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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. It looks like we will have great weather Saturday!
  2. I started another thread to try to catch the eye of more folks. Here's the link, http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/71454-tgo-range-day-sat-oct-19th-rutherford-and-surrounding-counties/
  3. We're going to meet up at The OK Corral in Woodbury for a chance to meet and shoot with other TGO members. Starting at 0900 Sat. Oct. 19th going until whenever. Woodbury is about 10-15min outside of Murfreesboro and the range is about 5min further from there. The address is 3175 Pleasant Ridge rd Woodbury, Tn 37190 From Murfreesboro take hwy 70s (mercury blvd/Woodbury hwy) towards Woodbury. It will be the first town you come to. As you start coming into town be on the lookout for a Rite Aid pharmacy on the left side of the road. You will turn left at the Rite Aid onto Doolittle Rd. You will go 3-4 miles and you will come to a three way stop which you will stay to the right and the range will be about 1/2 mile up on your left. The check in building and rifle shoot house will be about 15, off the road so it would be hard to miss. The cost is $5 per shooter per day so the only place cheaper to shoot is your back yard. We had an earlier thread going for this but put up a new one in hopes that more folks would see it. Let me know if you have any questions at all. Here's the link to the earlier thread http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/70590-any-interest-in-a-tgo-range-day-at-the-ok-corral-in-woodbury-oct-19th-is-the-day-roughly-0900/
  4.    I just saw this, I've got a Dr. appointment tomorrow morning so i'll try to catch you while i'm on the road.
  5. I totally understand the whole "having the parts even if not installed" being NFA and I always have a rifle with me so I'd have a legal use either way but I don't know why I'd have an extra stock with me if I hadn't anything to put it in. I have a very good knowledge of what is and isn't legal but I just never thought about whether or not the carbine tube would legally suffice as a pistol so long as there was no spare stock on or around it with no other rifle to call home. I wanted to build this lower as a pistol first but wasn't wanting to buy a tube just for the sake of taking a pic. So as long as a carbine tube has no stock on or around it I should be able to snap my pic to document it being a pistol first?
  6. That is a great example! It seems all to often I'll get to the range and have forgotten something. I usually leave a grip pod and an AFG in my rifle case because depending on what kind of shooting I'm doing, one may be better suited than the other. But say I meant to pack an AR pistol and a rifle but got side tracked and zipped up the bag without putting the rifle in, now I'm at the range and realize I forgot the rifle. Now I'm guilty of having the makings of an NFA firearm with no legal use for the grips on my person. I guess the 1st thing I'll do is go bury the grips in my truck (stays full of crap so it would be easy) and then I will likely cuss myself for being forgetful! Now I don't own an AR pistol at the moment but I will most likely assemble the TGO receivers as such 1st so sometime between now and then I will have to get over my forgetfulness. Also OS, do I understand you correctly that you can use any type of buffer tube so long as it does not have a stock on it?
  7.    Yep, touching up is easy enough. I wanted to go run it yesterday afternoon but I made myself wait to let if cure more before heating it up for the 1st time. I've painted some high heat items before and it has always worked better with several days of curing time.  I've never used the chalkboard paint before yet I have a can of it in the shed at home (not sure where it came from). I can see where if it will hold up to chalk being raked back and forth across it then it should hold up to most things a rifle endures unless it see's a lot of hard use.  I don't particularly care for the gloss paint on them but after the fact I wished that I had used a satin green to make it stand out a bit more. I might would have but they didn't offer that in the store I was in.    Btw, i'll try to give you a call sometime this afternoon and tell you what I figured out was wrong causing me to get such poor bullets out of that 155gr AK mold. I think we were both right but I don't think we expected it to be as extreme as it turned out.
  8. I didn't do much Sunday but I did decap a few thousand .223 cases and started swaging them Saturday afternoon.
  9.    Hey, aren't you supposed to switch sides at halftime?
  10.   As they should! The only purpose it serves is making it harder for law enforcement to keep the intersections clean. Have you ever flipped through one of those agenda papers? 
  11. Only time shall tell then I suppose
  12. Nope, it is Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty and I think it was meant as a joke.  
  13. That particular gun fairly regularly gets heated to the point that a quick bump of the hand against the gas block or barrel will blister it so if it can be burnt, I will know within the week. Usually is harder to find the high temp paints in the colors one would want to paint a rifle. I'm sure there is some to be ordered somewhere but I totally grabbed this paint while buying a can of black to paint our salt water boats trailer axles so I didn't put an abundance of time into research. I wasn't sceeered  :usa:
  14. The doctor that I see for my back and "knees" or whats left of them asked that I fill out some new paper work a while back. There were questions that made absolutely ZERO sense, i'm talking about such nonsense a 3 year old couldn't come up with and then stuck down in the middle of them was the real reason for the whole thing. It asked "Do you have any guns in your household and if so, how many?" Now all those liberals bags of vomit, i'm sure have an answer as to why my Dr. had me fill out a questionnaire about my guns in order just to get my shots that keep me moving for another month... right? I'm sure they had nothing to do with it because they told us that they weren't trying to take any freedoms from us.. Same thing here, they found out about the trusts and figured they could make it out to be the devil easy enough I reckon.
  15.    I will report back after I get it good and hot but it anything permanent happens, that will be when I head to the Ceracoat guys place!
  16. I saw their video and it seemed to turn out decent. I noticed that most that didn't paint the barrel also seemed to have pulled the rifle apart and painted parts. I figured if it start burning it off i will just strip the barrel. I liked the painted look myself.
  17.    How'd ya do?
  18. Well that rifle is broken in as far as round count goes but it didn't have a blemish on it. I just decided that since I buy guns for my enjoyment and not for the next man's, I would do to it whatever I wanted lol. Now before someone goes out and just starts spraying their guns I will say that I had several pieces of painted base moulding I pulled out of the house during the remodel and I practiced with branches, twigs and everything painting on them first. Then I moved up to a couple GI mags and then I started on the gun. I watched some YouTube videos and thought that looks easy enough but I am really glad that I practiced on other stuff first. There's nothing hard about it but figuring out close or far to hold the twigs and what not away when spraying to get the desired results took a little playing around. The way that I did mine ended up that the base color is 90% of the paint with the remaining being the green accents. I did enjoy it for sure though.
  19. No I haven't cleared it yet but that is on purpose. I kinda like the weathered and used look so I'll prolly let it ride for a bit like it is. For paint I used some from TSC. They used to carry Valspar but have switched to a new brand (I like it a lot better). If I remember correctly the brand name is Magic but the cans are at our warehouse so I can't run and check. They had 5 or 6 colors in the flat camo paint section.
  20. I wouldn't have done it had I not wanted them to blend better in the woods. Now after the fact I rather like the look of it. Like I said above though, I really wish I had gone with the green as a base because I never hunt in the desert.
  21. Thanks Dave. How's the hand doing?


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