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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. Looks like you've got a nice stand of trees. Most of mine has a bit to much under brush in the form of briars and seems much worse over the last 3 year or so. I have a lot of mature trees, in fact most of them are old growth but for some reason the undergrowth still thrives. Be sure to post the video when you get the footage!
  2. I know EXACTLY what you mean about "it sounded smaller in my head". The two I posted are 5'x4' on a 5x5 platform. I figured we should leave a 1' landing on the back in case I ever want to move it somewhere that I need to put it up on poles. Anyways, 5'x4' doesn't sound so big when you want it large enough for to people to be able to fit but when we got done with them we realix=zed that 3-4 folks could sit in there without touching. We have one in Florida that is 8'x8'x7' and it's a monster! I always liked hunting powerline clear cuts, we had a couple leased around our Georgia camp and one near out old Florida camp. I sure miss having those places, a lot of the guys on my dad's side of the family were the ones that kept all that going but most of them have passed away and the rest aren't in good health.
  3.    I've been to or through most places in the state but I can't ever remember going through Moscow. Have you seen many in that spot yet?
  4.    Well get to ordering more pallets of vises so you's get more! I've got a couple more that I want to build lol     I fully intend to get one of the single eyed  heaters that screw on to the small green Coleman propane tanks!
  5. That looks like an awesome spot! very well hidden. Where is Moscow?
  6.    I decided that I'd jump the fence and try to find where they are coming through at rather than try to figure out which neighbor owns that tract of land back there and then go find him. I didn't walk far before I found 2 big holes in the fence so I found some old wire laying around and used it to tie the fence up and stack brush up in front of the openings. Hopefully that will be enough to keep them out but if not I'm going to pick up some barbed wire and stretch 2-3 stands all the way down through that area of the fence. I guess i'll know in the next couple of days when I check my camera.  Most of the skin on the second blind is that stuff I got from you and some of the first blind is as well. They actually looked pretty good even before the paint. Of course they are framed like a house and are nice and square so everything was fitted together nicely. I wanted them pretty tight that way when I get it insulated and the windows put in I won't have to worry about mice and wasps taking up residence in my blinds. Wasp are usually gone by the time deer season rolls around but I'm thinking that these 2 spots would be good places to hunt coyote from as well so I don't want to have to contend with them every time I want to hunt. If I can keep the mice out then they will end up de-insulating my blinds for me and that wouldn't make me very happy.
  7. I've had this guy which from a few pictures seems to be just wider than the ears and might be missing a brow tine, [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/62D5CECA-C523-46CD-940E-CF1CF354DCBD.jpg.html][/URL] And I've had this fellow that i'd really love to get the chance at, [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/286EB549-1282-4C1B-B206-2F9BD0B9538B.jpg.html][/URL] [url=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/646AB99C-87BD-48ED-8E37-125F1F1F9F9D.jpg.html][/URL] As far as a GoPro camera goes, I don't have one but my dad does so I might grab it and set it up in the stand or blind with me just in case.
  8. Yea, I can't wait for things to start sprouting. Stand 2 is where the cattle I told you about came in. I put a small salt block out to draw any that came through, over in front of the camera to have their pictures taken. The cattle came in and there's no sign that there was ever a salt block there and they cleaned up just about every persimmon (or whatever is is) that was on the ground. I'm going to try to find where they're coming through when I get there tomorrow but if I can't find it I guess I've gotta go talk to the neighbor about them. This stand is a good ways from the other. 3 stands so I don't think I'll have to worry much about them messing those up. I've spent way to much money on blinds, fertilize and seed this year to just let the cattle have their way with that plot. I have added the insulation or the windows to the two new blinds in the pictures yet but I'm planning to buy the stuff to do it tomorrow.
  9. EDIT: It's time for rifle pics. The views I've experienced while hanging from a tree or sitting in a well placed blind are hard to beat. I'm not sure if there is any interest or not but I think it would be cool to have a thread here to post pictures taken from of of your stand or blind. Pics of things such as sunrises, sunsets, bright green food plots, blinds, etc... Rugerla is the one that made me think of this because of a text conversation we had earlier. I asked him if he'd seen anything and he responded "no, but I always enjoy it anyways" and it made me think that sometimes we get to caught up in the kill and totally forget about the enjoyment of the hunt and the things we witness while we're out there. I didn't have a bow to use until a couple days ago so I don't have any pics from a 2014 hunt yet but i'll post up a few from a couple stand locations that I just planted a couple food plots at and built a couple box blinds. I just plated these plot over the past week and they got their first rain (if you want to call that heavy drizzle a rain) on Friday. I'll post updated pics as things start getting green. Here's 2 pictures from "stand 2". the first is the view from the blind and the 2nd is obviously of the blind itself These 2 are from and of "stand 1", This blind is sitting on top on the dam of the pond that is down behind the blind. I hope to see some cool pics show up EDIT: I meant for this to be a general deer hunting picture thread so anything related just feel free to post.
  10.  First off, I hope I never have to track one like that again and wouldn't wish that on anyone! second thing, I appreciate the willingness to help! I figure If I can hunt this new place at least some this year I'll be able to make educated decisions about where to clear, plant and put stand and cameras up next year. It's pretty much all woods and it got a small creek that runs up one side and has crop land on at least 2 sides of it, I'm not sure what is on the backside because I've not been that far back on it yet. If I can get out there this week and find some likely spots I'll need a hand hunting it a little to learn the place better.
