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Luke E.

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Everything posted by Luke E.

  1. I like that. It's nice and flat.
  2. That's it!! Yep, reduced weight gets expensive and those plates are really really light! I'm just hoping the technology catches on because the more players there are in the game the cheaper they'll get. If everyone starts want those then it should drive down the prices on the other lighter option available today.
  3. This morning was cold and interesting. I went to a friends farm to help him get some meat for the freezer. I had a doe cross the corner of the field but was in and out before I could even think about shooting. Next was a beautiful young buck with chocolate colored antlers with the exception of the last inch or two of the tips. He'll be really nice next year if he makes it. I ended up with 4 more doe in front of me but I decided I would give them some time. As I watched, my buddy (about 200yds from me), ripped off two shots with about 5 sec between. Needless to say my deer bolted but I figured he had two down so all was well. When I got to his stand he was mad because he said he clean missed both deer. Told me that he shot and they scrambled then stopped to look around and the they did the same thing again when he shot at the second one and then they calmly walked across the field and into the woods. We went to the house to confirm zero and that checked out which really upset him because he had made two bad shots. I kept thinking about it and finally told him to get in the truck and went back out there. I walk right up to the first one about 10' into the woods but the 2nd one was going to make us work. As it turns out he not only gut shot it but also shot really low. Close to an hour had passed before we started tracking but evidently it wasn't long enough. We didn't realize it until just before I caught up with the deer but it was steadily walking away from us. I'd say 1 mile is a conservative figure as far as distance tracked and I still had to put another round into her. It was a lot of REALLY steep hill tracking but he's got two deer hanging so I guess mission accomplished. Layer up if you're going out in the mornin boys cause it's cold as a witch's tit already!!!!
  4. That's kinda my thought process as well. It sure seems appealing to drop half the weight going to ceramic though. There a company, can't think of their name, that makes plates that float. They're really lightweight and aren't ceramic but I can't remember what they're made of. Someone here prolly knows though. The goofy YouTube guy Nut-n-Fancy tested them and they were tuff but very very expensive if I remember correctly.
  5. The plates I think are 10lb each, the carrier is 2-2.5lbs I think so there's 22-22.5lb a loaded 30 Pmag weighs 1.1lb (depending on ammo)x3 is 3.3lb so we're at 25.3-25.7lb three 17rd 9mm mags? Let's say 1.5 so now we're at 26.7-27.2 so I gues 27lbs is a good guess. Of course if I put a gallon of water in the bladder that brings it up to around 34-35lbs That may not be exactly right but should be close.
  6. Some places already have an armor ban and seeing as how mass shooters wear them regularly I wouldn't be to sure of them being to far down the list if the ban ball ever gets rolling good. The sling that's on the carrier now is actually a single or dual point sling so it could go either way.
  7. I've met my number for TN hunting this year and have more than enough for my wife and I to make it to next year. I am providing for my parents and sister and bil but I'll have plenty of opportunity once I had for Florida in a couple more weeks. I am planning to hunt a 700 tract down the road some between now and closing to help a friend fill their freezer and might carrying a few first timers out but that's about it for me here at home. As for the rabbit and squirrel thread, I nominate you to get that one fired up! I've never been a big rabbit/squirrel Hunter but who knows maybe a dedicated thread will get me into it!
  8. Lol it was only a couple of pounds until those still plates got slid in there. I haven't weighed it since then. Once I get everything settled how I want it I'll see where I end up. Might get me to trying to cut weight somewhere. I guess the biggest weight to be cut is getting away from the steel and into ceramic but I'd rather not have to tip toe around worrying about them. Good to see you back around. Haven't seen you around much lately.
  9. 5.11 I put a midway link to the model in the post above yours.
  10. I mentioned above but the mags were just some stuck in there just to be there to snap a pic. They were brand new so they still had the covers on them. I never use the covers once I remove them the first time but never thought about them holding pressure off of the feed lips either. I didn't care for a single point sling when I bought my first one but have since learned to like them. They haven't been the best for all situations I've been in but neither has a two point. I have a holster that I picked up to run on it but found that I can get to my thigh or waist holster just fine with this setup. I haven't written the idea off yet though because I've thought about just leaving a pistol on the rig just so everything is there. I figured I would run it next time I go to the range a figure out what works and what needs to be changed. I suppose I'll know for sure whether the holster is a must or just extra. I can see getting into a position that it would be awful handy to have though. The carrier is a 5.11 TacTec here's the link on Midway, http://ads.midwayusa.com/product/2053425345/511-tactec-plate-carrier-500d-nylon?srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=39-15351769-2&ads=&cm_mmc=pf_ci_google-_-pf_ci_google-_-pf_ci_google-_-pf_ci_google Their price is high though. I think my buddy only paid $75 for mine and his. Of course he got them at pretty close to dealer cost and 5.11 was running a huge dealer discount at the time so maybe the price is about right? Its the easiest to move and bend in that I've tried out so far which admittedly isn't but 5-6 different ones so take my opinion for what it's worth knowing that. If you were closer I'd be happy for you to try it out and see how you liked it.
