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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

    Have you put many rounds through them yet Mike?
  2. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

    If you wanted to go cheap you could buy a stock, barrel, handguard and gas tube and convert you pistol to a 300blk rifle for the hunt. I tend to like the idea of just buying a new rifle since I'm spending your money after all :)
  3. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

       That should be nice hunting ground. Naturally the .308 would out perform but I wasn't aware that an AR10 was an option! ;) Of course when you go there you also start gaining weight. If the AR10 is an option I think you'd be hard pressed to beat the effectiveness and availability of ammo for it. Do you have an AR of any kind already? 
  4.  I run the stuff until it decides its time for it to be retired. I definitely don't have time to keep it separated out in lots. I tried doing that but then I would end up with 1-200rds left in a batch and be heading to the range with them and another batch and i'm not stopping to pick up all the brass from one batch before I start in on another. Like musicman, Mine usually gets thrown into a bucket and then as time allows I go back through and sort and prep. I will agree that "Glock" brass is a different animal and is about useless, especially the .45. I don't own a Glock for that reason.. that and the rifling doesn't agree with cast bullets much. Even after running the brass through the sizing die and loading it, the Glock smiley face is often enough to prevent the round from chambering in a non-Glock.
  5.  GREAT folks to deal with! They've sent me free stuff twice now. Last time I was calling to order a 7.62x54r decapping pin/rod to run in my Blackout die for lead bullets and not only did they send me that one for free but they also sent me an extra standard Blackout decapping pin/rod. I told him that I didn't need it because at that point i'd not even run a single case through the die yet but he told me i'd need it eventually and then acted offended that I was insisting to pay for the products. Can't praise them enough!
  6.  Looks like good expansion, did you measure the ones you recovered?
  7.  Good luck!! I've got a handful of friends that work out of the Yates Symrna plant and they have all been there for a long time. Seems like they moved up fairly quickly once they were hired on too.
  8. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

       Yep, it came with everything pictured except the rifle. I have seen red, blue and green lenses from SureFire that you can put in them but I prefer the clear. However, I would suggest using a red lens in a dim light that you use while walking and stalking as it doesn't disrupt your vision like white light. Another light option that's not out yet is going to be a Gerber. I was talking vet that owns a surplus/tactical shop and he either had one or had used one a rep had brought by and he said they were great lights and were going to be between $100-$150 if I remember correctly. Value wise I really am satisfied with the 2 951's that i've got and would have no trouble recommending them as long as the upgrade is made.  As for the caliber, have you thought about a 6.8? I do not have one and have only shot one a time or two but I have looked at a lot of info on them as it is compared a lot to the 6.5 Grendel which I am building. Out of an AR15 platform i'm having a hard time thinking off another caliber that would better suit you needs for the trip assuming you're going to have longer shot opportunities (you mentioned being worried about the range of the 458). The 6.8 seems to run around $1 per round so it may not be something that you will go out and blast 500-1,000 rounds every weekend but if you're building a rifle to hunt with that you can count on being effective out to 300+ yds then i'd give it a serious look.  I built a Blackout to hunt with because I reload and have plenty of .223 brass to convert and everything on the rifle but the barrel and muzzle brake are identical to my .223s. I wanted something with more bullet than .223 and wanted it to be effective out to 200yds maybe a bit more so it fit my needs well and I've been happy with it.   What part of Texas are you headed to?
  9. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

    The light is usually on the right side with the pressure switch attached to a Magpul angled grip. [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/91748D88-F43D-4E21-BF75-609C1862DE92.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/12ECDB0A-95F2-41F4-9075-B2B87930FE66.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/B0D68D65-2897-41E9-A135-A7CB07C43926.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/AEBD8B39-9335-4A86-9876-DBC0DD2BE469.jpg.html][/URL] If you were to go with a 951 the lamp upgrade you want to find is a P60 450 lumens and if you search it on Amazon there will be dozens of them come up. There seems to be slight variances in the size of them and may sometimes require a little filing on the lamp housing but once its in there there is no comparison. The 951's also come with the rail attachment.
  10. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

     I'll post a pic of it tomorrow. I've been covered up with work and didn't realize you had responded.
  11.  Good luck and will definitely keep your interview in the prayers.
  12. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

     BTW I put together a 300blk last year and this past season it is the only rifle that I went after hogs or deer with and it killed both nicely so if you're still in the air as far as calibers go I don't think you could go wrong with it as long as you're not reaching way way out there.
  13. Luke E.

