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Everything posted by polecat

  1. I from Arizona where you can carry around whatever the hell you want. I never went hiking alone in the high country without a rifle. I didn't know about this until now. So as I understand it I can only openly carry a long gun with my hunting license in hand during hunting season? But I can carry a long gun in the vehicle as long as a round is not chambered?
  2. try this desantis IWB  works well for me http://www.midwayusa.com/Product/127844/desantis-intruder-inside-the-waistband-holster-right-hand-glock-17-19-22-23-26-27-34-35-kydex-and-leather-black
  3.   I agree that in a city/urban self defense situation the semi is the way to go at least for me. I carry a Glock 19 with an extra mag and often a J frame as a backup. And I remember when all the departments were switching from 357 service revolvers to 9mm Sigs, Smiths & Beretta's. Now its mostly 40SW in a Glock. More firepower and for most folks easier to shoot accurately.    That said, things are different depending on where you live and what you may encounter. For example I just moved here last year from northern Arizona where I lived in a very rural part of the state in the Bradshaw mountains. In that landscape the advantage of the revolver for me was distance. My Ruger Blackhawk in 357 with a 6.5 inch barrel could very accurately push a 130 grain bullet at over 1700 ft. per second. The most dangerous things you run into up there are the two legged critters running drugs or growing them.  A lot of my buddies carried the Glock 20 in 10MM which is a great gun for any purpose. If we were not in the midst of the great gun/ammo madness,  I would be looking hard at the Glock in 10mm.   Like others have said, guns are just tools.  Use of them depends on the skill level of the individual and the tactical landscape.  Like the man said : 
  4. I never feel under gunned with my Ruger New Model Blackhawk in 357 magnum. I carry it in a Bianchi Shoulder rig on the trail or even in the winter. It's a force of nature with heavy 357 mag rounds from buffalo Bore.  My J frame is my concealed backup. In the summer carrying concealed is quite another matter. My J frame by itself is not enough for me so its my Glock 19. 
  5. that is one big ugly mean looking sucker! :woohoo:
  6. nothing will stabilize the panic buying and get ammo back on shelves than a complete rejection of any bills; Oh and the many months it will take for manufacturers  to catch up.
  7. 2 models of Bushmaster and 2 models of S&W M&P's; one Stag model. They didn't even bother to stock them as they were just selling from pallets. Priced from $899 up to $1400 (came with Eotech optic).     Lots of ammo on pallets and a line of about 150 folks waiting to buy.
  8. God Bless you and your family at this time. Our family will be praying for you.
  9.   +1     A guy who lives in a small apartment (instead of a palace) , cares for a sick brother, cooks his own meals (instead of having a gourmet cook that was provided) takes the bus to work everyday (instead of the limo provided) and whose main stated goal and major accomplishments are helping the poor in his country is probably a good guy to have representing all christians on the world stage.  I think it will be good for all Christian churches including Catholics.
  10. Not only are those convertibles in short supply but so are many other single actions predominately in 357/38. 
  11. As I have gotten older (now 63) my martial arts skills (3rd dan, Kenpo)  are not what they used to be. Thankfully a lifetime of training does have its benefits even now at this age. I am a great proponent of the martial arts and have found such training to be very effective in maintaining good situational awareness and avoiding most forms of trouble. 
  12. I moved from Arizona where I had it for 7 years and now here since last year.
  13. In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control, and delivers the factual evidence and historical truths that make the case for the Second Amendment self-evident.    I found it very well done.           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-F_zfoDqI
  14. Just picked up a Nano and it seems to like hotter & heavier ammo.  Never tried Estate..
  15. excellent article. Thanks for posting! Chicago has a police and city corruption problem (and has since the days of Al Capone).
  16. polecat

    handgun addict

    My main problem is in the search for the perfect handgun I traded or sold a lot of guns through the years I wish I would have kept!
  17. love the stock. Much nicer than Tapco and the others. great pics. thanks
  18. great video. It just proves again that the left knows exactly what its doing in trying to suppress the 2nd amendment.
  19. Here is the actual Bill and it has a list of semi autos not banned and the NFA stuff ... http://www.scribd.com/doc/122212105/S-150
  20. happy to see John Duncan signed it. I was surprised that the number of people signing it was so small.
  21.   certainly not surprising from the mayor of the most corrupt city in the country . what was it he said..."never let a crisis go to waste" ? 
  22. I looked on the Ruger website and its only the tactical model with the ATI folding stock? Even more crazy. so you swap out the stock and its legal???
  23. not sure about my reps response:    
  24. a must read      


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