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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1.    I tend to favor ^ this one  :rofl:
  2.    My point is that if a "hoarder" is buying in order to re sell it then he is quite confused because he is a re seller not a hoarder. A hoarder by definition would be keeping it for himself rather than selling it.
  3. I've been in the Walmart by MTSU in Murfreesboro quite a bit lately and they've had enough ammo on the shelves that other than .22 I could buy ammo for any other popular caliber every time I've been in. May not be the brand that someone would have chosen two years ago but there is ammo there. I can't say one way or the other about the old fort location but I figure the one by campus has as much as any other Walmart on average.
  4.    I have run a Timney like that and they are really nice triggers and have a fair price tag but since you were in for the $500 trigger you may want to take a good look at the Geissele SG3 3-gun trigger. I've been interested in one for my 5.56 AR  so have done a fair bit of reading as well as video watching and man it seems to be a really sweet trigger. It seemed very quick in all the videos that I saw but another TGO member (sigbrown) built a top of the line rifle a short while back and used the SG3 trigger and also posted some videos of him and some of his family shooting it and sigbrown really made it look pretty fast. I'm sold, whenever I get to the point of upgrading the trigger in that rifle, the SG3 is what it will be getting.
  5.    Wouldn't that be nice
  6.    Glad you got it sold man, that's gotta be a huge weight off your shoulders for sure.
  7.   Why would the Dept. of Revenue be bothering a "hoarder"? They pay the tax at point of purchase just the same as the rest of us do when buying ammo from a business.
  8.   I suspect you are 100% correct
  9.    This is the BEST review that I have seen on this trigger group so far! I'm not saying this because I wanted it to be a flop and in all honesty I really was hoping that it would be everything they hyped it up to be because I would likely have waited for the price to come down or found one used to purchase. This guy didn't seem like he was trying to prove it to be a hero nor trying to prove it a gimmick but rather he gave it every opportunity to reveal itself. I'm glad you came across this in time to cancel your order :up: . I think the fact that he was able to fire much quicker in it's semi mode than in it's "auto" mode speaks volumes as to whether or not this has been a bunch of hype or a good product. 
  10.    No problem man. I never had any issue with it through a Dillon powder measure and seemed to keep within the same tolerances as Titegroup or any other ball powder. I don't care one way or the other as far as getting rid of any Titegroup, just offering to swap if you would rather have Titegroup  than Red Dot since I like them both just fine. Folks around here will take pretty good care of each other so long as the person will help someone else out when they get the chance.    I forgot to mention but Outpost seem to be doing pretty good on primers if you are in need of those as well. I don't know what kind of volume you shoot but if you shoot a decent amount or like to buy in bulk then it may be worth your time to get hooked up with David (dlm37015 is his user name here) and get yourself a heck of a deal. I'm not saying that you don't get a good deal buying smaller lots of stuff from him but I'm just thinking about the drive time you'd have to factor in but he's a great guy to deal with.
  11.    I figured you hadn't noticed or you would have mentioned it. They have kept some of the high end .22 in stock for the most part since 3 months after Sandy Hook and for the last several months I've not been in there when they had none. In a twisted way I think it's humorous to watch folks round the corner and see .22 on the shelf and they start grabbing and then realize that it's match grade stuff with a match grade price tag and just start putting it back. I saw one guy start to get his greed on and must have had 10 boxes or more scooped up before he noticed the price.
  12. Okay, the only thing you had listed that they have in stock is Titewad. Another that I really really like for .45 is Red Dot and they have that in stock as well. Another member and I split and 8# jug of Red Dot last year and I liked it better than Titegroup in my .45. The only reason I'm not still running it is because I had A LOT of Titegroup. If you are just set against using Red Dot I would swap you some Titegroup for some Red Dot pound for pound. I'd be willing to swap you as much as 4-5 pounds if you needed that much.
  13.    I assumed he didn't blast through as much since a single stage would suit him. If I shot mainly bolt guns and lever guns I would never have even thought about a progressive but I shoot quite a bit and also take folks that don't have guns and ammo of their own out quite often and that usually eats up tons of ammo.     $305 sounds pricey for someone just wanting a beginner single stage press but it doesn't seem all that bad to me looking at it from a consistency standpoint. That may be something that I pick up once I finish and get going with the Grendel.
  14. I'll run by and see if they have anything you've listed and let you know. I should be by there in the next hour i'd say. 
