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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1.    I think you missed what I meant. I was joking because Westwindmike commented just above you and I thought you were pointing the Sevierville Bass Pro to him. 40min is definitely not to far to drive if you're in need of something.
  2.  If you have a TSC (Tractor Supply Company) near by check out the safes there. They may not be the best Donald Trump's money could buy but the Cannon that I bought has a decent fire rating and I have been quite pleased with it. I caught it on sale for $500 but I don't think it costs much more than that normally. If you kept an eye out for one of their X amount off when you spend Y amount coupons you could pick it up for $500 or possibly less is you caught it right. I can't say 100% which would be better than the other but I saw and handled the exact safe you're talking about while in Lowes a few weeks back because I have been thinking about picking up a second safe but I decided that when the time came I would just scoop up another like the one I have because IMO it is a better safe for fairly close to the same money.
  3.       Runco, that's a long drive for Mike to make ammo run ;) Very cool that your dad has been able to consistently find ammo there though!
  4.    I can't ever go just for "a couple of hours", I end up talking with the lady in the office for an hour each time i'm there and if Grady (the owner) is there then I always make a little time to chat with him as well. They are good country folks and you'd be hard pressed to find folks that are any more kind than they are.  Ruger, I talked to my friend that I helped pick out his pistol least Sunday and he said he is in for a bit of shooting this Sunday afternoon as well so i'll see ya there. My wife originally wanted to go, especially since she has her pistol back but it doesn't look like her hands are going to allow it. Her health has been really poor these last 3 months and at times has been almost bed ridden. We've had her at several doctors and specialist and none had been able to figure out whats wrong with her. I was quite scared because her symptoms pointed towards MS but I never mentioned that to her to try to keep moral from sinking any lower but we were running out of other options. She's probably only had 2 nights out of 3 months that she slept normally and the rest of the time I would wake up to her crying, moaning and even screaming while flopping all around but she would still be "asleep". Her joints at times just felt like they were dislocated and on fire and she's had little to no feeling in her hands and fingers for at least the past 2 months. Finally about 3- 3 1/2 weeks ago we got her into another specialist and he promised her that unlike the rest of the doctors she had already seen, he would not give up on her until he figured out what was wrong so he immediately started running tests. While I was in NYC he called with the results to some of the test and as it turns out she has an extremely severe vitamin D deficiency. I don't know much about medical units of measure but he said that you are suppose to have a vitamin D level of 45-50 and she just was at 5. We've got her on a super high prescription dose of vitamin D but the Dr. said it would likely be 2 months before her levels got back into a safe range where she would be able to feel somewhat normal again. It's a huge weight off of our shoulders just knowing what the problem is and that it can be resolved.  Anyways now that I have written a novel, my point was that since she doesn't have any strength or feeling in her hands, she doesn't feel safe handling a firearm. She sure is excited to get everything back undr control so that we can hit the range!
  5.  Well, looks like she's neutralized it!
  6.      Any firearms time is better than none!
  7.  Would be a pretty cool setup if one with enough range could be had without crippling the bank account. I've got a good friend that's retired military working on some pretty amazing robotics for military use so I know what you are wanting to do CAN be done. Going at it the way he does it would be cost prohibitive if the use was surveying deer and a mans private property not to mention some of the parts and programming aren't something the military is just going to hand over to any Tom, Dick and Harry. I'm supposed to go help with a few things next week so i'll pick his brain on the matter. 
  8.  Pretty amazing but it does leave me longing for another camera angle.   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/14/video-starts-off-with-two-deer-on-screen-how-it-concludes-with-both-running-away-after-what-happens-in-the-middle-is-beyond-us/
  9.    Exactly why I mentioned writing it on a Hardees napkin but i'm sure that is something no attorney wants to see coming through his/her door.
  10.    Sounds like a good one to deal with, there are those that aren't. When you get into Perpetual vs. annual care you all the sudden are needing to understand trusts and when dealing with the loss of family isn't usually the best time to be trying to learn if you don't already know.
