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Everything posted by TexasAggie

  1. OK thanks. TN will not be recognized by VA starting 2/1/2016 (as likely many already know). That's my rationale and I don't see a legislative solution. I spend a large amount of time in TX and will just go ahead and get a TX non resident permit there (allowing concealed carry in VA). I'm not an open carry proponent, so this solves my problem. The Utah CCW application is $100 cheaper, thus my interest.   I'm not particularly interested in the VA non resident concealed carry license since I consider this license as being compromised, although that may be the most logical solution.
  2. Anybody know of an Utah CCW Trainer providing classes in the Nashville area? This a relatively inexpensive and easy solution to pick-up reciprocal HCP agreements with 35 other states (most of which TN recognizes), including Virginia.
  3. ..
  4. I recommend a Weatherby SA-08. I have the 12 GA. Synthetic version, and it's a reliable workhorse. It's very light, points well, and very well made. It has a nice trigger, has really good performance for this price point. It's Turkish made for Weatherby and the Weatherby quality shows.   Comment assumes you're looking for a hunting gun.
  5. The PPK is a good but HEAVY handgun. I have the Interarms version. Suggest you look for other options. I recommend a S&W J Frame. I have the Model 442 (in 38 special). Another option is a S&W Bodyguard .380 (trigger requires some practice).
  6. It's my primary carry gun. I've been using it for over 5 years. Easy concealment, great trigger, good sights, and it's a Walther. Never had a jam. I find it easy to shoot and highly accurate. I have the 9mm version.   I also have the Walther PPQ (40 cal; M1 version). I really like this gun also, but the trigger is too "light" for concealed carry (my opinion). It's a great range shooter.
  7. I buy from their Jersey Village retail store (work in Houston during the week) and I have had no problems.
  8. Just received my LC9 from Prescott also. I had serious problems with FTFs and light primer strikes. Also performed some Internet research and noticed this was a problem. They replaced firing pin and spring. They also repaired the barrel which appeared to be re-profiling of the barrel entrance slide. Customer service and turnaround was great.   It's my wife's carry gun and she's lost confidence in the gun (although I ran 50 rounds through it and it was flawless). Fortunately she has a S&W 442 wheel gun as a backup and she's considering using it. I'm considering selling the LC9 and likely won't buy another Ruger handgun (too many other good brands).
  9. I would use a 308 or 30-06. I have a Remington 742 (30-06 with Leopold scope)  that I use for deer hunting and I think it's meets most of your specifications. It's not a combat rifle, I wouldn't use it for a SHTF or defensive situation. For that, I would use a M1A (308) but that exceeds your budget.
  10. Agree with previous posters on Skinner sights. It's much easier (for me) to get on target, don't snag (like a scope) on brush when you're in the woods, and you don't have to worry about knocking them off sight (once set, they stay set).
  11. Also look at a shoulder pad. I was in Gander Mountain the other day complaining about my 35 Remington's kick. They recommended a LimbSaver Recoil Pad. I've heard a lot of good recommendations and they have a good selection of slip-on and precision fit pads.
  12. Thanks. I bought one yesterday at Bass Pro. The finish was good, fit me well, and was light and easy to shoulder. The Dept. Manager told me they were selling a lot of them. I bought the last one.   It comes with 2 pistons for the gas system. One is for magnum shells and the other one is for lighter loads. Also it comes with three chokes (modified, improved, and full). As for quality, fit and finish are nice for the price but the overall feel is not on par with higher end guns. I plan to use it for squirrel and general plinking, and I couldn't see myself using (and dinging up) a $1,400 "B" gun as a truck gun.   But for an entry level semi auto, I think it's pretty good (especially for the price). I'm headed to TX next week on business. I have some east TX hardwood river bottom land and I'll put some loads through it (there's plenty of slithering targets).
  13. Group,   I’m looking to purchase a good entry level semi auto 12 gauge shotgun. I’m considering a Weatherby SA-08. The shotgun is Turkish made but sold under Weatherby’s brand (and quality control standards). I also understand it uses a Beretta 390 design. I’ve found very few Internet complaints (other than some not liking Turkish made guns) and the reviews are good. I’m a little concerned about parts availability, but Weatherby has good customer support from the reviews I’ve read. Bass Pro has them for sale in the $550 range (Gunbroker’s used pricing is just as high).   Does anyone have experience with this gun? I intend to use it as a field gun only. Thanks.
  14. That's good to know. Thanks.
  15. I discovered this the hard way last week. I knew handguns required a FFL but didn’t think about long guns. I was working in the Houston area and planned to buy a big bore hunting rifle from a Texas Seller (he lived about 1 hour from my location). After we completed our negotiations (over the phone), he asked about the transfer and I rudely discovered that a FFL was needed. Between shipping and two FFL’s (TX and TN), I estimated the transfer cost to be $80. By the time I added my travel expenses, it wasn’t worth buying the gun. The Seller was kind enough to let me pass on the purchase.
  16. jdw174 - it was Freedom Munitions (Jersey Village location). I finally had a chance this weekend to "exercise" my Walther PPQ 40 cal. The ammo performed well (personal observation of a satisfied customer). Also, the staff is very friendly. If you're in the Houston area, check it out.   Regarding Academy, I noticed yesterday that they had CCI 22LR on the shelves (sorry - an east Texas location). But it does indicate to me that the ammo situation is getting better. 
  17. I think the ammo supplies are loosening up. I don't see the frenzy that I've noticed in the past. FYI - I was in Houston yesterday (still in TX) and bought 500 rounds of 40 S&W and 9mm each. I have my ammo "stash" but needed some shooting stock. This retail store (an ammo manufacturer) was crowded but I didn't see panic buying and some customers were buying several boxes vs bulk.
  18. Try Reloaders Bench in Mt. Juliet. I noticed that they had several boxes yesterday.
  19. Steel, it's gone.    Zeek, I'll send you a PM on a possible location. 
  20. I'm good, including 22LR.   I'm planning on learning to reload (once the panic is over), and I'm looking for some used equipment now.
  21. Appears the DHS only has 16 MRAP's.   The Truth About DHS' MRAPs (TruthAboutGuns Source): http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/03/robert-farago/the-truth-about-the-dhs-mraps/
  22. Maroon / White, I dry fire 70% of the time (using snap caps) and practice one shot drills from the draw position and “high ready”. You can also practice malfunction drills and strong / weak hand shooting. For me, trigger control and sight picture are important, and dry fire practice has saved me a lot of money. I also purchased a timer and normally perform the drills to a certain par time. As you mention, they're one shot drills, but I highly recommend dry fire. When I go to the range, I take my carry handgun and 22LR handgun (similar in feel to my carry gun). I shoot my drills with my carry gun and wrap up on some “dot” drills with my 22. Regarding round count per range visit, it’s about 75 to 100 rounds total (half for each gun). With the current ammo situation, I have cut back to one range visit every two weeks. As a FYI – I’ve been lucky enough to find ammo. I have the best luck visiting small gun shops (mostly outside the metro N’ville area) that serve a local (and loyal) customer base. These types of gun shops don’t gouge and have low enough traffic that they normally have ammo in stock. Mike
  23. Crash, Good read. I don't think most people really understand the follow-up self defense training needs and the legal responsibilities they are taking when they first get their concealed carry license.   Mike
  24. I would call the following number to discuss your warranty question:     Walther America Sales and Warranty Service 2100 Roosevelt Ave. Springfield, MA 01104 Phone:  800-372-6454 Fax: 413-747-3317 Email: customerservice@waltheramerica.com   Walther recently terminated their agreement with Smith and Wesson and you may have better luck calling them directly.


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