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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. http://www.westernjournalism.com/million-muslim-march-on-dc-set-for-9112013/
  2. Ignorance and being "mislead" are different things. I'm just saying, if they are on the hook then so should be the retailer and manufacturer. They manufacture and sell products packaged together with the instructions on how you are to mix it to make the target explode which are its intended and common use. Maybe I'm just thinking through emotion (doesn't happen a lot) because I hate to see someone made a criminal just because California wants to make a point. It's BS! But since I am not being logical ill stand back and just read lol
  3.     I understand the "letter of the law" thing but how many folks in TN do you think ever thought to check up on this before they bought it at the gun show and ran home to blast it? If it is marketed the same way there as it is here then they scream "perfectly legal", the stuff I bought had those two very words on it. If they are guilty then the manufacturer and Bass pro (or where ever they bought it) should be on the hook as well for willfully misleading folks. I think with the right attorney this could be beat or at least plead down to a misdemeanor. To ruin someones chances of work, owning firearms and voting with felony charges when there was absolutely no knowledge or wrongful intent is bogus in my book and I would say in the minds of the majority, only problem is that they are in Cali and have very low odds of a panel of jurors with a shred of common sense being selected.
  4. First off your not broke until you have zero money to feed the rifles and second, Gordonsville is not far from me so I may show up to play.
  5.  I don't have much of an answer but I have the same issue with any firearm that the trigger is or breaks to close to the grip. For instance, I have no problem with a 1911 with a long trigger (not a long pull but rather a trigger that extends further towards the front of the gun) but with a Sig I had my hand was almost making a fist at the point the trigger broke and tha'ts when I was having the same issue you describe. Since then I have payed attention to every gun I have fired dry or live and without fail I get the Counterclockwise roll With any gun as described above. I don't know (I haven't tried) if there is a way to tape something along the front of the that would be sturdy enough but you might try and see if that helps any. Also, mil-spec AR triggers tend to be a little song to pull and sorta gritty so those are also things that could give problems. Good Luck
  6. Should be a fun venture!
  7.  I guess my thing with a traffic camera (not a red light gonna stick it to ya camera) is, they have been around for years and years at certain intersections for traffic purposes and only for that. I'm just saying that if there has to be cameras at an intersection then this should be their purpose and not for the government to be watching over particular citizens. I'm not sure where the lines is either and I think that is in part because our government does not recognize a "line" anymore and that is the part the worries me.
  8. Yep and your right, the roadway is as public as it gets but I would like to think that we have the right to not be spied on by people on our payroll using equipment when payed for.. As for cameras being used for the purpose of being able to get to the bottom of issues within it's field of view, I have no issue at all.  
  9. Hey, i'm just glad I wasn't imagining things!
  10. I caught that before the edit and did a good bit of laughing as you unfolded it all. Manual windows!
  11.    He got 3yrs on a manslaughter charge but should have been way worse. Unless the eyewitness was making up a story for someone he knew nothing about then the cops arm was not caught in the window meaning that he committed murder. Unless I missed something (please let me know if I have) what did this woman have to run from? I haven't found any history of drugs, theft or anything else. But there is evidence of the cop being a pos "Soon after Harmon-Wright was arrested, it was revealed that he had a tarnished military record, a drinking problem, and a history of harassing Culpeper residents. The first two problems  nearly kept him from getting the job, and no one at the Culpeper Police Department will say why they didn't."    The story he gave stuck for some reason despite the being a witness to the contrary.
  12. I didn't realize they would do that... Pretty cool.
  13.    I kind of agree Robert other than the red light cameras have been proven ineffective at changing peoples driving habits so the only purpose they serve is revenue generation and that's what taxes are for. The part that I do agree with is that they are good for catching a driver in a hit and run situation and a few other situations similar to that. Here's the "but", why use revenue generation cameras that are only taking snap shots? Why not just post a standard camera so that they can pick up any time frame they wanted? If they are honestly not just there to bring in extra revenue then I would think a round the clock video camera would be the better option.