  11.   Well 1st off i'm sorry for your loss. I'm not a funeral director but have been involved with the funeral home/cemetery business or more appropriately the "death industry" since I was a little boy. My father worked at a local cemetery when he was here for college and when I was in the 3rd grade he started traveling back and forth from Florida to here and eventually moved us up here when he started running the cemetery. along the same time or a bit before he opened a business pouring precast concrete burial vaults which I worked full time at from a young age while I home schooled at night. He moved into the software side of the industry many years ago and I work for him as my full time (regular) job. What I'm getting at is between growing up around it all and having to help make arrangements for my best friend 3yrs ago and another close friend last year I have been involved from every imaginable angle. Tanker you are right on point, Cremation is not cheap and in some cases can actually be more expensive than a traditional burial so i'd not let that be the deciding factor. As morbid as it might seem, having a plan laid out and recorded in a will is the best thing you can do in fact it is quite selfish not to. Your family members will be in a period of grief and I've seen families that have never had a quarrel between them before, have their 1st one at the worst imaginable time since the whole family dynamic is off kilter at that time. Tanker has laid out a lot of the details here and each one will be painful for your family to deal with at the time.. It doesn't have to be that way, if you have all the decisions made before hand then it's quite easy to delegate a family friend as the go to guy which leaves your family only needed for final approval of some things and that seems to be best. A will, even if it's handwritten on a napkin from Hardees, is something everyone should do for their family members.
  12.   ^ the very reason i'm reluctant to participate in threads of this nature. Whether it's the OP of a thread or one of the above mentioned clowns that happens upon the thread at a later date, just leaves me feeling uneasy. I may get a little loose in a thread here and there when it touches on this subject but I make and attempt not to.
  13.    If the hog was dead then the heart would not be beating and if the heart (the pump) isn't beating then there's nothing circulating the blood thus no need for action. Hog had to be alive.
  14.    I sometimes wonder where our guys are when things like this are going on.
  15.        If David doesn't have any Red Dot and it's worth an extra 30 miles to you, Outpost Armory had some as of yesterday evening.
  16.      That's one act that I don't want to "stick" anywhere  :ugh:
  17.    It does kinda look like a .50 cal round ball and patch would be right at home in it huh.
  18. The pics are a bit crappy but give a decent idea of what I've got going on. I've got a couple more projects going in the house (one of them being an overhaul of the upstairs, new sheetrock and all) but as soon as they are finished i'll be installing my security system in my shop so that I feel comfortable moving my man stuff out there. I've got materials to build a pretty wild reloading area out there. anyways, [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/37C41410-E2D6-471C-98F5-1D8CDEBF6725.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/6D69D836-5C3A-4FC8-9334-B2E4EEE0FEAE.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/413AA3B1-7019-4949-A13C-9563F833CBA1.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/0A937830-13AD-4FF2-A4BA-C94D48C9176A.jpg.html][/URL]
  19.    Thanks Hozzie! I'd like to get some to run underneath the shelf above my bench as well but i'd probably be better off buying full size rope light for that ;) I got a few halfway decent pics of my temp setup that i'll try to post.
  20.  For me it was a no brainer, I wanted something on the AR-15 platform that I could hunt and target shoot, cast and reload for. There just was no better option, not even close in my opinion. I was already casting and loading my own, had plenty of .223 brass to convert so the only 3 things I had to buy differently than what I already had was a barrel, flash hider and projectiles. Combined with a 10rd Pmag and good hunting projectiles it served my perfectly in the woods this year. I ended up taking 5 deer and part of a hog (another member and I both got shots on it) so i'd say it proved itself.
  21. Okay for all inquiring minds, I talked to Dave and the price to do the frame like he did on my wife's pistol will be $95 which includes disassembly and assembly which he prefers to do himself. He said to just let him know I sent you. This price is good for other colors as well.
  22. Where did you get the short rope light that's attached to your press?
  23.  I've never been inside a Glock before but my suggestion would be to get on youtube and search "Glock 17 complete assembly" video.    I have no idea what it is but is the "safety blade" in the trigger operating correctly?
  24.    Yes, I stripped it down completely and only carried him the parts I wanted coated. He will also do the stripping if you bring him an assembled gun but there is some additional cost i'm sure.


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