  11.    Well hopefully once you go out there a few times with him he will turn you loose on it. I've got 110 acres a few miles from the house that hasn't been hunted in a very very long time because the family that owns it doesn't do any hunting. I has taken me all of my "spare" time and a day of help out of a couple others to get the 120 acres out at my folks place ready so I've not even walked this 110 acre tract. I've got a buddy that I grew up with that lost his hunting land, at least for bow season, because some guys are in there logging it right now so I told him that he could help me hunt that place. We're supposed to walk the place and do some scouting one morning this week but once we figure out what we've got there you're welcome to hunt out there some if you need or want a different spot to hunt sometimes. I'll keep ya posted on what we figure out. I may stick a camera up out there if I find a hot trail to point it at.
  12.    I don't think it takes much to be smoother than a factory Glock trigger! :) Seriously though, I heard from a friend that demo'd one and he talked very highly of the trigger as far as factory striker fired triggers go. He talked like it had very little travel and pre travel which has me wanting to find one to try out. Glad you like it! Looks mean with that can on it.
  13.    They are HEAVY! Any generators of that output is going to have lots of weight in copper wire alone. As for the physical dimensions, I seem to remember them being around 5'-6' long and maybe 3' wide. The ones that we had were mounted to an "I" beam skid made of 2 long "i" beams running long ways and a couple pieces of steel running between them to join them together. You can move them into place with a decent size skid steer easy enough but they certainly aren't the type of generator that you want if you're going to need to move them  very often unless you own a skid steer or something to move it with yourself. I'm thinking aboutbuying a couple just to hook to our house and my parents house. They would be easy enough to wire into your house panel and then wire up a starter/kill switch inside next to the breaker panel. I would suggest getting enough quickcrete to pour a small pad for it and install some sort of mounting bolts/studs into the concrete so that it could be bolted down. Some heavy rubber between the frame and the concrete should get rid of any possible rattles and vibrations.   As far as hauling it goes, It could be hauled in the bed of a pickup but i'd say a 3/4 or 1 ton would be needed but smaller pickups would be out of the question. Hopefully the shipping paperwork we have will show the size and weight of the units.  The units that I saw at the link above seem a bit rougher condition than the ones we had. 
  14.  My grandfather has a 12 and 20ga Citori and I've shot clays and dove with them. I have a very high opinion of them and think it would be hard to go wrong with one.
  15.  How do you like your VP9? I've been looking at them trying to figure out if I should be drooling or not. What's your opinion of the trigger?
  16.    I can think of worse places to be dragged into...... but not many ;) well maybe you'll get the chance tomorrow.
  17.    I saw that but just before it listed specifically the gen 2 MOE as the mags to only be available in Black. I wasn't sure how to interrupt him. I wonder why they are dropping the colors. FDE is very very popular and I would veture a guess that they would sell a lot more of them if shops actually carried them. Most shops I've walked into only stock black so folks don't really have the chance unless they order online. I know I would have bought far fewer Black mags had I have had the option.One has to assume that this is a financial decision but I am caught off guard, as popular as FDE is, that there's not enough money in it to be worth carrying on with it. Oh well, my Black pmags feed just as well as my FDE and OD pmags so I'd say I'll live. 
  18. So they will still be offering all other mags besides the gen2 MOE in the various colors?
  19.    I don't need any money from you. Just PM me the address that you want me to send them to and I'll get them shipped out this week.
  20.    I doubt there is a bit of difference between a no name crush washer and a BCM crush washer.. I'm glad you were able to find one though. Did you make it out to shoot your new rifle? How did you like it?
  21.    I'm going to have the secretary pull all the invoices this week so I can go through and figure out who we bought them from and where they had to be picked up, exact price, condition, etc.. and contact the people and see what kind of price I would be looking at now. I may do a little research and see if there are enough buyers looking for them and if there are I might see about scrounging up the money to buy a load of them for resale purposes. If it makes sense to do this then I would be happy to offer a few on here for pretty much cost. I'll keep you posted if I end up working this out.
  22.  I would heat the barrel nut up a bit and then spray the barrel with an upside down can of compressed air like they use to clean computer keyboard, etc with. Spray it right by the barrel nut and see how that works for you. If this wasn't clear just let me know and I'll explain a little better.
  23.  So did you stick something in the upper in an attempt to hold the receiver still and that's how it got bent? Just curious but it really doesn't matter at this point huh ;) As long as the bolt carrier slide back and forth in the receiver like it is supposed to then it shouldn't be a problem. Did you ever get the barrel off?
  24.  The multi fuel generators that I mentioned us buying earlier in the thread were actually generators from refrigerated rail cars. That's what my Dad remembers anyhow but They were painted olive drab sooo.. I do know that most of them that we had were 20kw sets with a couple of them being 12.5kw. We bought them for about $800 each !! but I'm not sure what it would cost or even if you could buy just one from the group we bought from. I did see that the last purchase we made was for 22 of them so i'm sure that there was a bulk discount given, I didn't make the purchase so i'm not sure. They have likely gone up substantially over the last handful of years but I'd say you can't touch this kind of wattage for any where close to that price even if it cost double now.   I just did a quick google search and found a company selling them for WAY more and they're sold out but to give an idea here's a link,   http://affordablepower.com/generators/12-5kw-and-20kw/   Looks like I need to buy another truckload of them and sell them at a profit rather than sending them as aid!


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