?
  20. We could also always beard body armor. I think everyone should do what they feel comfortable with.
  21. Ditto, thanks for sharing.
  22. I suspect I'd have a tough time having a beer with you, but I do admire your honesty.
  23. G27

    The consitution

    Congrats, continue to teach her well!
  24. Stay classy, Crazytown.


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