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Everything posted by G27

  1. G27


    It has.
  2. G27


    I'm with you - with both a Macbook and two iPhones, I don't really see it fitting into my life right now...
  3. G27


    They can say what they want, but it's back up for the day, and the iPhone jump in stock prices was a one day phenomena until it was released... Apple stock just does well, no worries from me. And those analysts must be idiots - Apple knows what they are doing - they carry zero corporate debt and have a slush fund of over $35B...
  4. G27


    You can get a 250MB/month 3G plan from AT&T for $15/month. Your Macbook won't have 3g without a USB card hanging off of it and you won't get 10 hours of video playback (or one month standby) from any laptop. Just saying, this isn't meant to replace a laptop, but rather carve out a new product space. I think Apple did that extremely well. Also, since all 3G iPad models will ship unlocked, you can bet that there will be tons of competition for rate plans...
  5. G27


    Not sure if this thing fits into my life anywhere, but as a long time Apple stockholder, I approve!
  6. For the record, I asked my long time insurance agent (and family friend) if he or his father (who was in the biz before him) had ever heard of a safe being stolen during a burglary or robbery and he said "nope". Not invalidating your concern or suggesting it's never happened, but considering the number of clients he and his father both have/had over the years, I think it's pretty telling.
  7. I did not know that. </Johnny Carson>
  8. Well, turning the key off can be dangerous - if you take it past 'accessory' and into 'off' your steering wheel could lock. But in most instances, you wouldn't turn the wheel far enough for it to lock anyway, I'd think. I've told my wife if something like this ever happens to get it into neutral first - this will disconnect the engine from the transmission - then slowly turn the key to the acc position. Much better to risk replacing an engine than lose a loved one, imo.
  9. I have one of these and like it. I loaded it into my truck bed and into my house (via dolly - it's only 280 lbs) on my own and it works great for what I need. The combination lock is really picky about you getting it precisely in right spot, but no real complaints. Hard to argue with it for the price.
  10. Several wrecks have been caused when people tried to use the brakes to avoid an accident with a stuck accelerator. Unless your car has oversized brakes and an undersized engine, your brakes will fail before you can get the car stopped. Shift to neutral is the answer, I guess too many folks panic or are worried more about their engine than their lives...
  11. This is UNREAL: Toyota Suspends Sales of 8 Models After Accelerator Pedals Keep Sticking - ABC News
  12. They may have a reason for it, like that father who was given so much grief even though he promised his son (soldier in Afghanistan, iirc) he'd fly that specific flag until his return home...
  13. The doc who did mine is named Dr. Richard Pearson. He goes by Richard, but 'Dick Pearson' seems a lot more appropriate for his line of work... He was actually extremely good and is among the highest recommended in this area.
  14. They recently (2005) ruled it wasn't the LEO's responsibility to protect the individual (Castle Rock vs. Gonzales). That being said, your point stands - we shouldn't rely on LEO's alone to protect us.
  15. Yeppers. I'm not an LEO, don't have the training, don't want to pretend otherwise.
  16. G27

    Marlin 60, Any One?

    Let's see more pics!
  17. Here's the back of my nightstand:
  18. He flew coach: Brown has a Capitol first day in D.C. - BostonHerald.com
  19. Mediocre Britain - here we go again!
  20. 4-8 people would have a tough time defending yourselves if push comes to shove. Not sure what the answer is, but it wouldn't take a lot of folks to over-run all but the very best trained 4-8 soldiers in the world, much less civilians who aren't constantly training with each other.
  21. Nice thread title, I can only assume you've not listened to or read anything he's said up to this point? In every interview or article I've seen he's made the point that he's for National Health-care, but thinks this bill is bad throughout. But hey, don't let that stop you from calling him names!
  22. Too far away for me, but with that town's history it would be a GREAT place for a show!
  23. I've always wondered this myself as surely they didn't always have the supplies / energy / time to clean their rifles during war...
  24. What's odd is how many Vol fans I know COMPLETELY embraced LK when he came to UT and made comments suggesting other teams' fans were 'scared' of LK when we made fun of him. Sometimes it's tough to have perspective, but we had this one right...


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