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Everything posted by chrisw670

  1. Found a pretty nice IWB holster for the Taurus 617. It's a Don Hume. Found it on Ebay. With shipping it was $31 and some change. It was made for a S&W 2 inch barrel K frame but the 617 fits in it perfectly. Seems well made....good weight leather...nice stitching.....metal clip.
  2. In my 9mm....Federal 147 gr HST. 357 revolver.....Hornady 125 gr. FTX critical defense. 44 Special revolver......Underwood 200 gr. w/ Speer Bonded Jacketed hollow points.
  3. Appreciate the input. I was thinking a holster designed for a K frame S&W would more than likely work. I'll have to try a few to see what works the best. So far, I like it. The trigger pull is surprisingly nice. The only thing I might change is the grip. May swap it out for something a touch larger. With 38's, it feels fine but with full power .357 loads, it sometimes feels like it shifts in the hand too much during recoil and it affects the follow up shot....of course, it's a light weight .357 so there's going to be stout recoil. Having a little more grip to wrap my hand around should help with that.
  4. I've got a soft spot for revolvers and just recently picked up Taurus 617, 7 shot, 357 mag. Anyone else have one? What holster do you use for carry? It's an odd frame size.....slightly larger than a S&W J-Frame but not quite the size of a K-frame. Interestingly enough, an internet search hasn't turned up a lot of holster options for the Taurus 617. Thanks
  5. Not a revolver but I mounted a 2x20 Nikon Force XR on my CVA .50 cal muzzy pistol. The rings are Weaver. The pistol came with a rail style base. Have shot it quite a bit developing a hunting load and its remained solid.
  6. I've been thinking about picking up one of those but I've read mixed reviews. Let us know what you think after you've put a decent round count through it.
  7. I've been looking at their Long Ranger model in .308 Win. Seriously thinking about picking one up after the first of the year. Have always heard good things about the company.
  8. What he said.  I use it as a beat around out back holster.  I can't see using it for EDC though.
  9. Passing along some information.    Tennessee Firearms Association ACTION ALERT! Dear 2nd Amendment Supporter, This week a very important vote is coming up on a bill that the TN Firearms Association is monitoring. This bill, sponsored by Senator Stacey Campfield and Representative Tilman Goins, would extend the 2nd Amendment to all city and county parks in Tennessee.  Currently, liberal gun-grabbing mayors (such as Karl Dean of Nashville) and do-gooder councils are allowed to ban firearms in their local parks even though those parks are paid for by taxpayers. This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment! On Tuesday, Jan 28th, the bill to stop anti-gun officials from banning guns in parks will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Many members of this committee have a history of voting against gun rights, even the Republicans. There is a chance this will pass the vote but only if you join me in putting pressure on the members of this Committee!  It is CRITICAL that you call AND e-mail the following Senators and let them know you expect them to vote YES on the Guns-in-Parks bill (SB1496): Senator Brian Kelsey  (Republican with a history of flip-flopping on the 2nd Amendment - needs extra pressure) Phone (615) 741-3036 sen.brian.kelsey@capitol.tn.gov Senator Doug Overbey  (Republican with a history of flip-flopping on the 2nd Amendment - needs extra pressure) Phone: (615) 741-0981 sen.doug.overbey@capitol.tn.gov Senator John Stevens (Republican with a history of flip-flopping on the 2nd Amendment - needs extra pressure) Phone (615) 741-4576 Fax (615) 253-0161 sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.gov Senator Mike Bell (Republican) Phone (615) 741-1946 sen.mike.bell@capitol.tn.gov Senator Mark Green (Republican) Phone: (615) 741-2374 Fax: (615) 253-0193 sen.mark.green@capitol.tn.gov Senator Tod Gardenhire (Republican) Phone (615) 741-6682 Fax (615) 253-0209 sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov Senator Lowe Finney (Democrat) Phone (615) 741-1810 Fax (615) 253-0179 sen.lowe.finney@capitol.tn.gov Senator Ophelia Ford (Democrat) Phone (615) 741-1767 Fax (615) 253-0357 sen.ophelia.ford@capitol.tn.gov Here is the list of e-mail addresses of the committee members so that you can copy and paste them into an e-mail: sen.ophelia.ford@capitol.tn.gov, sen.lowe.finney@capitol.tn.gov, sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov, sen.mark.green@capitol.tn.gov, sen.mike.bell@capitol.tn.gov, sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.gov, sen.doug.overbey@capitol.tn.gov, sen.brian.kelsey@capitol.tn.gov  Again it is only with your help, standing side by side with other 2nd Amendment supporters, that we can put enough pressure on these politicians to ensure they recognize the 2nd Amendment everywhere in Tennessee.  So don't delay, make your phone call, and then follow up with an e-mail to the Senators on the Judiciary Committee listed above and tell them to VOTE YES on the Guns-In-Parks bill (SB1496)!!! Sincerely,  John Harris Executive Director Tennessee Firearms Association
  10. Springfield just started production of the XDs 4.0 in 9mm.  It has the same subcompact grip dimensions as the XDs 3.3 but with 4" barrel.  It sounds exactly what you're looking for.
  11. This was posted over on one of the TN firearms pages on Facebook.  Just wanted to pass the info along.  I hate a thief. Please share: From: Mid-Tenn Pawn in Murfreesboro Our shop was broken into early Sunday morning and the following handguns were taken once the thief smashed our display case. Used Hi point .380 Serial p8060231, Used Sig Sauer p232 light holster wear on slide, rubber grip serial s226390, New Hi point 380 serial p8072223, Used (like new) heritage rough rider 22lr revolver, will be missing the other cylinder serial b23357 Used (like new) Beretta Nano 9mm serial nu005814 Used Tangfoglio gt380 serial t71690 Used Bersa Thunder 380 stainless slide black frame serial 596809 New Bersa Thunder 380 Black slide Stainless frame serial e15652 New Kel Tec p11 9mm FDE color serial aa3179 all these firearms were stolen at 5am on Sunday Jan 19th from our shop, its possible that they may show some damage from being in the case when it was busted, none will have boxes. If you have tips please call us at 615-904-2100, any help is appreciated
  12. Yeah, I was shooting there back in the late 80's.  It wasn't well put together back then either.
  13. chrisw670


