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Everything posted by GTODALEP
On these same lines, I was talking to a guy today who works at Centennial Medical Center. They have been Improperly Posted, and have not made a big deal about Concealed Carry, get it? Concealed. It seems that some Moron has been busting their chops about their Improper Signage (pistol with the circle and a line through it). Now they are Properly Posting All Entrances (some were not posted at all). I subscribe to the "Keep you mouth shut and your pistol concealed" crowd. Just my thoughts.
Check out Dan Millers book "48 Days to the Work You Love". Find out what you like to do, then go after it.
I commented to my wife about how stupid this guy is, after watching him destroy a Custom Gibson guitar. He did not deserve to have it. I already disliked him, this is just icing.
Daily driver is a 2003 F250 FX4 Diesel. Weekend toy is a 1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Convertible. I do not have an account on a photo board anywhere so I do not know how to post pics.
I bought a G19 many years ago and carried it everyday. I am getting a little older and thought I wanted something little smaller, sooooo... I sold my 19 and bought a Kahr P9. Nice gun but I missed my 19. Went out and bought another. Carry it everyday. Best all around pistol, IMHO. I carry OWB, and it is usually not a problem with shirttail out. Do not really carry IWB much, have a generic leather IWB with interchangeable belt loop straps (different colors to match your belts). Not my favorite but it works.
Not me. I do not even put ball team or school decals on my truck. Keep it plain so it blends in. Same with the house.
I signed up tonight. Bit the bullet (so to speak) and used PayPal. I hate those guys!! Sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do. Been puttin' it off, no reason, just lazy. Drinkin the cool-aid now!!
Regions. Used to be First American. Been with them for 38 years.
I thought New Zealand, Australia, and California all have "no guns allowed" laws.
Went to the Hendersonville Party. Good turn out. I have already sent an email to Bart Gordon. I may have been a little harsh. Told him he no longer had my permission to spend my money.
Happy Easter. Spent the afternoon with family and friends. How lucky are we to be Americans!!!
I hate Pay Pal. Take my money now, then pay it several days later. Use it for free. Never again. If that is the only payment method accepted, then no deal!! I have passed on several items because of paypal. Seller beware!!
I too make that pledge. The place I work does not have it posted properly. I believe they know and also believe as long as it is conceiled, there is not a problem. What no one knows will not hurt me.
Who needs foam anyways? That pistola belongs in a holster on your waist, not in a box. Just my $.02.
The G26 is only a half inch shorter and a half inch less tall than the G19. Not much more concealable than a G19. I have both a G19 (everyday carry) and a 642 (everyday bug). The 642 is much much much easier to conceal for a smaller guy. I weigh 150ish pounds.
I bought a Kahr P9 a year or so ago. The ejector blew out of it on round 17. The shop I bought it from gave me a choice. Refund or factory repair. I chose repair. They sent it back. When I got it back in about 4 weeks, it had a new set of Night Sights and the feed ramp was polished. Everything was very smooth. It has performed flawlessly since. I think this was the best thing that could happen. My personal pistol professional worked by the factory armorers.
I cannot wait. I only get to shoot my long guns once a year now.
I have been contemplating a ceiner kit, but he is so hard to do business with. Can these be bought online from Hero? I cannot find them on the website.
At Guns and Leather in Greenbrier yesterday. They have them. Think they are $10.00.
I have carried a G19 for many years. My first one was a Gen 1. I sold it and bought a Kahr P9. Much smaller so I thought I would like it better for EDC. WRONG!! I went out and bought another G19. I will never stray again. In fact, I just got shipping confirmation that my Miami Classic Shoulder rig is on the way. Christmas in February. Yea!
How is the reliability with the M&P? I helped a friend purchase a carry piece a few weeks ago. He went in looking at a Glock. Did not like the XDs at all. Then when he tried the M&P, he was sold. I have to admit, even though I too drink the Austrian Cool-aid, I like the M&P.
He is consistant if nothing else. Several years ago I took my wife and 9ish year old son in his store on Conference drive in Rivergate/Goodlettsville. My son was not allowed to see the range, even though there was no one using it. He was very negative about kids. He was very very arrogant. Everything in his store was way over-priced, especially the range fees. 9 miles up the road, the family can join for $200/yr with no rental fee, or drop $15 for a single lane. No wonder he moved to where he thought there was more money. He is a tool. The one you never use!
Shotgun Ballistics Wounding is a function of the type of shot, or pellets, used in the shotgun shell. Weight, in general, is a constant for a shell so that 1 oz of shot would equal either 9 pellets of double O buckshot or 410 pellets of #8 birdshot. A 00 or "double ought" pellet is essentially equivalent to a low velocity .38 handgun projectile. The spread of the pellets as they leave the muzzle is determined by the "choke" or constriction of the barrel at the muzzle (from 0.003 to 0.04 inches). More choke means less spread. Full choke gives a 15 inch spread at 20 yards, while no choke gives a 30 inch spread at the same distance. (DeMuth et al, 1976) A "sawed-off" shotgun has a very short barrel so that, not only can it be concealed more easily, but also it can spray the pellets out over a wide area, because there is no choke. A shotgun shell is diagrammed below: At close range, the pellets essentially act as one mass, and a typical shell would give the mass of pellets a muzzle velocity of 1300 fps and KE of 2100 ft/lb. At close range (less than 4 feet) an entrance wound would be about 1 inch diameter, and the wound cavity would contain wadding. At intermediate range (4 to 12 feet) the entrance wound is up to 2 inches diameter, but the borders may show individual pellet markings. Wadding may be found near the surface of the wound. Beyond 12 feet, choke, barrel length, and pellet size determine the wounding.
Agree. Difference in 26 and 19 is 1/2 inch length and height. They are the same width. The half inch in height is a floating little finger, unless you install mag extension, then that jacks up the price and adds height. We are back where we started. The longer barrel is more accurate. I carry a 19 everyday. Very concealable. Half inch smaller in length and height will not make a 26 any more concealable.
I have read that a larger caliber bullet is better in close situations like home defense becasue it is less likely to go through and hit someone else. A 9mm is more likely to penetrate right through someone than a 40/45. In like terms, I have also read that 6 or 7 1/2 bird shot is less likely to go through someone than 0 or 00 buckshot, so it may be better for home defense. Thoughts?