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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. I don't know that we have any pull with that. But large numbers of people at these events could give a perspective candidate the courage to step up.
  2. I would think Obama would be happy to see him back.
  3. Daniel is a dealer but works a day job. He is located just south of the line into Georgia below Chattanooga. I picked up lowers. uppers, BCG's, LPK and charging handle a little while back when things were a little tough still and he made things happen quickly and smoothly. The lowers I got were stripped but he may be able to come up with something for you. I will tell you this, If he says he can get you taken care of, he'll do it. Send him a PM and he'll get back with you, it may be later this evening after he gets off.
  4.    He's not going a damn place unless someone steps up to run against him. So far he has either intimidated everyone that has tried to step up or hired them to his team. That's sad but to be honest with you, if they are that easily swayed then they wouldn't be any better than him.
  5. Daniel has handled everything perfectly, would have struggled to gain a listening ear with most places.
  6. I haven't gotten that far yet. I'll scout that out tomorrow and see what I can come up with.
  7. Ha Alexander's most recent score hit an awe inspiring 41!! There are Democrats that have higher scores for gods sake! I'm going to try to run out there. 
  8.   I'm going to BUMP this back to the top because folks really need to check this and i'm not seeing any action here.
  9.        That's crazy.. I just checked mine over really well and didn't find a bur or anything but i stripped another AR down again and compared the 2 cam pins and it seems like the one i'm having the issue with may not have as much of chamfer around the edges of the hole as the good one does and if you slide the firing pin through at a bit of an angle it feels a little more grabby than the good one. another thing i noticed is the firing pin cotter key isn't long enough to reach all the way through the bolt carrier. I haven't quit figured out if that could have anything to do with it or not. It doesn't seem to be causing any problem but i'm manipulating it by hand and that's a whole different animal than when the gun is running.I may just have to replace them both just so i don't have to worry about it any more.
  10. I'm not on the Maryland forum but this is exactly what mine would have looked like if i had actually gone shooting. Mine happened in 8 rounds! I'm definitely glad i decided to pull in all down before shooting any more. I bought 2 at the same time 1 for me and 1 for another forum member and I just got off the phone with him and his is starting to get the same marks and he put 12 rounds through his (split a box of ammo the other day). I will go check the cam pin and report back. Thanks for the info/help!
  11. Okay, i just got done building the rifle Thursday night and went to the range at lunch Friday and put 8 subsonic rounds through it. I just got back in town and decided i would pull it down and clean it up and re-oil it. When i pulled the pin from the bolt it felt a little rough and looked stained so i took some Hoppes #9 to it and nothing much came off and it is still stained. Next i noticed the deep scoring that almost seems like it was rolled around on a concrete floor under someones shoe. The scrathes run the circumference rather than down the length so i don't see how it wasn't that way before it was put in the bolt. Yes i should have pulled it before installing it in the gun but i didn't, i just sprayed it out good and lubed it up. So what i've got is 1. a stained bolt rather than a clean almost mirror finish like my others and 2 some bad scratching that i'm not sure i can polish out without changing the diameter so much that it would cause premature wear inside the bolt. Anyone ever seen this?
  12. There are solutions you can mix up using household items that due a fair job without tumbling. If you have a Harbor Freight near you and a 20% off coupon you can pick up a good tumbler for $40.
  13. Can't  go wrong with an RCBS hand primer and it will use the same shell holder that either press will. If you get the Lee hand primer you will have to buy seperate shell holders. I've got a Lyman turret press that has a primer arm on it but i threw it away. You will be much happier in your reloading with the hand primer especially on a single stage since you have to pull each case off the press for each step anyways.
  14. Never trimmed any pistol brass before but if you ever need to trim bulk rifle brass the "lil crow trimmers" are incredible. They are caliber specific but worth the money if you do much. I'm not sure if they make them for pistol calibers.
  15. A winning bid for the presidency by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
  16. If they let their kind of racism die.... well... I guess they'd have to go work like the rest of us huh.
  17.    Yes, i was referring to a Metropolitan government. Generally speaking they are thicker with smog than smaller cities/areas but we know that this isn't always the case. There's obviously some catch to who they require to and who they don't but i'm almost positive Rutherford county doesn't do it voluntarily.
  18. In Rutherford it ends up costing $80 for standard tags with $10 emissions test. It may be just a little more than that but can't remember for sure.
  19.  That's just what i have been told by a couple folks at the Rutherford county Register Of Deeds. I've also heard and read the same thing numerous times over the years. Now as mentioned by Chucktshoes above, there may be counties that have refused to fund or implement causing this to not be 100% accurate or it may just be that Metropolitan Nashville and bordering counties are required or i guess there's always the chance that every one and place that i have heard or read this could be wrong.   Is Knoxville a metropolis? I sure didn't realize that.
  20.  Your vehicle must pass emissions standards if you live in a county that contains a metropolitan city or any county that shares a border with said county. At least this is how it started out. Again it is an attack on people that can least afford it. It doesn't really affect folks driving new vehicles (other than it being a pain in the arse and $10) but rather the folks driving the vehicles after the first man puts 100,000 miles on it at which time you play the "how much is it going to cost to get the damn check engine light off long enough to pass the test" I've known of folks that were faced with making a decision between necessities and getting their car to pass emissions which can sometimes cost $500-$1000 or even more when they don't know how to fix it them selves.. Just another unintended consequence of governmen/tEPA games. Just shows you who they are least worried about.  
  21. Hey 173, what kind of containers are those up on the shelves? And where might one find them?
  22. I didn't see the memo you mentioned but i hope your right. Sure seems like some pretty popular items on the chopping block though. I hope this doesn't get out as something shady going on and cause another tailspin (that's if there's nothing shady going on. There i've covered all the bases).
  23. Dang! I wasn't even the 1st repost? You really know how to make a fella feel real good don't ya lol


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