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Everything posted by G27

  1. Gunkid!
  2. There are highly unlikely events where you may be better off moving out and having as much ammo as possible, but yah, there's about a 99.99% chance any SHTF action will NOT include the end of civilization. It does seem that many survival guys think MadMax scenarios are highly likely. I wish the survival forums spent more time talking about practical preparedness rather than highly unlikely EOTWAWKI scenarios. Fitness, food, water, etc are FAR more likely to be needed than firearms, but I guess talking about aerobic workouts or water purification isn't as much fun as discussing carrying 5k rounds of ammo with your seven rifles and four pistols as you duck and weave your way to your BOL...
  3. Wow, what a beauty!
  4. Only if they bought the gin early - they shut down liquor stores early tonight so that the celebrations wouldn't get out of hand! (insert counting chickens before hatching cliché here)
  5. Yes! It's not 1980, but this is a GREAT win!
  6. 4-2 - YES! Go USA!
  7. Yah, it's my favorite way to carry by G27. AHolster = good stuff.
  8. Your wife rocks.
  9. 10 Astounding Actions Earning A Medal of Honor - Listverse Nice read, some truly amazing heroes there.
  10. Good point @ noncompliance, my mistake, missed that. Still doesn't give us an actual number, but we do know it's far, far less than 48M - that's my point. The real point is they don't have the man power to pursue everyone now, it's unlikely that they'll suddenly be able to go after 5million more. And yah, if 5million folks (a number I simply pulled out of air, of course) stopped paying and / or filing, it WOULD get their attention. I guess we'll just agree to disagree. No biggie.
  11. And to be fair, since 40% of US households don't even OWE income taxes under the current system, and since not every person works, the number is MUCH smaller than 48M.
  12. Lemme re-quote the end of what you posted: If they can't keep up with the workload now, what makes you think an additional x million will suddenly be pursued?
  13. Actually, it's not there anymore, and it says it's about health care, which this one is not, so it may be diff after all!
  14. Sorry, missed that!
  15. http://crimsonaudio.net/politics/SesameStreet.wmv
  16. That's enough to lose my vote right there.
  17. You're missing the point. If 5 millions folks refused to file a return, or adjusted withholding to the minimum and didn't file, there's little the Fed Gov could do - they don't have the man power to go after that many folks. Quite frankly, if folks get fed up enough, there's absolutely nothing the Fed Gov can do to stop them, regardless of whether or not they can re about the American people.
  18. Oooooh, photoshop!
  19. If a large enough group was organized, it would be very effective.
  20. Winner.
  21. Just another idiot blowhard on TV.
  22. Hahaha, nicely done there.
  23. You can't hydrate or feed yourself on guns and ammo. I know it's a gun forum, but we really ought to be preparing for survival, not the uber-unlikely Mad Max scenarios. Water, food, shelter...
  24. Just started a batch of Russian Imperial Stout last weekend!
  25. That is 100% pure genius.


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