  11. I will post one the first chance I get this morning.
  12.  My BIL does some really nice leather work and I had him whip me up a sheath for my Grand Torino made blade over Thanksgiving. I just wanted something plain and simple and that's what I got but he did a fine job of it. I've been trying to think up the next knife I'd like to have GT make! 
  13. Here's what I was talking about, I can take the bladder in and out without removing the pack but since I have the tube routed through the shoulder strap I would have to undo the velcro to completely seperate them. I haven't tried it with while wearing the carrier but I sould be able to grab the hose behind the Velcro it's under and pull which would get rid of any extra hose that might whip around. I'll have to try it though. I'm still thinking the benefits out weigh the negatives for what I'll be doing though.
  14.     Other than some potential training that I am looking into, getting in and out of vehicles with it won't really be an issue.     The reason I bout this one rather than using one of the ones that I already had was because I didn't really have to do any rigging to get it on there. You see correctly, it does have the shoulder straps but it also has a solid locking D-ring type clip on each corner that hook through the MOLLE nicely and won't be coming loose unless I mean for it to. It keeps it pretty tight up against the back of the carrier and once full of water it doesn't slide around at all. I will remove the shoulder straps but just haven't done it, I wanted to make sure it was going to work for this before I cut them off.    I see what you mean about getting up against things but worst case what am I out? A wet backside, a useless half pound empty bladder pac hanging on my back? I have thought through some of this but not as deeply as you are going so I appreciate the questions! I'm not planning on being in a situation that my life depends on the bladder not getting a leak so that's how I landed where I'm at with it. I'll post a pic of the attachment points for you. I looked around and it was the best setup I could find for what I was trying to do but if there is something better I'm not opposed to changing it up.
  15. The bungees over the mag definitely need to go. They are WAY to tight. Even the mag pouches themselves are to tight. I'm thinking the pouches will stretch out with use though. I do have others without bungees that aren't as tight that I can switch to if needed. As for the bladder, it is a camal-bac bladder that I swapped out with the one that came in it. Is it better, worse or the same? idk we'll see I guess. I Have others with the same bladder and have had good luck so far. A friend of mine puts on some matches that require full kit to run and also runs other scenarios on a 2,500 acre tract down around monteagle mtn. so I'll be staying with a bladder of some sort. If this one fails I'll try another I guess. What area of the bladder have you found prone to leaking? or is it just the general design?
  16. Haven't decided yet. I've got one waiting but not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Open to suggestions though. I have other mag pouches that are configures differently so I can move things around if needed.
  17. I just stuck the mags in for the picture. They weren't loaded ones, just some that were laying in a box. The sling is set to be off center to the right side. Had it centered in one before 😬 I've got it set up pretty tight but I agree. The heavier the plates and gear the more it bounces around if it's not tight. This model has raised padding inside so even when it's tight air can get through.. Better than others I've had on anyways.
  18. Early this past summer a good friend bought a plate carrier and gifted it to me. It kinda got put on the back burner and then about 2 months ago I was going to order plates for it and I asked him where he'd gotten his from. This is when he told me that he'd be replacing his AR plates with something lighter in the next month or two and that his current plates were mine once his new ones came in. I figure I could be patient for that deal! I got my sling, water and mag pouches attached and that's gonna be it. Steel plates are heavy enough without adding non essentials. I will say that I LOVE this carrier! The rig feels heavy when you pick it up but its spreads the weight out amazingly. I wore it for an hour or two while working around the house this evening and never felt my shoulders or anything else getting sore/pressure spots. I would definitely recommend this carrier.
  19. When I parked the truck this morning there was a pack south of me raising Cain. By the time I got to the blind there were three packs all yapping back and forth. I heavily considered going back to the truck to grab my calls. I guess I should have because the only deer I saw were before daylight. Both groups came within 25yds of me but I could still only see sillhuettes.
  20. Wasn't plannimg on hunting this morning but sleeping just wasn't in the cards for me tonight so I was sitting there watching the weather and decided since we've got a weather/pressure change coming that I'd make the trip. Good luck to everyone else headed out this morning.
  21. Well it finally quit raining and cooled down so I would think your chance is better than anytime in the last week or more.
  22. I suppose I shoulda said " if you WANT some"
  23. Well that sucks.
  24. SG has MOE PMags for $7.99 so if you need some here ya go. http://www.surplusammo.com/magpul-pmag-m2-moe-30-round-5-56x45-ar15-m16-magazine-black-mag571-blk-in-package/
  25. Last night we had our annual pre Christmas "work on dirt bikes in the shop night" that a group of my childhood and motocross friends and I have each year. I'm not a late night person any more and am most always in the house by 8 but last night my wife and I were on our way home at about 12:30 which was when the break in the weather hit and there were deer moving every where. We were only 5 miles from home and saw deer in 5 or 6 places. I hope the rain allowed you to get out into some of the action this morning.


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