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Everything posted by TexasAggie

  1. David, thanks for the information. I've really never liked the "feel" of a Glock (never really fit well in my hands), but I always wondered about the reliability. With Glock being so popular, I assumed that reliability wasn't to be questioned. Your feedback is informative.
  2. Welcome and happy new year,
  3. Signed both. Thanks for the links.
  4. I've been looking for a Winchester Model 94 30-30 for varmint shooting. When I ask about availability, I get mostly grins and then a "good luck" comment.  I've been watching Gunbroker but the 94's for sale are either mostly in bad shape or high dollar, mint condition commemoratives. I'm hoping that I'll luck out and find one at my LGS eventually.
  5. Welcome. I'm just down the road in Lebanon.
  6. Sent you a PM. I "fat fingered" the send, so you can delete one of the PM's.
  7. The Walther PPS is very reliable, accurate, and highly concealable. The trigger is also very smooth,and it's a striker fired handgun which I prefer. Walther has made small handguns for many years and I think they produce a high quality product.   Also, you should check out a Ruger LC9. It's a slim gun, about the size of Walther PPS, and less expensive. It's a double action, hammer fired handgun with a longer trigger pull.   I have both and would recommend the Walther PPS if you have the funds. They're going for about $550 to $600 on Gunbroker (new). I noticed that CDNN was recently selling the LC9's for about $320.
  8. Welcome. The site has quite a few gunowners from Lebanon.
  9. Joined the NRA yesterday. That's my "statement" on the recent discussions by liberal, Northeast and CA lawmakers to control gun rights.   In my opinion, some of the NRA "A" List Democrats may be posturing since any gun control changes would need to get through the Republican controlled House of Representatives (which won't happen). I personally don't see that any changes will occur other than possibly tightening background checks and eliminating the "gun show" sales loophole.
  10. Thanks Chip. Valuable advice.
  11. Regarding executive order and re-regulating assault guns without legislative approval, you cannot change rules that are already clearly defined in the United States Code. The Congress and the Courts do not look highly on such actions enacted by executive order. Changes to the USC require an act of congress, and with a Republican held House of Representatives, I don't see any meaningful changes that can be enacted.    I do expect some attempt by Obama to start a national "debate", and that's perhaps a good thing (no harm in expressing points of view). 
  12. Guys,   No luck on finding a outdoor public range to perform timed shooting standards. I do travel (drive mostly) and purchased some range time from an out of state outdoor range that would allow it. It appears that I'll need to obtain a private range membership to do this locally. One option that I'm considering is IDPA (once I get some range time) and attempt a classification. I'm going to check out one of the IDPA indoor matches at the Armory. MonkeyLizard - agains thanks for the feedback.
  13. Group, I'm looking for a public outdoor range in the Lebanon / Nashville area where I can perform timed shooting standards involving multiple targets and some extended range handgun shooting (greater than 25 yards). Feedback appreciated. Mike
  14. Another Lebanon gunowner - welcome. Sumner Gun and Supply in Gallatin is planning a series of self defense handgun classes. Check with Clay. Also you may want to check Guns and Leather in Hendersonville (I'm unsure if the loss of their Greenbrier store has affected their training schedule). I recently took a tactical class from Range USA in Memphis. I recommend it but it's not close to Lebanon, Mike
  15. Stahlmang, I'll check out Gunbroker (bought a couple of new handguns over the site with no problems). I regularly travel through Memphis and normally visit Range USA to check out the consignment guns. They have pretty cheap ammo (Tennessee Cartridge) that I can buy in bulk. I'll probably purchase my ammo pretty quick. Went to the local Wally World tonight and they were out of 22 cal (almost all brands), 9 mm and 40 cal (in bulk boxes), all 223 ammo, and some hunting rifle loads. Mike
  16. Guys, Are you noticing that pistol ammo is getting harder to find? I went to my LGS today and the 9 mm / 40 cal ammo stocks were nearly depleted. Owner mentioned that he was having a hard time stocking / getting it. I also heard the same thing recently from a reload friend working in another state. I wasn't sure if it was the Mayan calender December 21st end of world date (joking) or just post election hoarding (more noise that Obama is planning to bypass Congress and re-regulate black rifle sales). I've got to buy 800 rounds for a Tac Pistol class that I've scheduled in January. I'm getting a little nervous and may need to accelerate my purchase. Wife's Christmas gift has a little more priority, but she may get ammo for her stocking stuffer. Feedback appreciated (maybe this should go in the 2008 ammo run thread but I don't think this situation is near as bad). Mike
  17. [b]I can attend either date.[/b]
  18. .380 acp (BUG) .38 spec (wife's carry) .22 LR (plinking) 9 mm (my primary) .40 SW (range / home defense) I shoot the 9mm the most and should probably standardize on one caliber (the smaller sizes seem pretty expensive for what you get). I'm thinking about reloading the .40 for more range time (I undertstand that 9 mm reloads are approx. same cost as commercial loads and it doesn't make sense to reload these). I'm still in that beginner phase and reloading is a next step for me.
  19. R_bert, I have my PMP and it's a important credential. I took the test a long time and can't offer you any specific suggestions. However, I would check-out the PMI website ([url="http://www.pmi.org"]www.pmi.org[/url]) specific to possible study guides. Mike
  20. Chip, I have an interest (sent you a PM).
  21. Initial thoughts on aftermath would be to call the police immediately, provide any assistance, protect the area (guns sometimes come up missing and shell casings can be disturbed), and seek assistance (family / legal). Once the police arrive (your gun is holstered) and after you've identified yourself, the perp and any witnesses, I understand that it's best to state that your life was in danger and that you intend to file charges. Since the investigating police officer will have much influence on the investigation outcome, it's also good to say that you will cooperate within 24 hours in the presence of your attorney. At that point, offer no further details since anything you say can be used against you. You should ask to be taken to a hospital. You could be sick (due to adrenaline rush) and this removes you from the gunfight scene and allows both family / attorney to communicate (and meet) with you prior to any further police interaction. Blood work is also advantageous since it provides a record that you're not impaired. I also understand that your handgun will be confiscated as evidence (although it will be returned after a lengthy period), and it's best to have a back-up primary gun that you can use while any investigation is on-going. This helps if the perp has any friends intent on retaliation. From a court perspective, there's others who can better comment (I'm no lawyer). Legally, it would all depend on the circumstances regarding court time and expenses. I think the best that you could hope for (other than being alive) is that you're not prosecuted criminally and any civil suit is dismissed early on. Bottom line, it's imperative that you act / communicate as a law abiding citizen who has survived a very serious ordeal. Mike
  22. Post deleted - comments below.
  23. Agree. Great leather work.


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