As a Bama fan who suffered through many UT fans laughing hysterically at fRan leaving us high and dry in 2002, this is enjoyable.
That being said, what Lane did is more than a business move - he recruited kids to come play for him, made promises, etc and has left them hanging. Some / many of those kids / young men wouldn't be there were it not for LK. Not only that, it's only three weeks until NSD, and UT's recruiting will likely be in the toilet after this move unless they can come up with a 'miracle hire'.
When you coach at a school like UT (or any other major university that makes tons off athletics) there's more to it than 'taking another job' - his actions will have a diret affect on LOTS of folks and will likely hurt the university's earnings over the next few years considerably.
I agree with your sentiment, in general, but what he did here, especially the timing, is pretty low.