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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1.  I have no pictures of mine with me but it looks like a garden variety AR with a heavy barrel on it. I've got a CMMG 16" 7 twist barrel and all I have had a chance to load and shoot so far have been 150gr bullets. I've now loaded and shot some fmj (M80 pulls from David which are actually 147gr) and some soft points. Timthetoolman and I research, load and shoot together for the most part and also built identical Blackout rifles so that all of our load development crosses over. The scope I put on mine has a small circle around the crosshairs so super precision is really tough but I shot a 10rd group in which 9rds worth measured 3/4" with one off by itself stretching the group to 1 1/4". If you handload, you can't go wrong with David's M80 pulls for an economical round. I have some Sierra SMK's that I want to get loaded at some point and I expect the group size to shrink even more when I do. I bought a 155gr bullet mold last week and it arrived Friday just before leaving for Florida but i'll report back on that as soon as we get some brass loaded and emptied.    I HOPE you enjoy the new rifle but I KNOW you will love the cartridge.
  2.    That is one extraordinary rifle!  
  3. I'm in for 1 lower and possibly 2. I'm also interested in an upper depending on price. THANKS MacGyver!!
  4.    Not to mention, I've had really good luck driving off with no ticket each time I have told them before they run my license and it usually ends in two "gun guys" talking guns. I'm sure that has something to do with the rural area i'm in but it always seems to work out that way.
  5.      Thanks much for posting this!
  6. Not sure what happened with this but i'll try again,    Huckabee isn't just now throwing himself in the ring with Lamar, He's been making appearances with him over the last year. I thought fairly well of Huck until he started making these appearances but it really made me start paying a lot closer attention to what comes out of his mouth. I'm not sure if i'm ready to completely write him off as a full fledged RINO but he's workin' real hard towards it. I have heard him throw his spin on some social issues over the last 2-3 months and when you wipe all the icing and sprinkles off, it is the same social program turds that the Obama admin is shoving down our throats. I no longer consider him a real conservative republican because he has aligned himself with Corker, Alexander, and a handful of other lousy POS's. He's up to no good and don't be surprised when we find out that all of the appearances with Lamar have actually been feelers to test the presidential/vice presidential candidate waters....
  7. I know a lot of others put more through their bolt guns than I do and I can put 30-40 rounds through just my .243 in a range trip and I usually shoot pistols, semi auto rifles and bolt rifles.
  8. That is my major gripe with most of these types of cases. Just because one bad person works at Walmart or one gun enthusiast is bad doesn't make the rest of the Walmart employees or gun enthusiast bad. This is true up until the rest of the employees or enthusiasts decide to cover up for the bad ones no matter the wrong they do. The same applets to sheriff or police depts. It's seems like any time a LEO commits a crime the rest of the crew flocks to their aid armed with shovels and ammonia to help bury the wrong. I know that way more often than not, this is the exception more than the rule but it happens enough to make folks skeptical.
  9. I'm not sure that it would have changed much if the guy had mentioned his permit in this case because it sounds like the LEO was a bomb looking for a place to go off. And even worse is the fact that some of his colleagues were willing to try to cover it up. For those reasons I agree, that Dept. should have its crotch sued off and any other dept. that is willing to play the cover up game should meet the same fate. The 3 times that I've been faced with the decision whether or not to volunteer my armed/unarmed status I have chosen to tell them as soon as they came to the window. I was only pulled over once for speeding and it was 23mph over, I have no doubt that I was about to have a ticket written to me but instead it turned into a gun discussion and I would have been happy to have discussed guns anyhow so the lack of a ticket was a bonus. I will continue to base my decision to inform on the situation but in most any situation I can dream myself into, I will inform.
  10.    Glad you found some of your needed items, gotta love a gun show! I'll hold off until I can buy from David though, He took good care of me before and when things were hard to get so I reckon I will support him now when things are coming back around.
  11. I do love a good uncovered "cover up".
  12.  Does this mean there is no one from David's camp at the Boro show? I need to grab a thing or two but don't want to pay admission only to get inside and find out that I have to drive all the way to his house this week anyways..
  13. I think .243 gets the "barrel burner" rep from folks shooting at the lighter faster end of the spectrum. You can load 100gr way down in the 2000's and you can also load 52gr bullets up around 4000fps. Something tells me the man shooting those hot 52gr loads is going to burn one a lot quicker than the man loading the 100gr bullets. If kept within normal speeds I believe you will find that it will wear much closer to that of other calibers that you are comparing to. I love my .243 and it is possibly one of the most versatile cartridges out there IMO. I can't speak for the barrel life as i've not shot enough to know yet but mine has seen more heavy bullet loads than anything else so i'm not to worried.  