    Hog Gun

    Take your pick but I'm not going after hogs without an AR or some other semi auto made for a quick 2nd and 3rd shot. Like fstbk65 mentioned above, they do travel in groups, I personally want to be able to take as many out as possible which all but eliminates a bolt gun. If planning to stalk or hunt from the ground it starts to have a bit of safety factor as well. You mentioned hunting at night being on the agenda so my biggest tip would be to not overlook or overestimate your light. About any light will make their eyes glow from a long ways away but most of the hogs I've been around are black so you need a light with some ass to see them at distance. If you're lookig for something quite economical but effective, What I have might work for you as well. I picked up a couple SureFire 951 (I think that's right) lights from a mil-surp shop. They were pretty poor in the lumen department but very rugged and had built in rail mounts. I knew right away that the light output wouldn't cut it so I got on Amazon and for $8ea I ordered LED 450 lumen upgrade lamps. I can't say for sure if they are a true 450lumens but I can vouch for the fact that I can light up a neighbors dog at 300+ yards at night. The SureFire 951's can be found on eBay with pressure switch and IR flip lens for under $100 + $8 led lamp upgrade.... Cannot beat it for the money IMO I'm almost certain that I saw some on eBay new for $75-$80.  A "hog shot placement tip" I picked up from another member here, DaveS, is to make neck shots. Evidently it drops them in their tracks and you dont run the risk of hitting the armor plate hogs carry behind the shoulder.  If you want me to post a pic of my light set up i'd be happy to,just let me know.
  14. I was getting the same above mentioned sensations.. I have messed up a couple of fingers in my time but it seems I handle looking down at my own better than seeing someone else's! How the finger heals up quickly OP. Edit. Hope
  15. You bought yourself a fine pistol. I had the opportunity to run a few mags through it at the range last summer or fall and REALLY liked the sights!
  16.    Are you saying that most that are prepping, dislikes obama because of his race? I'm not what almost anyone would consider a "prepper" and any prepper would probably consider me a complete failure so i'm not taking offense or anything so that's not my reason for asking.
  17.  I sure wish that i'd run across this thread a few days earlier! I was actually at my parents about 5 minutes from Ball Buckle Cafe..
  18.  I've not tried a VFG on a short rifle before so I reckon I can't say for sure that I would be opposed to it. The main reason I don't care for them is the angle it puts my hand and arm but a shorter rifle might change that.
  19.    I'm like you about the grips. I would rather go without than use a VFG but I really like the AFG.
  20. Last year or the year before they had a "prepper" show at the same time as the Goodman fairground gun show in the building next door. I didn't have time to check it out though. I am not involved in the "prepper" scene so I never know when stuff is going on but I wouldn't mind checking on out next time there is something local.
  21. Very nice.
  22. Beautiful dog!
  23.  Glad everyone enjoyed them. I know my wife and I sat down and read through them together and had a blast.
  24. When it comes to polishing feed ramps or any other firearm part do not even think about using the sanding drums or IMO any other grit bearing bit. Northern Tool also sells bars of "jeweler's rouge" of carrying grit for polishing everything from plastic to stainless to brass and everywhere in between. Get the right bar of rouge and some of the bits than are just a dense cotton wad and spin it in the rouge and polish away. I believe the rouge bars are less than $2 each there so I went ahead and bought 1 of each and provided I don't lose it that should be a lifetime supply. You will be very happy to have a Dremel in the arsenal and it will have earned it's keep after the first time you need it.
  25. If working on precision stuff then do as Sam suggested and get quality pieces. I have a few nice bits and pads but it seems like mine gets used for rougher work so using the cheap stuff work fine for that. You will love being one of the Elite that owns a Dremel ;)


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