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Everything posted by Dirtshooter

  1. Thanks for all the info, I have bee contemplating one to put in my garage for some lights and to charge my cordless tools. I got to thinking about when we were out of power for 12 days during Katrina that I could do without a lot of electrical devices, but 2 things electrical I like is charging my tools and ice. We bought a counter ice maker at Sam's for right at $100 and I even tried and made ice in my pickup running off of the inverter. Btw it works like a champ, will make you ice in 6 minutes.  Ice just makes tea and water so much more palatable!! Solar is like a lot of other preps in that they may or may not be used much or be beneficial, but it is sort of like having a gun and not needing it.
  2. Sam the only thing if a Catholic or Baptist was doing it, it wouldn't be because of their religion because unless somebody can show me in the Bible it doesn't ask me or you to kill others to please God. It does say Love your neighbor as yourself. I still contend that a Muslim is a Muslim, sorry. If the "good" and peaceful Muslims don't come out and say these beheading and such is wrong, what are they saying? They are saying it is right plain and simple. To be quiet and go along is the same as having a bloody knife in your hand. Like I have heard for years, you are either fer me or agin me!!
  3. Congrats, I did it 42 days ago and it is nice. I tell folks I have 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday every week. No more M-F. I was going to hold out until January, but it wasn't any fun anymore and a fellow told me years ago that was when it was time to hang it up. I don't even think about the crap that used to be on my mind in the middle of the night or when I was hunting or fishing. I had some people tell me prior to retiring that it wasn't what is was cut out to be. Well I say BS!! I know that I have to stay busy, but heck I got 2-3 years worth of honey do's to do, espescially when I keep putting them off. LOL  Sorry to jack your thread Randall
  4. On a related subject, you would be surprised at all the reefer trucks that also haul Hazmat products. I was in the chemical industry and we would get loads in all the time in boxed reefer trucks and I asked several of the drivers about hauling Hazmat and they just said "hey it's a load". So nice to know the lettuce or other foods you eat have been in the same confined space as a bunch of Hazmat chemicals!!
  5. I am not an expert, but from what I understand if he/she is a good Muslim they hate and want to either convert or kill everyone that isn't a Muslim. So I don't understand the "radical" vs. the peaceful Muslim. And for this to be labeled work place violence is a joke. Wake up America.
  6. This may sound dumb, but just because it is a new switch doesn't mean it works. The black wires are they hooked up like the white one as around a screw and not the type that inserts? If they are make sure they are stripped far enough and are making contact. And this is not being mean, but also make sure the light bulb is good. Crazier things happen. Hope this helps, Mac Also make sure it hasn't thrown a breaker or blown a fuse, in other words make sure you have electricity at the switch.
  7. I will chime in if you have never shot at night please go do it. You will be amazed. I used to shoot with a group in Poplarville, Ms. monthly in the summer. It is a blast and you can't do this just anywhere. Be safe and have fun!! Mac
  8. Prayer sent Will.  Glad you made that call and I hope all works out well for your wife and you. My SIL is a Baptist preacher and I know firsthand that he and none of his congregation are mind readers. LOL!!
  9. Congrats. I have 2 close friends that are machinists and I will tell you that every town will always be in need of a machinist. You can take your Kennedy tool box and go anywhere in the country and get a job, or at least you used to be able to do that.
  10. Congrats, wish you a long career with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Facebook, what is that?? I don't, won't and ain't gonna use that cra$. I don't even like texting. Call me, get the message across, or ask the question and then get off the phone and do something constructive. Like work or fish or something!! If I was the CEO of a company the first thing I would do would be to implement a NO PHONE policy while you are getting paid by me with the exception of a salesperson or truck driver and only if he had an emergency. You just take a few moments each time you go into a business and some employee is either texting, talking or looking at some video while on the clock. Go to work. Ok rant over, have a nice day!!
