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Everything posted by G27
I'm not a cop, haven't been trained in detention, and don't want to increase my time and exposure around a potential threat. If I can encourage the guy to move on, that's exactly what I'll do.
Arlington, Germantown, or Fayette County.
Really depends on what the bug out is, how long it will last, etc. For a short-term bugout, I'd be strongly tempted to grab my .40 Sub2ooo that uses the same mags as my Glocks - easily concealable and very light. Also makes carrying ammo much easier. For a long-term bugout (like, never coming back) I'd probably go with an AR with the CMMG .22lr conversion kit in the bag.
Well, that's my point - so are the folks who wish to take away your gun rights. People need to realize that true liberty is an ugly thing sometimes - if people are free to live as they want, lots of things will happen that are nasty, that are offensive, that step on people's toes. That's the balance of being free. Personally, I'll take freedom (with the associated risks) over limitations on my rights any day of the week. I know you've had a rough time at work lately and it's probably influencing your state of mind, but limitations of freedoms based on what a small percentage of 'bad apples' do is NEVER the right thing.
It's called decaf, Punisher... But seriously, everything you just said is exactly what those people who wish to limit our rights say to justify those limitations. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Think about it...
I never said that. Adding more laws, layers of bureaucracy and limits on our freedom aren't the answer, either. Why not just write a new bill that will pass the muster if challenged? Virtually no cost to a cash-strapped state in a poor economy and no further limits on our personal freedoms.
Great, increased bureaucracy (read, more tax dollars spent) to enforce and track this stuff, greater expense by the restaurant owners (higher priced food), and more laws limiting our freedoms (no alcohol after midnight). Thanks, Mr. Todd. If you're trying to come off like a petulant child you're achieving your goals with smashing success.
If you have kids, the 'fortress' mentality is out the window. I have three bedrooms outside of mine that I have to insure are safe should I hear something, so I'm going out. Were I at home alone I'd likely arm myself and hunker down with my phone.
Translation: don't let the door hit you...
If you truly believe this, why would you not stand your ground and try to influence those whom you disagree with? How does running away help anything?
Interestingly, both Ahmadinejad and the Khamenei have pinpointed 02.11 as a date something 'shocking' will happen. I expect that from Ahmadeniejad, but that's not typical of the Khamenei. Guess well see...
Yah, the point is there are several very large, far more dense countries than ours and their systems work there. That in no way means they will work here, but it's not because of our 'size' - it's due to the fact that the US is built differently than any other country in the world. Our individual liberties are unmatched anywhere on earth, and our belief that government is of / for the people instead of the other way around is culturally unique as well. THAT'S why gun control won't work here - we're free men at our core.
Well, maybe, maybe not. Total population: USA: 304 million Europe: 731 million Area: USA: 9 million sq km Europe: 10 million sq km Population density: USA: 32/sq km Europe: 70/ sq km IOW, while overall country sizes are smaller, they're far more dense, and as a Union quite a bit larger population-wise.
This. All it takes is talking to people from outside the US to see that we have a different view of freedom, one that is truly free.
Actually, I think one of the points he clearly makes is that culturally we're very different and that's why similar gun control methods would be resisted here / wouldn't work.
My European friends are similar in various ways - they've historically never had the freedoms we (supposedly) have. They can't understand why we fight against most ever form of gun control, why we prefer living in a state of 'freedom' which includes greater danger to the individual due to the choices every free man has. They've been brainwashed to think that safety = freedom, and that if they get healthcare and don't have to worry about protecting themselves (though there's obviously still crime), then they're free. To them freedom = freedom from worry. We don't harp on the differences in our schools enough - people just don't realize that our country is TRULY unique in the freedoms we're afforded. When I hear people talk of healthcare, gun control, etc. and how it works in other countries, no matter how you explain it, it seems they never 'get it' why it won't (or shouldn't be allowed to) work here...
What do you mean "will have"?
Same in the Memphis area - Memphis-Area Home Education Association Due to how badly the schools perform in Memphis, the number of homeschoolers is incredible in this area.
While I initially shared your sentiment, with the over-reaching federal powers we see nowadays, what happens in other states can affect us at some point down the road. IOW, if we ignore what happens in a majority of other states, we may wake up to see a federal law / ruling that makes life very difficult for us
You'd likely be surprised at the number of folks who are very successful, by any measure, that were home-schooled...
Ahh, gotcha.Just click on the resulting link in the window, takes you to the vid on Youtube.
Completely asinine to suspend a kid over such a toy. When I was a kid, the teacher, if they thought a toy was inappropriate or what-not, would have taken it away and likely returned it at the end of the day. Probably would have made it clear what wasn't to be brought to school. Only in our nanny-state of today would a kid get suspended for such. Anyone who thinks this is appropriate or that the child deserves corporal punishment for taking this toy to school has an extremely warped sense of what is appropriate.
The decline of Rome continues...