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Everything posted by TexasAggie

  1. welcome to the site and the free state of Tennessee.
  2. I think we’re safe in Tennessee. As mentioned, we’re not a “city state” ruled by liberals / political machines. It’s those states that encourage their citizens to be dependent on government handouts (and failing to push them to be independent) that will have the problems. Our current system rewards those people, and their kids grow up to also be government dependent. This is how the liberals grow their voter base. I don’t see that trend in Tennessee (my opinion). 
  3. Thanks for the information.
  4. I lived in Atlanta for a while and spent most of my wade fishing time on the Chattahoochee and the Nantahala. After the move to N'ville, I parked the fly fishing gear for other hobbies. I did a little research today (taking the good advice from this message thread) and discovered that the Caney is one of the top ten rivers in the southeast to trout fish. I dusted off the gear today and I'll make a trip over to the Dam area once it warms up. I did notice (and this is Internet type information) that the TVA is bad about unscheduled dam discharges and that the alarm is hard to hear once you're further downstream. That makes me a little nervous about wade fishing (may need to invest in a canoe). Let me know it that's incorrect.
  5. I'm sure most of the tailwater section of the river is float only. Any locations to wade fish that are accessible from public property?   It appears all the trout streams in the middle TN area are float only. The closest "stocked" wade streams from Nashville appear to be the Nanatahala (Murphy, NC) or Spring River (Mammoth Springs, AR).
  6. It appears that the Department of Homeland Security needs an additional 22 million rounds (to add to their 1.6 billion round inventory that they're already purchased over the last 10 months).   http://www.infowars.com/dhs-purchases-21-6-million-more-rounds-of-ammunition/
  7. Thanks for the good information. I found the following article on choosing the right rifle sights which I think is pretty good.   http://www.chuckhawks.com/choosing_sights.htm   I agree with Runco about staying with OEM where possible. Since this gun will be mostly a short range, "carry" rifle, I believe that the peep sights are best.
  8. Group,   I need some recommendations on a good peep sight. This is a 1981 Marlin and built solid. I bought it the other day with a really cheap scope that I've removed. I want to use this rifle as a woods gun and use iron sights for short shots in the 50 to 100 yard range (mostly hog hunting). The Skinner sights look good.   Also, I am considering "Tru-Glo" sights for shooting in near dark conditions. However I somewhat concerned they'll be damaged (being plastic) since this is a brush gun. Opinions appreciated.   Mike
  9. Civilians are now Third in Line for Ammo? I wonder why the government is stockpiling so much ammo / guns.   http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/why-is-government-stockpiling-guns-ammo/   I'm having the best luck finding pistol ammo at the larger indoor ranges with relationships with the commercial reloaders. Regarding 22LR, no luck whatsoever recently.
  10. I've attached a link below of some good reviews of Panteao's training videos. It appears that a monthly subscription is a good option if you want to access their complete library.   http://ingunowners.com/forums/tactics_and_training/177764-review_training_dvds_from_panteao_productions.html
  11. Winchester White Box isn't high quality ammo (I consider it a cheap target load). I've had issues with FTE on my PPS including one FTF oversize round that kept the handgun from positioning in battery. Try some different ammo brands. Bottom line - you could have a bad batch of WWB ammo.   I don't own a M&P, but with your gun being new, it may have a break-in period and the clearances may be "tight". Try running it a little "wet" with the lubrication and shoot the handgun more to "loosen" it up. I had to do that with my PPS. Also, I would stick with commercial loads during the break-in period (my opinion).
  12. I wanted a good "truck" gun and liked the Marlin 336. I was told that "real" Marlins are not made anymore and that Remington has "trashed" the brand due to fit / finish issues. I'm not saying that the current guns are poor quality, but I looked at the newer "W" version at Walmart and just didn't like the cycle action or the finish. I decided to purchase a "pre 83" model without the cross bolt safety and picked up a good 1981 Marlin 336 (with scope and bag) for about the price of a new one. This old gun was cared for and is much nicer.   In my opinion, I would pick up an older gun on Gunbroker or keep a look-out at your LGS. As mentioned, they're easy to find if you can wait. Regarding caliber, the 30-30  is the standard and I believe will pack a punch and be plenty accurate to 150 yards.
