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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1.   Yep.. I heard some very very disrespectful things said and that has no place on the house or senate floor!
  2. I don't think that's completely true, would you rather carry on with the senators that only fight for a garaunteed? I'd like to think that he's given more courage to the house and I hope that the senate catches a whiff of it. Now it may not change the outcome but he has at the very least given the people hope, hope that there are still those that will fight the good fight.
  3. Man, and I thought I'd had some raw deals with them! The main problem is they don't have to answer to anyone when they screw up. What if that had been an irreplaceable items such as something handed down in your family or some other item that you can't put a price on.. My sister lives in NYC but bought her wedding dress here and ended up flying down to get it herself (buddy passes) because she was scared to have it shipped. It shouldn't be that way but I guess if they were on the hook for everything folks would just make up some bs about what was in the package and what it's worth. Either way, USPS has some major efficiency and reliability issues to solve or they will never pull themselves out of the gutter.
  4. Wouldn't that have been a sight to see!
  5. As soon as I woke up this morning I all but ran to the TV to see if he was still standing. Not only was he still standing but he continued on until the official new day has to start at 12pm et. He has to have had a catheter bag hanging on his leg, if not one on both legs. Ted Cruz is a senator that all others should strive to be more like IMO. 
  6. They are the most incompetent, inefficient carrier out there. I never have any issues unless it involves USPS but you would think it would be the other way around seeing as how they have 8 employees for every one mans worth of work (came from the mouth of a USPS employee)
  7. Those 100rd box of garbage shells have been $26.97 here in the boro for a while now. It is actually cheaper to buy the next grade up by the 25rd box than it is to buy those "bulk" boxes here.
  8.    That was going to be my suggestion unless he needed more space. The Barrett folks do some testing out there as well as some others I have seen with Barrett rifles there.
  9. How long of a range are you looking for?
  10.    I just noticed something in this thread, the OP is stating that his GROUPS open way up rather than the POI SHIFT that would be the product of an un-concentric barrel. I can see where groups could open up some with heat but everyone seems to be diagnosing POI shift rather than an enlarging group. Am I over thinking this?
  11.    There does seem to be a pretty thin line there huh.. I think people driving by should have enough common (now a days un common) sense to realize that this guy was no threat. I mean, whens the last time anyone saw someone carry flags and poster board signs to call attention to themselves just before they committed some heinous act? I think he was absolutely right in saying that the deputy should have assessed the situation (or lack of)  before ever getting out of his patrol car. On the other side of the coin, you have the guys in the 1st video that carried themselves in a much more professional manner and had the guy from the 2nd video done the same, the deputies, even though in the wrong, may have handled themselves more professionally... who knows though. I don't open carry in my day to day doings but if out on a street corner taking part in a 2A rally i would have no problems doing so and I would hope that wouldn't subject me to the same treatment video #2 guy received. I guess the moral to the story is to exercise common sense while exercising your 2A rights and for pete's sake please be tactful and do everything within your power to de-escalate the situation even if your not in the wrong.
  12. This is how everyone of my friends in law enforcement handle themselves and situations and I hope i'm not naive in my thinking that the majority of sheriffs deputies are the same way. I like that this guy went a step further and gave them a quick constitutional lesson. 
  13. I think you're missing the point, I'm not and I don't know that anyone else is, saying that there is anything within the curriculum that is inherently bad.... Yet.. What I am saying is it is attempting to make sure that every school curriculum is aligned with a certain standard (that's not bad now). I am also saying that we better watch out because it's going to be a hell of a lot easier for them to start steering the curriculum in whatever way they want to go once everyone is on the same curriculum vs. them trying to steer it with many many different curriculums that we have now. They have even added in and promoted that there would now be a whole section devoted to learning about the constitution and bill of right etc.....this throws up a bit of a red flag to me because they haven't given a rip about teaching this to children in sometime. Again, I am saying that there is nothing wrong with the actual curriculum as it is written right now be you can bet your happy @$$ that they reserve the right to change it in the future. I don't care what Phil Valentine says, this smells of something that will bite not today but further down the road. Look outside the curriculum and look at the big long term picture, ask yourself why they chose to approach it this way rather than just changing the questions on major standardized tests to include areas that they thought need improvements.
  14. Looks like we have plenty of interest. I'll try to get up there sometime between now and the weekend and chat with him about it. It might be that we could reserve half the rifle range benches or something along those lines if we're worried about not having the access we want for this gathering, just something to ensure we don't show up and find some group has the whole thing taken up. I'll just plan on waiting until at least Friday before giving him a for sure date to make sure everyone has a chance to weigh in on the exact date.
  15.    You talking about it would workout to go at noon Sunday?
  16. Red, the 19th works best for me because of church Sunday and I want to say they don't open until noon on Sundays. If Sunday turns out to be the day everyone has available I'll just join in when I can get there (that is if they open before noon)
  17. I can run out there and iron things out with them when we get a date firmed up. I've never run into an issue like that but I could definitely see the potential for it. I would prefer it be on a Saturday if at all possible but if that doesn't work for others I can do Sunday but won't be out until after church. As a matter of fact, I don't believe they even allow shooting until noon on Sundays. I'll check on that tomorrow.
  18.    I actually just started a thread in the "events and gatherings" section since this is an older thread that some folks may not check out. Chime in over there if you will so we can keep every one that's interested in the loop easier. I really enjoy it out there though.
  19. Also, I was thinking about the 3rd weekend in October in order to give anyone interested enough time to plan accordingly but I am open to any date so make suggestions if you have something that will work better.
  20. ~(edit) The TGO range day at "The OK Corral" will be October 19th starting at 0900 until ? or until everyone is completely out of ammo  :usa: ~    I've not had the opportunity to meet very many TGO'ers and have been thinking of a way to do so. Woodbury is in Cannon county just outside of Rutherford county (about 15-20 minutes outside of Murfreesboro). I know we have a lot of folks in Murfreesboro and Smyrna as well as several other towns in close proximity so I think this would make a great meet up location.     For those unfamiliar with the "OK Corral" range it offers the following    - An enclosed shoot house looking over a 200yd rifle range. Shoot house has I believe 10 benches and a large bench along the back wall to place your things not in use.   - Enough pistol range (mostly covered) for half the TGO membership (not really but there is a ton of space since he recently tripled or quadrupled the previous amount)   - A top notch voice activated trap machine positioned so that you are shooting out over a valley (very nice scenery).   - A pit that allows you to set up and shoot forwards and to both sides safely what they call the "assault rifle pit"   - A rimfire pistol reactive target area.    The price is $5 from sun up til sun down (skeet are additional) and is the most relaxing and "away from it all" setting of any shooting range i've been to.  Chime in if you are interested in doing this and we'll go from there, i'm up for it no matter if only a few or quite a few join in.
  21. Awesome! Their drawings always offer really good odds.
  22. Anyone care to have a local TGO "meet up" out there sometime in the near future?
  23.    They are expensive! My uncle had one and he payed $7,000 years ago. It sounds expensive when your up at sign in but I have taken folks out there and shot for a couple hours and never spent more than $25. I guess if you showed up with a Saiga 12 and a couple dozen drum mags preloaded you could run up a tab but who doesn't shoot a round and have to reload etc...?
  24.      Whoops, just realized that this was an old post.
  25. I was eating lunch with the owners sister (lady that takes your money) the other day and she said that they were no longer doing the memberships.at all. At $5 per day you would have be be spending a bunch of time out there to make it worth the membership any how. They are great folks and offer a very nice range to shoot at.. Shhh don't tell anyone though.


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