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Everything posted by G27

  1. We have our own issues to deal with here in TN - no state is perfect. But we're a heck of a lot closer to a 'free state' than many and I can't ever see leaving for that reason alone...
  2. Great post, thanks! {edit} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBf0HLg4fZU
  3. I think the thought is that maybe the whole thing is being overblown in order to hurt Toyota's reputation, which wold likely help Government Motors.
  4. Hrmmm, they pass GM a few years ago as the worlds largest automaker, but now that GM = government motors... Where's my tinfoil hat?
  5. Mediocre Britain, here we come!
  6. Not sure of the actual vehicle numbers, but several accidents have been blamed on the pedal where people died. Now Toyota is admitting a software problem with the Prius's brakes, not really sure what's going o at Toyota... {edit} From October, 2009:
  7. This is my primary reason as well. Being in shape when/if the SHTF is merely a bonus.
  8. I started doing more aerobic work late last year, strength wise I'm fine. averaging over an hour of cardio every day now (7 days/wk) and feeling great.
  9. Ahh, for clarification, while mine was from an individual, we were both in the shop - nothing was shipped. That may be the diff.
  10. They've been at my local Lowes for years, iirc. After I bought one there they had a new one in it's place the next week. Probably just varies from store to store depending on how many they sell.
  11. Incorrect - the transfer I did there was from an individual.
  12. Yep, that's what I paid when I did a transfer there - great service to boot.
  13. Yes, please!
  14. This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. Hahahahaha
  15. Haha, a 'little'? Outside of the full auto the AK one the 'competition'. I guess you could argue accuracy for the concrete block, but at that distance I can't imagine there's much difference in accuracy (they looked like they were about 10 yards away). That being said, I'd still rather have my AR.
  16. G27


    Some perspective: Apple's New Thing (iPod) - Mac Forums
  17. I'm certain it happens, just saying that two very successful insurance agents who have a combined 60+ years insuring folks have never heard of a safe being stolen during a robbery or burglary. And this is in Memphis... To read some posts you'd think that if you have a safe and your house is broken into, it's always stolen. Seems like that's rarely the case. Besides, any safe not anchored to the floor is a bad idea as a halfway determined robber can get into it or take it. A 200 lb safe bolted to the floor is very unlikely to be stolen under any circumstance.
  18. G27

    Do You Buy Into This?

    My G27 was literally like new - the recoil springs were still overly stiff when I bought it. It happens - most gun owners aren't active shooters.
  19. That's because he was sitting their with his eyes closed in ecstasy as The Deliverer spoke. Either that or it was too dark to see inside the podium.
  20. G27


    AFAIK, AT&T isn't firing up 4G until 2011, though from what I've read it should be virtually network wide then. Their 3G service rocks around here.
  21. Yep, dry oatmeal is another great natural desiccant.
  22. G27


    I keep seeing people say this and it makes me wonder if you guys even paid attention to what was said - all 3G iPads will ship unlocked. You can use whichever carrier you want.
  23. G27


    Hahaha, seriously?
  24. I'm no expert on guns or cars, and I'll defer to your judgment here, but there's more than one example of people being killed when their car's brakes weren't able to stop them due to overheating while trying to stop the car with a stuck accelerator. You can hear the actual 911 calls on Youtube and such.


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