  14. Eyewitness says what he watched happen doesn't match the story police are using to justify the killing of a Sunday school teacher. I guess you take care of your own even if you sell your soul to do so.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BSPhC916GQM
  15. I don't know but I looked all over for it the other day and thought I was going crazy and maybe just dreamed it up.
  16. I kinda feel dumb for starting this thread, I just noticed the sticky on the topic. Woops
  17. I sure haven't, i know when I bought my first streaming box I was going to go with a Roku because my father in law really had good luck with his but i saw the Sony box and the guy at Best Buy said it was just as good but had YouTube. Boy was he wrong, yes it had YouTube but the system was so horrible that you could not search and find what you wanted (unless you had a couple days to look for that one video). It would take close to 5 minutes to punch in the letters for your search and it return the wrong videos that most of the time had nothing to do with your search.. Anyways i've gone off topic here, I'm not sure if the newer Roku boxes offer YouTube or not and i'm not tech savvy enough to find back doors into things. Hopefully someone else here will be able to help with that. I will ask my father in law about it when I see him.
  18.      I think you will be happy with your purchase. You will be glad you got one with an ethernet port, We tried ours wireless when we were living in an apartment in town while we were renovating the house but it was constantly buffering and adjusting speed. As soon as I hard wired it, it ran like a top and never re-buffered unless it was something wrong with the internet before it got to us.  If you take time to learn the Netflix system you will be good to go. Also, one thing I ended up doing was pulling it up on my laptop and cruising through available shows and adding them to my que from there (you can flip through and search much quicker than you can with the Roku remote). If you leave feedback (stars) on shows you have watched Netflix will learn your tastes a lot quicker than it will basing it only on what you have watched. Anytime I really like a show I will give the whole series 5 stars and it will eventually start making suggestions based on your most liked shows in each genre.   Enjoy!
  19. There isn't a rock big enough that i could crawl under and feel okay.
  20. I do believe your "make paid hog hunts illegal" idea is the absolute best way to go! And the TWRA might should go as far as to offer a reward for the turning in of folks who try to charge. Either way, your idea makes far more sense than the route they went. Maybe that's why they didn't go that route... can't have a government agency using anything that could be construed as common sense.
  21. I kind of remember seeing something like this in the last few months and i'm wanting to say it was down around Fayetville. I may be completely wrong and meshing a couple different things together so don't take this a gospel.
  22. Exactly! And they are just as much of a problem as the handful that moved them. This was the issue with the Farmer that had us out, he was happy to have someone killing them until he found that people would pay to do it. More lead flying = less hog problems. And I'd say most of us know a large acreage land holder or farmer but a small percentage of the public do and an even smaller number know one well enough to get them selves on some list.
  23. I completely agree that the few have caused some damage. The landowners being shoot and have people shoot is great but its not as simple as the land owner just giving permission. Also there are plenty of land owners that are not going to go through the trouble of setting a list up for people to come out and then you have bleeding hearts that think everything on this planet deserves another breath that won't allow them to be hunted. I say this because these few examples will create enough voids for them to increase in numbers greatly. Like I said there should be very very severe penalties for people caught moving/transporting hogs but we need as many people killing them as possible or they are going to get away from us. I'm not as much concerned with hunters not having the opportunity to hunt hogs as I am concerned about what will happen if they don't. I never truly understood the devastating effects the have on crop land and the danger those pose to children and even adults until I witnessed it all first hand. Here's something else most people don't realize, if a farmers has hogs that are more or less free range and then turns them loose, it doesn't take very long for the same problems to occur. An older gentleman about 20 miles from my grandparents passed away and his two sons never did anything with the farm or livestock. Now 10-15 years later, there are feral hogs stemming from that bunch 50 miles from that farm and that's with folks shooting them. I don't know how far they have stretched out in the other direction but there is 10's of thousands of acres mostly wooded on that side so who knows. I guess my point is, I agree with a lot of what your saying but bottom line is, it's going to take as many barrels aimed their direction as possible to keep them thinned out so maybe a smarter way would be to make the punishment so severe that it would be worth the risk and actually follow through with it when someone breaks the law. Maybe I'm completely wrong here but from what I've seen first hand, I'm pretty much on target.


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