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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. Haha. I'll put a piece of that foil air duct work tape over whichever side your on..
  2. Thanks guys, I'll snap a couple closer pics that show a bit more detail. I didn't realize you can't click to enlarge the img.
  3. Will do. I was told with a little time and acetone that it could return to a black rifle. I will probably hold off painting another one until I know for sure. I don't intend to sell any of my guns but would like to be able to if life absolutely necessitates it. Only thing that I wish I had done different is to have gone with Green as the base rather than the FDE but I didn't think through that as well as I should have I guess. I do like it though.
  4.    Just be mindful that if it was a military unit and you send it in for repair, they will not send it back to you. There may be exceptions that i'm not aware of but to my knowledge anything that was sold to the military is treated as stolen property if sent in by anyone but the military. I only mention this because you mentioned sand etched glass and I passed on a "military" ACOG because the tritium wasn't up to par and I was told if I sent it in I wouldn't get it back.
  5. I've been looking into having a couple of rifles ceracoated but wasn't completely sure what I wanted. Rather than spend the money to have something done that I wasn't sure about I decided to take it into my own hands. I bought $10 worth of flat camo paint (used less than half), grabbed some cedar trimmings and a scrap of hardware cloth and went to it. I will admit that it was hard to pull the trigger on the paint so I closed my eyes and made a quick pass. Once there was some paint on the rifle it got really easy. Here are a few pics, [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/fe8f3073-c323-4189-bfd4-49745dab95c8.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mohawkpaint4.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mohawkpaint2.jpg.html][/URL]
  6.    Okay good to know. I didn't think about that being a possibility.      I got mine from David as well and have been loading them for my Blackout and they are easily sub MOA capable if care is taken loading and developing the load.
  7. The poor couple doesn't even have and "contributer newspapers to sell. How will they ever raise the money.
  8.   I've loaded and shot several hundred of them through my 300blk but just never had them close to a magnet before. What cartridge are you loading them for?
  9.    Yes, you can use the uppers for any of those three. Yes you can by the barrels. Just for a starting point check out the CMMG website.
  10.    Not sure, i've never done anything with the bank online before. My wife does a bunch of the bills online so i'll check with her when she gets back to the house.
  11. Never payed much attention but last night another TGO member and myself were loading some of the M80 pulls I bought from David and I dropped one and it stuck to the magnet that was holding a couple allen wrenches to the side of the press. I suppose i'm not asking so much as I was surprised. I can't think of any other reason for this.
  12. Hopefully we can make this a monthly or bi monthly event.
  13. I guess it will be Monday before I get to place my order. My wife payed bills today and I didn't get by the bank in time to move some money over to checking.
  14. I picked some up a while back just for the fact that they were cheaper than the fmj sitting next to them but I have yet to load any of them. You get yours at Outpost?
  15.    Care to do some shipping? :rofl:
  16. I keep getting worried that I've missed something, the suspense is killing me! I guess it will happen when it happens huh
  17. Luke E.

    ar upper

       If it were me (and it's not) and the end game was an SBR then I would go with the 12" rather than 10". .223/5.56 loses a lot of steam when you dip down that low but if you're not going to be looking for the extra energy it won't really matter I guess. This is just my    :2cents:  and i'm sure there are others that have a different opinion .    .223 is already a pretty weak cartridge as for as energy is concerned and dropping  300fps, while not a huge percentage, only weakens it further IMO. Of course this would only matter to me if I were ever planning on punching holes in something besides paper. 
  18. Luke E.

    ar upper

    If you have trouble finding the info you need just ask because I've found that no matter what question or issue I may have, there is always someone here that knows the answer or has had the same problem. Btw Dolomite has a really good knowledge base as to what barrel lengths act like with certain calibers so if in doubt just shoot him a pm
  19. I wouldn't be scared to run either of them personally but then again I'm not in the desert being shot at and that would make a huge difference to me.
  20. I have one of each and have kinda studied over it a fair bit. The debate seems to always be over the hardness of the material but I think the weakness of the commercial tube comes just as much from the extra length and leverage as it does from the softness of the material. Now with the extra leverage created by the longer commercial tube it would be easier to pull the threads off end compared to the shorter mil spec tube. I've never had one of mine or personally seen either of them fail but I have 2 commercial tubes and 2 mil spec tubes sitting on my bench and in my rifles (all used) and the commercial tubes do have more boogered threads than the mil specs do. Could be that some have had an easier life than others but if others chime in with the same findings then we'll have something more to base all of this on.
  21.    I wouldn't mind doing something like this bi-monthly and it wouldn't need to be in the exact place if others had a nice place to meet up.
  22. Luke E.

    ar upper

      If it were me (and it's not) and the end game was an SBR then I would go with the 12" rather than 10". .223/5.56 loses a lot of steam when you dip down that low but if you're not going to be looking for the extra energy it won't really matter I guess. Calibers such as the 300blk or 7.62x39 lend themselves better to shorter barrels while still maintaining decent energy. This is just my   :2cents:  and i'm sure there are others that have a different opinion but I would say that you might be well served to look at the numbers for the different barrel lengths before choosing. This is all assuming that you haven't already done this.
  23. They don't serve any kind of food up there so we'll have to pack something in or I can throw the grill in the truck if there is interest in burgers.


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