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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1.    Yea she never has warmed up to any of the pink stuff but loved the idea of this color. I was a little disappointed when he told me that the color didn't exist so I was glad when he said he'd figure something out. 
  2.    Sounds like a likely candidate!
  3.    Obviously it offers no mechanical advantage but it is worth the money because it put a smile on her face. I've now got a credit with him and I have been thinking of having him do my M&P in FDE and letting him do some of his stencil work on it. We'll see though.
  4.    I'm sure he could do it if you wanted to send it in. It really turned out great.
  5.    BAM Customs. He's across Broad Street from the policedept. You turn in like you're going to Cannonsburg Village but keep on going. The road makes a hard left and just after the curve you turn right onto Old Salem Road, his place is right before you cross over the train tracks on the left. Here's his Facebook link, https://www.facebook.com/bamcustoms
  6.    It took a while because the color doesn't exist in the Cerakote world so there was a lot of mixing and testing that went on. Also he hasn't gotten his shop area heated yet and it's been to cold to spray most of the last month. He's got a big heater in there now and is back going again and he mentioned having the wait time back down to around 10 business days. He also does paint, powder coating and hydrographing.
  7. I had the frame of my wife's Shield Cerakoted Tiffany Blue and just got it picked up last night. I just took a few minutes and put it all back together so figured I would post a pic here. [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/6B7A299F-C2CF-490A-80F1-3C298CA6E018.jpg.html][/URL]
  8.  I haven't spent a ton of time looking but I wasn't able to find "factory" bullet feeders for the 650. There's a guy out there that has an awesome design but I don't know if he sells them or just made them for himself, i'll see if I can find the 3D cad type video of the thing working and post it.      EDIT.. The guy i'm referring to only made the die that places the bullet. There were a few options as far as the hopper part is concerned.
  9. Love mine! 16", pistol gas and adjustable block.
  10.  It's a horrible thing to aid a child in developing an addiction Dave! I guess in this case it's a pretty good thing you've done. Congrats to the lucky child.
  11.    Let me know what you come up with for a bullet feeder.
  12.    I'd say you'd just as soon break an anvil.
  13.    O definitely so! I'd much rather have the match ammo if it was close in price but what i'm willing to pay for .22 ammo is never even close to Match prices. At the Walmart's here in Murfreesboro they have the Federal and Winchester "value packs" of 12 and 20ga shot shells and for me to goof off shooting clays with a pump they work just fine. A while back I had run out of old shot shell stock so I headed to Walmart and noticed how high those so called "value packs" had gotten but hey, I needed shells so I grabbed them. I happen to look down and notice that I could by their higher quality shells by the box cheaper than I could by the value pack so back on the shelf they went. Just goes to show that it's always worth taking a look to make sure that there is truly value in the "value packs".
  14. Congrats!! Now I will have to finish up this space shuttle project and rent it to you for pen testing.
  15. Yes it was an animal planet show. We don't have cable or satellite so if we can't watch it with netflix or bunny ears we just do without. I feel like this should be played in front of the powers that be with the TWRA or whoever came up with the whole hog not being a game animal thing. They are going to let them cover us up like they have in Florida, Texas, Alabama etc.. and then once it's to late they will change it. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  16. No worries. Lets touch base Thursday or Friday and coordinate time as best as we can.
  17.    I had plans to shoot a bit when we finished shopping but I couldn't make myself do it. My wife mentioned wanting to head to the Corral this coming Saturday so if you're gonna be out there we'll see ya then.   Did you happen to notice if they had any more hooded sweatshirts for sale at sign in? They have been out since before Christmas.
  18.  Any of you guys have a Netflix subscription? If so you should watch "Pig Bomb" it's about the changing hog "climate" in the U.S. not only about the shear population explosion but also the pigs taking on more and more of the Eurasian Boar traits and characteristics. Are they evolving to suit their wild lifestyle or is it the result of folks importing the Russian boar and turning them loose? I'm personally sold that it's a combination. Definitely a must watch for anyone interested it the hog progression.
  19.    We spent a bit of time looking over the classifieds here and didn't find exactly what he was looking (which is impressive since he didn't even have it narrowed to a specific manufacture). He has handled my M&P 9mm and liked the feel of it but he really was stuck on a .40 but hadn't ruled any other manufacturer out. He had mentioned wanting to reload and also wanted to learn to cast so that kind of ruled out Glocks since everything I've heard points out the rifling in Glock barrels don't get along with cast lead bullets. He looked at HK's and liked the SIG's but wasn't sure he wanted to drop that kind of money. They guy handed him an M&P .40 and that was the end of the gun shopping as he said "i'll take it".   I've not yet bought all the conversion kits and casefeed plates for my Dillon press I got for Christmas so to be able to load his ammo on my press he had to spend a fair bit but left with, Dillon .40 die set small pistol casefeed plate .40 caliber conversion kit quick change kit (powder measure, tool head and stand)   he also picked up primers, powder and some bullets to get him started so he had a good sized tab when he checked out.    It's always good to take part in getting someone new into the hobby.    How was the range today Rugerla?
  20.    I try to run through mine fast enough that it doesn't get the chance! Went out to try to make a lead deposit into a coyote but didn't have any luck. One showed up about 7yrds from Joe back behind me but she caught him with the call in his mouth rather than with a gun in his hand. Let me know if you decide you're going to head that way and i'll see about meeting you out there. I'm supposed to be taking a friend to go purchase his first pistol tomorrow but maybe the times won't conflict.
  21.    I have a soft spot for gummy bears! It just happens to be in a molar located in the bottom right side of my mouth...     I think from here on out anytime I hear someone spreading that BS about ammo expiration dates i'm going to give them my address and volunteer to have them ship all expired ammo to me for safe disposal.
  22.    You may be 19 but you're showing wisdom that very few your age do. As great as it would be to be able to carry "legally" now, it wouldn't seem so great when you had stand before a judge and explain to him how legal what you did is. Sure if you played your cards right, there would be nothing that they could do about it but I can imagine how nerve racking it would be to be standing there running everything through your head at 200mph wondering if there was anything you did wrong. And that's all assuming that you aren't in the courtroom defending yourself because you had be put into a situation where you had to use deadly force. I'm making mention of this because if I had been in your situation when I was 19 I likely would have been running wide open towards residency in South Dakota!
  23. I've seen the same ammo sit in the MTSU Walmart for a week or more. The weather is seeming to have a lot to do with it to because every time I'm in there that it's warm the ammo is a bit thinner but usually on a day like today there's plenty there for someone wishing to shoot the next day. Maybe I just happen to walk in at the right times but since they put their ammo out at 7/7:30am and it's usually afternoon or night time when I make it through I doubt it's my timing. Sunday afternoon when I cruised through I heard one that I haven't heard in a while, "the reason folks are buying so much is because they are going to start making the ammo with an expiration date so that you can use it after a year" this came from the young lady working the sporting goods register and the two groups standing in front of her were soaking it up. I wish these folks would ask themselves "how?" Because surely that would tip them off that they are being lied to unless the expiration date is like a gun buster sign and has magical powers that stop people from doing what it warns against.
  24. And you're sticking with it.. Love it!
  25. I was in there last Sunday after church and there were 15 boxes of Federal 9mm target ammo as well as an overpriced bulk 30cal can full. I've seen privi 9mm in there regularly as well. I Saale a guy bring out a case of privi there a while back on a Monday morning and half was still there Friday evening. I'm not in there 2 or 3 times per week or anything but they've had some 9mm more often than they haven't when I am there. I load my own so I never buy but I always look when I am there just to keep an eye on how things are going.


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