  15.    Well I didn't shoot any of the turkeys because I had a muzzleloader and it wasn't season. That same day probably 45 minutes after the turkeys all came down I heard a car lock its brakes up and slide on the road and then a loud thump. I was about 75-100yrds from the road and I heard the car doors slam and then they drove off. About 3 minutes later along came an old spike with beams a bit over 10" and then as I looked the deer over I realized what the car had hit because his back left leg was just swinging in the wind. I just couldn't stand the thought of a rutting buck that couldn't carry out his duties so I shot him ;) I ended up shooting a funky 8 point that evening as well, he had 5 points on one side and 3 on the other. The side with 5 points was the size of a young basket rack deer but the side with 3 was typical 3 1/2yr old size around here. I did my part culling off funky bucks that day.    As far as the Rape and Kale goes... I don't know what the internet or seed companies suggest for sun light but Two of the spots I had it in probably only got 30-35% sun if that during the middle of winter and they did great. They were also in pretty thin soil but what was there was nice and dark and I didn't have access to a tractor and plow at either place so I spray and killed off all the weeds and grass then set the teeth on the box blade as deep as they would go (maybe 2" deep and I still hit rock!) and scratched up up good. I will also admit that I probably put twice as much seed as recommended out since it was less than ideal conditions. I ended up with just the Rape and Kale and just before Muzzleloader  season it was so thick a snake wouldn't have been able to slither through the plot. I was worried when the stuff first started coming up because I wasn't seeing any sign that the deer had been in it at all but was seeing plenty of tracks in the woods all around it. If I remember correctly I went about a week without checking it and when I did it was all mowed down to less than 3" an they kept it that way until the weather started warming in the spring. I've got one spot in particular that i'd like to try that on half the plot and maybe some clover on the other half. I may for the first time collect and send out soil samples for the different areas just to see what happens when everything is done properly.
  16.   Doesn't it always work that way?!?
  17.    I was there a few hours ago so before you tear out headed that way be warned that the .22 you are looking for is not there. The .22 Chris mentioned is all high end match variety stuff with a price tag ranging from $11.95 to around $14 so if plinking ammo is what you're after don't burn your fuel. As far as pistol powder goes, let me know what you are looking for and i'll check on the way home this afternoon for you.  
  18.    I was in no way trying to talk you into purchasing a Dillon or any other press for that matter. I was answering your question " If dillons were as good as everyone who cheers for them says, why would they need a warranty?"   I apologize if it came off as me trying to steer you. 
  19.    I don't have as much time as i'd like to load so a single stage will not cut it for me. Not saying that there is a thing in the world wrong with a single stage (i'd be interested in a Forster) but I am saying that for ME, my shooting would be severely limited by my ability to load especially during the warmer months.  What do the Forster co-ax presses run price wise?
  20. I think the reason Dillon presses have the rep they have is due to the fact that they will consistently put out quality ammo at a fast rate. Their priming system and powder measure system is one area that they really shine (IMO) and the priming station is where I hear of others having issues. I guess my point is, Dillon to my knowledge makes no claims about being indestructible or that the press or parts of the press will never wear out but the do say that if if ever needs anything at all they will take care of it free of charge to the consumer. IMO any company that stands behind their products with a no hassle warranty such as theirs is a good group to do business with.
  21.      Yes, we are having the swaging issue even with the maximum amount of bell. The issue it below the belled area and really only effects the last 1/8" of the bullet but it is plenty to allow the gas to cut around it rather than pushing against the base causing it to seal up.    I'm not willing to throw the die set under the bus yet because we've not switched up the dies to compare them. No matter what the findings are I wouldn't fault the die manufacturer because the dies have seen a lot of use which could play a role.    Yes they are bullets that we cast using Lee molds.    There is no need to size the bullets because they are undersized as cast but even if they were dropping oversize we'd still not use a .356 sizing die because cast bullets need to be oversized by a couple thousandths so a .358 bullet sizing die would be used.    I believe the advertised bullet weight is 124gr but I can't remember what they actual weight is. I believe it is off by a grain or so towards the heavy side.    I reckon we've done a poor job with taking pictures but the issues I've mentioned have been quite small so being able to get them to show up in a photo might be tough. I've got a few of the bullets that we pulled that show that the bullet is being swaged by the case but i'd have to dig a little to find them.    I was out of town when Tim was trying out the PC so any questions about that you might should direct to him. I hope to have some time this weekend to work with the PC some.
  22.   Yes his 9mm has been slugged. I know this because we both did ours at the same time. 9mm has been the biggest source of problem and once we slugged them and they both measured .356 we knew why since the bullets were dropping from the mold undersized. Another problem is when seating the bullet the case is actually swaging the base of the bullet to and even smaller diameter causing MASSIVE gas cutting so between that and the bullets starting life undersized it was a perfect recipe for failure. We've got another set of 9mm dies to try along with the PC adding some bullet diameter so hopefully this will cure what ails it.
  23. The only Lee products that I've owned have been die sets and they have turned out ammo that shot just as well as any other dies I've used have. I did buy a Dillon but mainly to bring my production up to meet my demand. To each his own and i hope the next one gives you just as much service or more than the 1st.
  24.    About that^ easy ;)
  25.  The bolt release is a major pain but i have great news! this right here http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=10%2F22%20bolt%20release will remedy your ailment. Ruger should sell them with this as a standard part because I almost tossed mine in the garbage because of being so frustrated with it. Nice looking build btw!


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