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Everything posted by G27

  1. Worth noting that 71 years ago today (March 4, 1945), William H. “Bill” Genaust, a Sergeant in the USMC and a war photographer who is most famous for capturing the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima on color film with his 16 millimeter camera, was killed when he entered a darkened cave and was shot to death. He had volunteered to use his camera light so that he could light the way for other marines entering the cave when he was killed. The cave mouth was covered over by bulldozing equipment, and his body was never recovered.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WGvAFyQK6I   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFj28hoioAc
  3. Yup: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/03/showbiz/paul-walker-report/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  4. I guess the witnesses seeing a 'single speeding car' were lying, then. It was the car's fault - they were doing the 45mph speed limit and the car spun out and was nearly cut in half while taking down a light pole. Stupid car.
  5. So you think the car just lost control on its own, eh?
  6. Meh - play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  7. Win.
  8. LOL, do you really think they're concerned with CC? If it's concealed, why would they care? They care because the kwik-wannabes couldn't control themselves and forced their hand. And no, this isn't about OCing in general, but the OCers are the ones who caused this.
  9. Yup, and it was welcome before, until the OCing idiots had to force their hand, despite the fact SB made it clear they'd rather not play. I'd like to hope these 'activists' would learn from this, but based on what I've seen in the gun forums and the feedback on Starbucks' FB page, it doesn't look like that's the case. *sigh*
  10. Perfectly stated, thank you.
  11. Were any of them concealed-carrying? I'm guessing it's tough to CC a shotgun or an AR, but I'm not a bright man... Look, dice however you wish - obviously OC is a hot-buttom for you. Thats fine, we get it - doesn't change the fact that the douche bags who caused this were all OCers. If you somehow feel vilified by that, I can't do anything about that. Unless you were one of the clowns who showed up at SB OCing on one of those dates thinking that buying one cup of coffee and a danish would have some sort of impact aside from scaring the soccer mom who isn't accustomed to see a bunch of armed folks walking around, then you're good to go - OC at will. If you *were* one of the idiots who thought that this 'show of force' would do anything beneficial, then nothing I can say will begin to register with you...
  12. *sigh* It's only about OC because those are the fools who wouldn't let this go. They are the ones who pushed SB's hand in this decision. SB had made ti clear they were happy to sit on the sidelines for this one - a position I respect - yet the Rosa parks wannabes werern't happy leaving well enough alone and just had to force SB's hand in this. OC isn't the issue, outside of the fact the dillweeds that caused this response were all OCing.
  13. So ask yourself why a corporation that made it very clear they wanted to avoid being involved in the issue made this change? It's because the open carry dickweeds were too stupid to hear what Starbucks has been saying - THEY ONLY WANT TO SELL COFFEE. You're focusing on the fact it was OC folks who did this - and it was - but I'm (we're) not blaming all OC people, just the dim-witted ones who thought SB was a good place to promote the issue.
  14. Because the issue revolves around idiots being inappropriate, not open carrying, per se...   Are you being purposefully obtuse or do you really not understand the difference? That's not a rhetorical question, I'd honestly like to know.
  15. And for the fanbois - how have your carry rights been restricted in the last few years? Despite Obama's general push for more GC laws, we have more freedom now than we've had in DECADES, and it's not from pissing people off and scaring folks who aren't accustomed to firearms...   SMH...
  16. As some one who doesn't visit Starbucks with anything resembling regularity, I say this whole issue is still something we can learn from - a company made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that they simply wanted to sell coffee whilst respecting people's rights, and immediately the rabid 2A folks decided they should drag Starbucks into the political fray. Starbucks dealt with it for about a year then decided they would make the most neutral move they could to try to emphasize that they ONLY WANT TO SELL COFFEE to the hard-headed douche bags that think every possible avenue to promote their agenda is acceptable unless / until it's banned and here we are. So yah, though I don't buy their coffee, it's a learning experience for me - I'll try even harder not to be an idiot when someone tells me they don't want to be involved in my cause, regardless of how strongly I feel about it. The OC idiots that continued to push this are at fault here. It needs to be repeated over and over; just because you can doesn't mean you should. SB made it clear they didn't want to be involved in this and the OC fanbois pushed them to make a decision.   So yah, I don't drink their products, but I totally agree with them. I'm shocked, in fact, that they aren't legally posting is states that allow it.
  17. Starbucks has repeatedly tried to NOT take sides here, but the open-carrying 'victims' wouldn't listen, so here we are.   If I operated a retail business where one side of a political group couldn't take the VERY CLEAR HINTS that I wanted no part in their political agenda, I'd likely react similarly, if not more forcefully. Even if it involved firearms.   The reality is this is on the back of the open-carry douche bags who wouldn't listen when Starbucks made it clear - THEY ONLY WANT TO SELL COFFEE. So be pissed off if you wish, but make sure you're pissed at the people who deserve it. And that's not Starbucks. For the record, I'm a coffee snob who cannot recall the last time I bought anything from Starbucks, but I don't blame them one bit for this reaction. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you're not being a dickweed by doing it...
  18. Yup. It was obvious something like this would eventually happen. smh
  19. No need to be passive-aggressive - if you want to talk about me, just use my screen name. And it's not a superiority issue, it's smh at the fact some folks are that cavalier wrt safe handling and storage of firearms. This wasn't a mistake or an accident, it was simply carelessness.   LOL, nice straw man. No one has hinted at perfection, but there are some things that are ALWAYS in your control - safe firearms practice is one of those things. And stop projecting - it's ok if you've screwed up like this before, but it doesn't mean everyone is that careless.
  20. Oh, i'm certain this was an accident. It's just insane to me that anyone is that careless with their firearms. And carelessness is how this happened.   I can absolutely say that will never happen to me, as long as I am of sound mind.   If sitting on the commode without TP could result in unwanted injury or death then I imagine I'd get into that habit as well. Otherwise the comparison is as silly as her apparent attitude regarding firearm safety.
  21. I simply can't fathom someone not knowing where all their firearms are at any given time. This sort of 'honest mistake' is merely carelessness.   And no, not everyone here would make this lame-brained mistake.
  22.   Overly defensive much? You ASSume too much, I was just making a point - there are tons of folks posting in this thread castigating those who are part of the free market simply because it doesn't benefit them.   I have more ammo that I will ever use under any possible circumstance and I'm not selling. I just find the moaning from the (generally) 'free market' crowd amusing.    Don't let me get in the way, y'all continue to bash the free market enterprisers whilst you promote pure-free-market capitalism in other threads.   Carry on...
  23. It seems everybody loves the free market until they get the short end.


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