  12. Any pickle recipes ya'll want to share have at it. Mom used to make some in a crock with dill and garlic and put cheesecloth over the top and skim the scum every few days. Haven't a clue about the recipe though. Mac
  13. Hi guys, I have been reading up on solar power and I think I am as confused as ever. I do know that the solar stuff is expensive, but if a SHTF or similar hiccup messes with our power would you rather have an expensive solar system and have electricity or do without?? My thoughts are for 12 volt led lights in the garage/shop and an inverter so I could charge my cordless tools. I have grown very fond of my cordless tools. Any of you have a system or are solar savvy?? Thanks Mac
  14. Thanks, I just want to be legal. Can't afford no fines and I don't think jail would be something I would like. Mac
  15. Thanks guys, I am not planning on selling any, just wanted to be sure. Mac
  16. If a person moves from another state to Tn. and they bring in a box or 2 of ammo is that person responsible for paying a tax and if so pay it to whom. Next question what about people that reload, are the rounds they make or components they buy taxed. Just trying to understand this. Thanks Mac
  17. Hi guys I have read page after page of stuff and can't get a definite answer about CCW on the water. Also are the ramps at Dale Hollow TVA or COE? Thanks for your help. Mac
  18. I work in the oilfield and we had been using Ford powestroke diesels and literally put 300K on them without turning a wrench. Then comes along the 6.0,and 5.4 Ford diesels. We keep our vehicles maintained change oil every 5K. Boss had 2006 F-350 125K, the last year we had it we spent $11,000 and it needed a set of heads $6,500. Every time we turned around 1 of them was in the shop and the repair bill would be $3,000 or more. If they signed the title over to me I wouldn't drive it home, put a for sale sign and sell it for anything over what the junk yard will give. I promise you you will regret it if you buy one. Just google up Ford diesel problems. To be honest unless you are pulling some heavy heavy loads get a good Chevy gas burner. I am thru with Fords, you can't imagine all the crap that breaks on them. I used to be a Ford man, not anymore. I wouldn't recommend one that is for sure. And btw if you get caught bypassing the egr and such you could be in for some serious fines.
  19. Yea that is why you see signs that read game cameras in use. Chances are if you know the definition of surveillance the sign wasn't meant for you.
  20. The really sad part is 6 years and nobody checked on her?? The cops were real thorough huh??
  21. He bound to be a bachelor, momma requires hot and cold and a big mirror etc, etc, etc. 6' of counter space for her 337 items in her drawer??
  22. Keep strong brother. It is true it is much easier to pickup those habits than to quit them I smoked, dipped and chewed bacci. It has been several years since I smoked and probably 10 since I quit chewing and there are still some days it wouldn't take much to get me started back. I look at the prices today and don't know how anyone can afford them. I have definitely bought more guns and fishing stuff since I quit. Food tastes better, momma don't fuss at me burning all the money up. Life is Good!!
  23. I am an old fart and right proud of that fact. I like my 60's & 70's rock. I can relate to a lot of what has been said, bout them long haired hippies and such. But when you go to town and half of the population is still in their PJ's it kinda makes you wonder??? Symbolic you are right I work with a 30 something, he is a good guy, but I promise you he doesn't "care" about the job like the rest of us. Pride in your country, pride in your work, people used to sign their work as they were proud of what they had made, pride in your family and how you look does mean something. Hey if you want a tattoo or 20 that is cool, if you want metal stuck everywhere that is cool. I have been thinking about a hairdo and tattoo's like Ragnor on the Vikings. I guarantee you most folks will leave you alone if you look like him. Peace!!
  24. Try forum.gon.com    it is Georgia outdoor news seem like a good bunch, I haven't been on there in awhile though.
  25. Hi guys do any of you know what the law is concerning delinquent tax sales? I have my eye on a lot but the owner and his wife died and there are like 7 heirs to the property some who have since died and I cannot contact them. I know the taxes haven't been paid in 2 years. I am going to contact a lawyer, but thought someone here may have some info about this. Thanks Mac


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