  14. I'm sure it never happens at the federal level.... We trust them to work hard... right? But in all seriousness, I didn't think the room they were in looked like anything i'd seen before.
  15. Not the slightest bit lol. Can't be sure of anything in Washington other than disappointment.
  16. Sad isn't it.. They don't even pretend like they are at work. I bet if they through a camera in there behind them and did a Cspan split screen between in front and behind they might at least try to hide what they are doing.
  17.   It is the 155gr Lee AK mold you spoke so highly of last time we talked. I'm not a psychic and i'm not guessing, Tim and I cast together. We've both been on the hunt for one for a while now and he finally found one in stock. 
  18. Another dog to look at is a Labradoodle. While it does seem like a sissy sounding breed it is far from that, Winslow the current one is about 90# but he has a bit more lab in him than most. My parents are on their second one and they have both been amazing dogs. Neither of them had any desire to get more than 100yds from the house unless they were with one of us. They don't seem to bark unless there is someone coming up. They have been inside dogs and hate to disappoint their people but I'm not sure how they would feel about being a full time outdoor dog.
  19. I'm not completely sold on the whole "outside dog=abuse" thing but some breeds are definitely more suited for it that others. But here's the danger of a solo outside dog that's not in a fence, if your in the country and there are goats, chickens and such around it is awful tempting for them to satisfy curiosity. If they were to find another dog in the area then that curiosity could and likely will turn into dead livestock and that makes for piss poor relations with your neighbors. Once a dog gets a taste for it, there's nothing you can do about it. My father put my dog down when I was a kid for just this reason and I've seen this happen with many dogs over the years. Just one more thing to consider if not building a fence.
  20. I was against Pit Bulls most of my life up until I finally let a stray call my place home. She was absolutely the best dog that I have ever been around and went to work with me everyday. She would ride on everything from Atv's to truck's to trackhoes and bulldozers and couldn't stand to be left behind at home (abandonment issues huh). She never met a stranger whether it be human, dog or cat and was this way to a fault because I let her out one Saturday morning to play with the neighbor's dog and went inside long enough to fix a glass of water... that was long enough for someone to snatch her. I have not owned any other breed since her and have been extremely happy as they have been the most loving and eager to please dogs i've ever dealt with. While i've never had even the slightest issue, i've always raised them to be okay with kids pulling ears, tails, lips ect...but like any dog, they need to be well socialized. My wife and I have a 1 1/2 year old blue and white that loves kids to no end and anytime friends have their kids over they almost always end up asleep in the kennel with her arm wrapped around them. They are much more the "nanny dog" than they are the mean guard dog people make them out to be out of ignorance. Anyways... they are not for everyone and they definitely want to be inside with their owners. No matter what you settle on, training/acclimating them to be okay with anything kids or adults could possibly throw their was is very important. Good luck whatever way you decide to go.  
  21.   I know Titegroup wasn't on your list but I do load lead for my 1911. 4.6gr of Titegroup with 230 and 260gr lead bullets. they shoot great!
  22.  It's a sad event, prayers for the family and even more so for the child. Causing someones death even if it is by accident or even something totally out of your hands is tough to bear and there will likely not be a day that goes by that the day doesn't pass through the child's mind. I was involved in a non firearm related incident and while out of my hands, it still to this day occupies a spot inside of me.
  23.   Ever been pulled over on a bike with no insurance? It can be tough getting even liability on some bikes and it is a $250 fine from Rutherford County SO when they catch you without it... Ask me how I found this out. The ticket was a grand total of $990 and some change. 
  24.    That is or at one time not long ago was the most wrecked bikes out there. While it makes no sense because the wreck occurs because of the operator and there are other bikes that are as quick or quicker out there, neither does writing more expensive policies for white or red cars because they are broken into more often. The software and algorithms used by insurance companies don't take into account the reason for the stats. There are more (or was at one time) more white and red cars on the road so of coarse they are broken into more often and at one time the R6 was the most popular/common sport bike on the road so naturally they were involved in more accidents. Now any insurance guys feel free to correct me if this is not the case any more but i was told this by a previous insurance provider when I questioned him on this topic. 
  25. Funny how its long enough to get him past the next election. I think all the fishermen that are getting their noses stained brown over this are foolish to think that, if reelected "good ole Lamar" will go at this issue with the same tenacity the next time it's back up for debate. It would surprise me none to little if he just looked around and pretended the issue and voters didn't even exist.


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