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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. That sounds absolutely terrible!
  2. I don't disagree that in order to be in compliance one must comply but I disagree with the idea that anyone or any government has the right to pass legislation that infringes on law abiding citizens rights for them to even have to comply with. I guess that's my whole point. If they want to make up personal rules for themselves and any that will follow suit that is fine but don't drag me into your madness and beat me out of my rights.
  3. I can't imagine being in route to a caribou hunt in Canada and being forced to land in NYC due to weather or the such. That is a situation that no one should ever have to face. Just another example of a law abiding citizen being turned into a criminal by a sometimes criminal law.
  4. I have a hard time being okay with some voting away birth rights of others. I fully understand how it all comes about and when it pertains to non constitutionally protected issues I think that is the way for things to be decided. Lets say there are more democrats that support the IRS's singling out conservative and tea party groups than there are others that oppose it. If they vote that this is an acceptable behavior because they have a larger number or simply have more people in the right places does that make it okay? My point is, I see a huge difference between legislation that destroys birth rights and legislation that decides if you will be taxed on income or taxed on consumption etc...,
  5. I agree with you on all fronts other than the states having the right to have their own gun possession laws. I believe we have the birth right to protect ourselves and possess the tools necessary to do so. I don't believe the state or federal government has the right, no matter how many vote for it, to deny the residents that might choose to arm their selves that right. The 2nd Amendment is cut and dry perfectly clear in it's meaning and that should trump ANYTHING that the state or federal government decide to vomit upon the american people. In my mind a state forcing gun owners to have a registration card is unconstitutional, I mean 2A does state that the right "shall not be infringed" and if i have to go register then my rights are being infringed upon! We've been letting them "infringe" little by little for a very long time and if it is not stopped then there will be no stopping it. We're getting to the point in the process that if we don't not only stop it but rather stop it and take back what they have already tricked us out of, we will never get it back..
  6. I'm wanting to build a .300 blackout and would like to run a pistol length gas system with 16" barrel. Does anyone offer this configuration? I've done some looking this evening with no luck so far. I've seen some short barrels with extended flash hiders to make it legal without a tax stamp but i'd like to keep the full 16" barrel. Anyone have any experience or seen anything fitting my wants? 
  7.  We all know how these little details get "accidentally" misconstrued. Being that everything i've found on the matter has ranged from one extreme to the other and everywhere in between, theres no telling what really happened. I've seen first hand how an "officer of the law" can go from normal every day traffic stop mode to rabid drooling gonna get me one mode in short order when he see's the chance, i can't get settled on the idea that they are being truthful. On that same note, who hasn't seen someone in the wrong go hire a big shot attorney and twist knots in the police's story. Hard to say without being there i suppose but NJ over steps Constitutional boundaries daily and in my opinion never deserve the courtesy of "benefit of the doubt.    But i am troubled by one thing in the article, His lawyer is fighting saying that state law should never trump federal law and i beg to differ. When the feds are over stepping their Constitutional boundaries (seems to be happening more and more over the last 5yrs) then i believe the states have a right you make their stand! In this case the feds are within those boundaries and the state seeks to deprive the rest of us our god given right. I was a fan of how Christie stepped in and brought NJ out of the toilet but since then he has proved to be a (pun intended)"BIG" disappointment.   Rant is concluded. 
  8. They should be ashamed.. It is one thing for an individual to see the chance to make the extra money but for a business to not have the foresight to see that one day (hopefully) availability will come back and they will have to try to sell the same thing that every other dealer else is trying to sell. Only now all of us and an untold thousands more that have seen what they are pulling and will not buy from them. Ammo sales is a fairly tough margin business when supply is plentiful so they aren't going to be able to sell enough cheaper than the next dealer to make folks forget this. I hope they sell every last D@&N brick of it because that small gain may be what rips their sail. 
  9. They can't erase what they don't know has been uploaded to other places. If you were to refuse to show your phone you would have likely heard "if your not doing something wrong then why does it matter?" but that works both ways, if they are doing nothing wrong why would they fear being photographed? 
  10.  I could be wrong but the two reasons that jump out at me are  1- That 2 part fiberglass resin would likely turn to one big hot sticky wad before you could get them out. 2- If you were able to get them out individually you would have no way to have a nice even coat, you could maybe size it but both ends of the bullets likely wouldn't be shaped right nor would the weight be anywhere near consistent.  It would be a nice slick coating if these issues weren't there. Unless reheating the epoxy caused it to epoxy the barrel. ? just my guess? Probably worth what you've paid for it.
  11.     Call him @ 615-497-4205. You may have to call him a few times but leave him a voicemail the first time you try. He gets literally hundreds of calls each day but if you keep trying you will get him. I have spent thousands with him over the past 1 1/2yrs and got a many supplies as i would have spending 50-75% more somewhere else. Things are tough right now and his prices have gone up because his cost has gone up but you will not be gouged and he will shoot straight with you. I guess the moral to the story is he is on the phone so much that he doesn't always have time to go through everything here. 
  12. Yep, i had a set years ago and got to thinking about it and a few other things in the kit and came to the realization that i may as well throw that stuff out because i wouldn't have known what to do with them. But i opted to keep my stuff and learn to use them. I could use a refresher in all honesty and should probably get to that.
  13. I sent TgoDavid a PM but never heard back so I guess scratch that idea.
  14. I know this^ was a joke from you but i do feel this is the way a TON of folks look at it without even realizing it.
  15. Well i ran out of fishin' line and barbed hooks by the time i got to you, sorry about that. Glad they made it.
  16. Thanks, I'll be your neck in a couple of weeks for a motocross race so we'll all just come crash on your couches. Lol just kidding. I used to race there quite a bit and they've got they're 1st pro race so were heading up to watch that in Blountsville.
  17. I hear that! My family moved to TN when i was in 4th grade but i have lived down there twice since graduating high school. I Had a marine excavating/construction company in the panhandle (pre Obama) but i lived over in Daytona for school back in 2000 i went into Orlando a lot then and got down through Orlando to visit Family every year or so. About 2 years ago i sat at one red light through 10 cycles before making it through and there was no wreck, just horrid traffic!
  18.  They were high speed sutures.    What area of Orlando do you live in? I was born and raised part of my life over in Apopka.
  19. Did you get to eat the Grapes and Tangerines with you got done fixing them up? :popcorn:
  20.  Haha yep. I've stitched myself up a couple of times but when i started training and fighting MMA I figured out real quick that super glue is the way to go. That is until you get into a deeper flesh wound and then you would want to go with stitches because you don't want the wound completely sealed off. I quit fighting about 4 years ago and have needed glue or stitches since and hope it stays that way  :x:  Oh and just fyi for others, if it is just a cut to the face/head or other shallow to bone area super glue will net you almost zero scar. I've had multiple facial lacerations clear to the bone and you would have to ask me where they are (unless you were about 2" from my face but i don't think i would stand still that long lol. 


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