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Everything posted by GTODALEP

  1. Can you be more specific, please?

    Good grief.

    Fobus holsters are less than $30 retail. I looked and they are "buy it now" on epay for $24.99 with $5 - $7 shipping. Not my idea of saving a lot of money. I am buying local. Maybe he does not have any good local stores near him. (?)
  3. I looked at a 36 before I bought a 30. The downside to the 36 was decreased ammo capacity, and no other mags will fit. With the 30, mags from the 21 will also fit. 36 is thinner, but I will not carry the 30 anyways. I carry a 19. The 30 is a bug for the house.
  4. Jeff Walle at G&L. Hands down!

    Glock 17 1rst Gen

    Hey Deerslayer. I feel bad for you having pity on TJones8611, so I will give you $301, just because I am a nice guy.
  6. Amy Watson, then Jolene from car ad fame. Not much on Demetria, looks fake. And what is up with Vicki Yates from Ch 5? Strange. I also like Holly Thompson from Ch 4. I go to church with her and she is a genuinely nice person. Had lunch with Rudy Kalas and Hope Hines, not at the same time though. I really like Hope. Nuf said.
  7. I stopped at G&L Tuesday afternoon. Their display cases were full and there were at least 100 long guns in the racks in the middle of the floor. In addition, the wall behind the counter had several AR type weapons. Goodlettsville GS was slim, but it normally is. They did have several long guns on the wall.
  8. I cannot stop laughing. I just sent a text to all my Chuck Norris friends.
  9. While I am driving through and often into these types of areas(interstate highways where Roller is asking about), I am not driving waving my firearm around in the air, or leave it laying on the dash etc. I also do not drive irratically, speed excessively, and generally do not draw attention to myself, thus not giving any law enforcement officer any reason to want to check the contents of my vehicle. I have been driving in TN for 34 years now(Smokey Mtns to Memphis), and have not had a problem with a firearm in the vehicle. Hypothetically, I may have carried for many years before I had a permit to do so, and have never had a problem, even though I have been issues citations for driving infractions, hypothetically.
  10. Benchmade Gryptillion, and Kershaw Scallion (open assist). Also carry a Case 3 blade.
  11. Why would anyone want to tell a stranger that they were carrying? That is what you are doing when you raise a stink about a sign. This is stupid. Concealed is best, and talking about it is the same as showing it, thus not concealed. I am sure most here have carried where they were not legal to do so. Did we advertise that we were carrying? NO!! It is common for new HCP owners to want someone to know. Tell your friends if you must, not strangers. Keep you mouths shut!
  12. I have found that "paddle" holsters work with overalls. They fit in the "V" where the front bib buttons to the back. Kydex models seem to hold best for me.
  13. You did not state if your friend was in TN ot not. If he took the HCP class in TN, then the instructor should know TN law, or should not be teaching in TN.
  14. Looks like jay1313g has a new handgun in his future. Way to go. My wife took my Kahr P9, so I bought a Glock G30, and a SW 642. That will show her.
  15. Got several pocket knives, Benchmade Mini-Griptillion, Kershaw Scallion H3, Buck 425, Schrade "Cowboy Up" 3-blade, 9mm dies for my Lee press, bottle of Titegroup powder, box of primers, 1000rds 115gn fmj bullets, couple of shirts, sleeve of CD-Rs (book on tape for drive to Nashville everyday), cash. Think I will return the Benchmade, these things are expensive. Oh, and my 13 year old son got an electric guitar. My ears are bleeding!!!!
  16. It is the same, and manufactured by Center-of-Mass. I tried to purchase from C-O-M, they only take Paypal, and I hate those guys. I bought from Duhastorage.com. Paid a little more. Cabalea's is a good price. There are 2 holes in the bottom for bolt mount. I plan to use for "flight carry" too(checked in baggage) so will not bolt down. Medium is too small for g19, mag out(required for flight) and box of ammo. Got large size. Very happy with purchase.
  17. Peanut butter on a snap trap works for me. My wife hates anything with a tail. We had Guinea pigs for a few years, she loved them. No tails.
  18. Off Thursday, on call for hospital until next Monday. All Admin areas closed, so I hope it is quite. If not, I will be there. (May get off early Wednesday, but since I am on call, double edged sword).
  19. I am in too. Sent this to my wife to add this to our list.
  20. A couple of years ago at Rivergate mall during the bright daytime, my wife was in her mini-van, leaving. A guy "blocked" her with his car and asked for money. She said no. He insisted. She again said no. She could not back up because of the car behind her. She was scared! She went over the curb and left. The next week she signed up for carry class. We do not go to Rivergate for much, but are heavily armed when we do. To date, no one has noticed. *** Hope this is not classified as Thread Drift ***


    What is an MSAR STG 556 and an FN FS 2000?
  22. What did you do on Thanksgiving, or Black Friday? My son, 13, and I met some friends and shot guns. Lots of guns! He is not much into recoil and prefers his SIG Trailside in .22. Pier pressure got to him and he shot an AR-15 (lots), 30-30 lever action (at least 10 rounds), a 12 gauge shotgun several times and a G30 (.45). I have created a monster!!! It is so cool. On the way to church this morning, he said "Dad, I am worried. Now that I am not afraid to shoot the big guns, will I be able to in a year from now?". That discussion is for another thread.
  23. I currently carry Federal Hydra-shok in my 9mm and 642. Some of you have mentioned either "*** for short barrels", or "Wad cutters". Do the "for short barrels" have faster burning powered, or what makes them "special" for short barrels. Also, why WC? I thought the goal was to make a mess as with a hollow point bullet, not punch a hole. Thougths?
  24. This is awesome. I am sharing with my fav 15.
  25. Until about a year ago, I would have said my T/C Super 14 in 35 Remington. Then I shot a S&W 500 Magnum. My hand went numb!


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