  13. It will die in conference and I believe the only measure that has a reasonable chance in the Senate is closing the gun show sales “loophole” and perhaps an improved background check. It appears that Obama is switching tactics and will attempt to implement gun control measures at a state level (using his campaign apparatus) rather than attempting to get something through Congress (which isn’t likely in the Republican controlled House of Representatives). With TN being a solid “red” state, I don’t think we have to worry about much. This is my opinion.
  14. Randy,   Walmart in Lebanon has a Marlin 336 30-30. I noticed it today and was getting ready to buy it until I read the attached message thread on "remlins".   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/53193-quality-of-the-new-marlin-rifles-aka-remlins/   I don't own a Marlin and they are good guns, but I've decided to pass on the new ones produced by Remington.
  15. I bought all the handguns last year that I needed and I'm not a black rifle guy. Whatever happens, I don't believe that self defense type handguns and hunting shotguns / rifles will likely be affected much. I'm fully stocked with ammo and I'm still finding it even with the panic buying (you pay for the availability). I'll continue to train although I'll need use my P22 more often. I think that things will return to normal but it may take 6 to 12 months.   Bottom line - I'm not worried about the short term. I am worried about the long term and erosion of our 2nd Amendment rights. I've been on the New York Gun Owners forum and those guys are real worried. Long term, it's an indicator to me that our constitutional rights are at risk.
  16. You bought a good gun and Walther will fix it. Kudos to you on staying calm. I would be "bending" an Academy's manager's ear about the aggravation. Good luck with the repairs. I think Academy owes you some free ammo.
  17. Knox,   This contact and return shipping address was detailed in my "BB" date code PPS owners manual (my PPS is still under warranty). The contact information for service is:   Walther America Sales and Warranty Service 2100 Roosevelt Ave. Springfield, MA 01104 Phone: 800-372-6454 Fax: 413-747-3317 Email: customerservice@waltheramerica.com   I know that Walther recently terminated their agreement with Smith and Wesson and you may have better contact information.   Your barrel condition shouldn't have gotten through Walther's quality inspection process. Since you haven't shot it, I would take it back to your dealer and ask for a total replacement or your money back (my opinion).
  18. You have a one year warranty and the repair should be free. You might want to look at the slide housing underside to see whether you have any additional damage.
  19. More details:   MSG Paul R. Howe is a retired US Army Delta Force operator. Serving in the Army for more than 20-years, he is a veteran of the Battle of Mogadishu, popularized in the book BlackHawk Down. Howe is the recipient of the Bronze Star with V Device for Valor. See http://www.combatshootingandtactics.com for details.   I've "googled" him extensively since I'm considering taking a tactical pistol class at his Nacogdoches, TX training facility. The feedback is almost universally positive. I liked his handgun shooting standards and I'm currently using them for timed training.
  20. +1 on Sumner Guns. They'll loan you ear /eye protection. Clay and group are first class.
  21. Uncle Mike's. Cheap, but it works.
  22. Also, try this link (Macon Gun Stocks). Maybe they can make you a new one.     http://macongunstocks.net/index.html
  23. I have the BG 380 also and I agree that it's got a very stiff trigger pull. For me, it's a close quarters back-up gun. I'm OK with the stiff trigger since I'll be shooting from retention. In my opinion, it's not a comfortable handgun to shoot.   Using the laser might help you (which I don't use on mine due to the switch location). My best advice is for you to shoot it enough so that you get used to the trigger (and develop the accuracy that you want).
  24. Email these guys (Bob's Gun Parts). I didn't specifically see a Stephens but maybe they can find you one. I'm looking for a Remington Model 11-48 forend and sent them an inquiry yesterday.   http://www.gun-parts.com/index.html/
  25. I emailed Senators Corker and Alexander today, along with my Congressional Representative. My comments were basically the opposition of any new gun control legislation and a debate focus on real causes of these tragic shooting events, including mental health support.


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