    Havent' heard much of anything new concerning the issue.  Mine arrived at SA on Sept 16 and now I'm just playing the waiting game like everyone else.  Taking into account the total number of pistols affected by the recall, I figured it would take longer than the original specified turn around time, so I'm not really surprised at the delay.  I really like that little .45 and can't wait to get it back in my possesion but I've got other firearms to carry while that one's away.  Personally, I find the constant complaining and whinning about the situation more annoying than the situation itself.  Can't stand being on XDtalk lately for that reason.   
  14.   Interesting.....I don't find the recoil bad at all.  It feels about the same as a G26 to me.   My last range sesson was 100 rounds and my hand was none worse for wear.      
  15. I've had my XDs .45 for about 5 months now and it's been a reliable shooter so far. 
  16. I've never been approached by anyone out in general public about HCP information.  Now, I have had individuals within my circle of friends, who know I carry, ask and I've provided them with direction.  Even had the privilege of taking a few to the shooting range for the very first time.  It's cool to see someone who's never really had much experience with firearms get excited about shooting at and hitting a target.  That never gets old to me. 
  17. I haven't had anyone ask me any questions when I've carried concealed, which is 90+ percent of the time.  I did forget to grab my jacket when I got out of the car to go into Walgreens one time and had a young, little fella (probably about age 4 or 5) very interested in why I had a gun.  Very inquisitive mind for such a little guy.  If any one else sitting in the pharmacy waiting area even noticed, they didn't say anything or even seem to care really.
  18. When not at work, Springfield XDs .45, IWB at about 4:30.   When headed to and from work (I wear scrubs) a voodoo tactical hide-a-gun fanny pack. 
  19. Pretty much the same here.  The only difference is I'm armed going to and from work.  I just lock it away in the trunk before entering the building.  I typically don't leave home without it.  Feels very uncomfortable.
  20.    Yep, you never know.  I've got a violent sex offender living literally a mile or two down the road.  There are three sex offenders, two with offenses involvinig children, that live within 3 miles of the school my kids attend.   
  21. I've been carrying a XDs for a bit now and really like this little pistol.  It's slim profile and overall weight make it very comfortable for all day carry.  Recoil is surprisingly managable and, with standard pressure ammo, it doesn't wear on the hands too badly during extended range sessions.  I actually find it more pleasent to shoot than some of the 9mm sub compacts.  Recoil isn't quite as snappy.  The XDm is also a great pistol but it is a tad larger and heavier than the XDs. 
  22. Very nice!  I picked one up not too long ago myself.  Great little pistol and surprisingly controllable, even with +P loads.  It's a lot of pistol in a very small package.
  23. Very nice!
  24. I'm at the range at least once a month and I'll shoot 100-200 rounds through my EDC.
  25. Mine took a touch over 3 weeks.


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